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Two Souls, a journey

Two souls don't find each other simply by accident…

Nor is it a simple accident when one soul becomes silent and non responsive… it is simply an intentional way to leave the other soul behind….left wondering why…. Aware the reason will never be known… and sadly…. that is how it goes enough said so sad…. 🤎

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StarLily · 51-55, F
And if the connection was deep, it's quite devastating when that happens. Things happen sometimes to make it necessary... but to not let the other soul know why is cowardly and selfish. Two things that real love does not possess... assuming that love was present to begin with.
masterofyou · 70-79, M
@StarLily Thank you StarLily

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StarLily · 51-55, F
@masterofyou ☺️🌷🛡️⚔️
Kstrong · 56-60, F
Such a poignant and true statement, well articulated.
masterofyou · 70-79, M
@Kstrong it does happen.....

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