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Wish more people where like you seeing things, isn't that what the tv commentators use to talk about years ago ?
Shall I say How Wise You Are !
Shall I say How Wise You Are !
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
The technique is very, very difficult. they train hard for the flexibility and strength to do that. Don't try this at home!
I guess because they are in such great shape. I'm sure most people can't do that.
daveal · 56-60, M
They often do. See how they wrap their knees? The few with extra strength and extra strong joints are the ones that become world class
No no. One weight lifter got injured badly in this olympics. He got broken at ankle, and elbow.
TheSuburbanErrorist · 56-60, M
I know, I hurt my bloody knee playing with a bat and ball in the pool for godsake lol
Freefun74 · 51-55, M
Proper form. Practice. Dedication.
specialED1256 · 56-60, M
They do wreck they're whole bodies