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The Samurai and the Monk

Ask and you shall recieve
(Matt. 7:7-8)

The Samurai and the Monk

One day a conflicted Samurai was meandering down a dirt road. He was unkempt, disheveled and nursing a hangover. Right when he was at the depths of his depression, he noticed a monk approaching. The closer the monk got, the clearer it became that the monk knew holy secrets. When the monk passed the Samurai spoke up.

“Holy monk, I seek your guidance. I am depressed as I do not know what awaits me after this life. Please, can you tell me the difference between Heaven and Hell?” (Matthew 13:12-14)
The monk returned a look of disgust and said, “You are but a lonely, shameful Samurai. You kill with no mercy, your sword is rusty and you have nothing to offer the world. Why should I share such holy secrets with such a despicable man?” (Matthew 7:6)

Outraged, the Samurai unsheathed his sword. He had never experienced such anger, and he decided to strike down this secret-hoarding monk. He raised his sword and brought it down over the monk’s head. Just before contact, without flinching, the monk smiled.
“This is Hell. You have given into anger and you are now possessed by it.”

Realizing the lesson he just learned, a sense of remorse and humility came over him. He was ashamed by his actions. He immediately cast aside his sword and fell to his knees.
“Holy monk, please forgive me for my actions. I am unworthy of your presence. I will never raise my sword in anger again.”

Smiling, the monk replied, “This, my dear Samurai, is Heaven. You are humble, and soon serenity will envelope you (Galatians 5). Heaven and hell may await us after this life, however they are experienced throughout it.

Some spend their entire lives wandering through Hell, waiting for Heaven, never realizing it’s already within their grasp.”

(John 5:38-45)

(So many scriptures could be applied to this fable.)

God bless All
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