Why should they ? Because of leftist political pressure? Does that suddenly make him a good quarterback ? Will that STOP the decline in TV ratings because Americans are tuning out by the thousands from the NFL after he started his disrespect of the US ? He is finding the consequences for his actions are quite severe... the loss of his career... and THAT is what the left wants to reverse ...consequences ... for disrespecting the flag and the country .
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The guy's not untalented, but you have to wonder if he's run out of opportunities.
Adogslife · 61-69, M
@SW-User 100% correct. If he was even a top 15 QB, he'd have a job. Here, the hassle exceeds the potential reward.
I hope not. Go play for the CFL-or in Europe. But then, those leagues demand talent, something he lacks.
Adogslife · 61-69, M
His odds are getting way worse. He's basically a pariah now.
Goralski · 56-60, M
D Harlem globetrotters
PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
Probably not!
Adogslife · 61-69, M
Cleveland should sign him. They suck anyway. Maybe those that support him will follow him there.
Oh wait, ideals vs paycheck. Yeah, he's fucked. His "supporters" aren't following him anywhere. I guess BLM has some unwritten stips in the "community".
Oh wait, ideals vs paycheck. Yeah, he's fucked. His "supporters" aren't following him anywhere. I guess BLM has some unwritten stips in the "community".
FearfulHarmony49 · 22-25, T
Bitch hell no
bijouxbroussard · F
Does he care at this point ?
Btw, I love what Teresa Kaepernick had to say when the POTUS called her son a "son of a bitch":
Btw, I love what Teresa Kaepernick had to say when the POTUS called her son a "son of a bitch":
Guess that makes me a proud bitch !