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Will there be a second coming?

Humanity calls upon God daily to redeem our souls and forgive us of our sins, yet we continue to sin, constantly asking for
God's grand intervention to save us from ourselves. Humanity is
convinced that God will save us from ourselves; the majority of
human beings and religions are convinced that God will save or
destroy us. But where are the religious doctrines and orientations
for our current and future generations? Is the present generation
convinced, as many are, that God is coming to save this world?
Where, in fact, do we stand on this long path of human evolution?
We have envisioned the coming of God to save the human race.
As the nature of humanity slips beyond our grasp, we are still asking God for His divine intervention.
We now stand on the threshold of a new awareness, a new
awareness for all who have questioned the possibility or probability of God's existence. It is also for those who have faith that God

Mankind has reached a point where it does not need God
for material support. We no longer have to travel by foot or other
outmoded means of transportation. We can fly higher than any
bird; we can communicate with anyone anywhere in the world.
The miracles of man's inventions have made it possible to do all of
the things that our ancestors could only dream of or pray for God
to do, so why do we still need God?

I believe that mankind was not created as we are told, spontaneously out of the earth, nor were we created out of circumstances
which relate to just the natural order of physical science or of
mother nature. So the question becomes: what and who is that creative entity in actuality? A simple answer, if I were to believe that God is the only ruler of this universe. I, like many others, could
satisfy my need to know more about creation and life if I endeavored to study only what has been revealed about such matters.

Other questions, however, plague my mind, questions like: how
did this superior being decided to create the universe and life?
Why did He create human beings? How does He expect human
beings to rule His created world? Why didn't the envoy teach us
about the world as we have come to understand it? What is religion as it relates to each of its religious founders? From what source did the religious founder teach religion? There are a number of religious books with different answers to these questions,
but which is correct? Buddha, Indra, Mohammed, and Christ gave to mankind a
realization of something greater than we are capable of learning
from our natural cognitive process. They taught mankind of someone who existed, but this entity was invisible, unreachable,
untouchable, and intangible. So why did mankind come to have
faith in Him;

Before I discovered the Messages, I imagined that life was due
to some extraordinary principle of nature. When I looked at a forest, or felt a gust of wind, I wondered how these things came into existence. Surely there had to be some explanation other than God just saying let there be this or that! Why was it that God could
spontaneously create an entire universe, a planet with inhabitants,
and laws to follow, yet there was no peace in the world? The universe follows specific laws: there is gravity, inertia, and the natural
laws of nature, and nothing and no one can change these laws.
Yet the very laws that were given as instructions to mankind
by God's envoys were not being obeyed. God said to love your
fellow man, to share and to cooperate with him. He commanded
for us to come together in harmony, peace, and unity.

For centuries, however, mankind has yet to reach a state of brotherhood
and peace. How can we go on believing in God if He doesn't
somehow enforce His commandments? Does He really exist?
In today's world I witness our children having similar doubts
and questions. They have reached a point where they just don't
care about our religious beliefs or God. Who is to blame? Is it
God's or mankind's fault? Who is responsible for shaping a person's view, as well as our children’s faith about religion and God?

"The Almighty's Religion for the Universe" URLink Print and Media, 2018, S.R. Smith
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SDavis · 56-60, F
God is not coming to save the world but to judge the world John 16:11 _ 2nd Peter 3:7
Many will be saved but so many will be destroyed.

An estimated 2.5 billion of the 8 billion people are Christians. Of those 2.5 billion Christians how many of them will actually be saved because as written in 1 Peter 4:18-19 the righteous will scarcely be saved. Look at what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah. Of the three men that went to Abraham (the Lord and two angels) the two angels went to Sodom and Gomorrah and destroyed it, after making sure Lot and his family departed.

No one knows the mind of God our Father or why he decided to create the universe. I can only give my assumption God our Father is like living energy, which cannot be created cannot be destroyed but can change forms nor can be seen. The vastness of space was empty, dark, and void of life except him. And because he The Entity/Energy that he is could also be a giver of Life and also had the power within himself to create light. And even as Stephen Hawkings said before the Big Bang singularity nothing existed God spoke light into existence according to scripture. I feel he gave some of his self to create the light that was created......... And if you look at the universe the pictures that have been taken, and even look at the planet Earth, it is full of majesty and color and variety and light that is what God wanted to see instead of all darkness.

Why did he create man well he created animals and plants and all of that long before he created man. My personal belief is man was placed on Earth for the purpose of judgment to choose who they will follow _ whether they will follow the devil or follow our Lord. Because when you look at it from the beginning of man until the time of the end of days the final episode is judgment and all through that period of time God is asking man to choose him and warning man of the consequences of their choices.

Daniel 12:4 tells us in the last days knowledge will increase and people will be going to and fro that has occurred and started in the 20th century knowledge went from horseback to space travel. And yes man feels he no longer needs as indicated in Scripture.

Jesus said the Gates of Hell will not prevail against his church -

If man could reach the state of brotherhood there would be no need for a savior. God has tried with people after people after people to get them to do the right thing _ then he chose Abraham made a covenant with him and Abraham's offspring became his chosen people. God sent his Prophets, appear to them from time to time, yet they didn't get it right.
By nature man is rebellious.

Numbers 14:11 in the Old Testament God speaks of the unbelief of the Israelites and he was there with them. So one can say in the Old Testament and New it speaks of people with lack of belief, especially in the New and will be prominent in the last days. 2 Timothy 3:15 is a good example people will be lovers of themselves and their money, their possessions and such but not God. 2nd Thessalonians 2:3 tells us there will be a falling away first before the day of the Lord comes ( a falling away from belief).

This is what I've noticed: before the 1970s many people went to church and took their children and their children didn't want to go and I am a witness to children were saying when I grow up I'm not going to make my child go to church - and they didn't - neither did they. It has been a declining process they didn't take their children, their children didn't take their children, so forth and so on. The falling away.

Some would like to say it's God's fault - but is it? God left a Bible here to warn people, he left his Spirit here to guide the people that accepted his spirit. That's two ways God has made for man to acknowledge and believe in him and man rejected both. Man has what we call free will - man can choose for himself what path he wants to take ( with the exception of those who have mental are physical issues) choose God or choose the devil there is no in between.

Parents are responsible for children adults are responsible for themselves.
raysid498950247 · 70-79, M
Will there be a second coming? part two

Furthermore, how can we shape their view if we are not doing as
God has commanded? We can't prove to them that God exists, but
we can prove that His law of love can and must work for all
The truth of the matter is that it is not a question of whether or
not God exist, but rather whether God has maintained His faith in
mankind. Each day when I read newspapers or turn on the T.V. I
read or hear of new atrocities and destruction happening in the
world. It would be so wonderful if as prophesied by the Bible God
returned and stopped the encroachment of man's pestilent against
humanity, but because this hasn't happened, mankind goes forward
looking for relief from his own created hell. Has God viewed all
that has happened and is currently happening in our world and
considered us unworthy of His intervention? Has man strayed so
far away from the laws of God that He is allowing us to destroy

We must now come to understand that it is because of God's
belief in mankind that we continue to grow, to come together in
peace, harmony, and unity. God gives to us the answers about life
only when we have demonstrated to Him that our sense of struggle and suffering requires Him to give us further instructions and
directions. The test of man is not only in his faith and belief, but
also in his ability to change and develop beyond the conceptions of
his thoughts. Man is the perpetuation of life and it is through his
own actions and deeds that he saves himself. God has given us
that responsibility. We are not required to praise God, nor will our
praising Him bring about a change in our living conditions. It is
not right to assume that God will allow us to understand more of
ourselves only after we have convinced Him of our faith in Him;
the Messages represent the fact that God wants us to understand a
new truth. Will we understand it, or allow this new truth to suffocate in the trenches of blind faith and allegiance? I believe that the
determined spirit within man will rise above the entity of himself
and find his true destiny. This book will help you learn that eternal
life lies not beyond the realm of Earth, but right here on Earth.
Humanity will begin to go further and progress beyond the
imposed concepts and notions of past religious beliefs. (The Almighty's Religion for the Universe)

God has once again given to mankind new answers concerning life and the
creation of life, only this time the answers are not covered with
myths and miracles, but are natural and real. No longer is the medicine of truth diluted with sweetness as for children, but now, as
adults, it can be taken purely and naturally.
raysid498950247 · 70-79, M
Will there be a second coming? part two

Furthermore, how can we shape their view if we are not doing as
God has commanded? We can't prove to them that God exists, but
we can prove that His law of love can and must work for all
The truth of the matter is that it is not a question of whether or
not God exist, but rather whether God has maintained His faith in
mankind. Each day when I read newspapers or turn on the T.V. I
read or hear of new atrocities and destruction happening in the
world. It would be so wonderful if as prophesied by the Bible God
returned and stopped the encroachment of man's pestilent against
humanity, but because this hasn't happened, mankind goes forward
looking for relief from his own created hell. Has God viewed all
that has happened and is currently happening in our world and
considered us unworthy of His intervention? Has man strayed so
far away from the laws of God that He is allowing us to destroy

We must now come to understand that it is because of God's
belief in mankind that we continue to grow, to come together in
peace, harmony, and unity. God gives to us the answers about life
only when we have demonstrated to Him that our sense of struggle and suffering requires Him to give us further instructions and
directions. The test of man is not only in his faith and belief, but
also in his ability to change and develop beyond the conceptions of
his thoughts. Man is the perpetuation of life and it is through his
own actions and deeds that he saves himself. God has given us
that responsibility. We are not required to praise God, nor will our
praising Him bring about a change in our living conditions. It is
not right to assume that God will allow us to understand more of
ourselves only after we have convinced Him of our faith in Him;
the Messages represent the fact that God wants us to understand a
new truth. Will we understand it, or allow this new truth to suffocate in the trenches of blind faith and allegiance? I believe that the
determined spirit within man will rise above the entity of himself
and find his true destiny. This book will help you learn that eternal
life lies not beyond the realm of Earth, but right here on Earth.
Humanity will begin to go further and progress beyond the
imposed concepts and notions of past religious beliefs. (The Almighty's Religion for the Universe)

God has once again given to mankind new answers concerning life and the
creation of life, only this time the answers are not covered with
myths and miracles, but are natural and real. No longer is the medicine of truth diluted with sweetness as for children, but now, as
adults, it can be taken purely and naturally.
Adstar · 56-60, M
Humanity calls upon God daily to redeem our souls and forgive us of our sins, yet we continue to sin, constantly asking for God's grand intervention to save us from ourselves.

Not from ourselves.. We want to be saved from the eternal outcome we would face if we where judged for our transgressions... We are being saved from the eternal lake of fire.. Not from ourselves..

the majority ofhuman beings and religions are convinced that God will save or destroy us.

Well as a Christian i believe no one will be destroyed.. We all have eternal existence.. The only question is in which eternal place we will be spending eternity..

. But where are the religious doctrines and orientationsfor our current and future generations?

In the Holy Bible..

Is the present generation convinced, as many are, that God is coming to save this world?

I don't know of anyone who believes this?

Where, in fact, do we stand on this long path of human evolution?

Human beings are not evolving.. We are the same as we have always been.. Only difference from 1000 years ago to today is we have far greater technological ability to do more damage then before..

We have envisioned the coming of God to save the human race.

Not to save us as we are Now.. But to transform us into a far better version of ourselves.. To save the human race as it is now would be an act of cruelty..

Mankind has reached a point where it does not need God for material support.

Ha ha ha ha ha ... You really think that... The delusion is strong in this one.. 🤭

This very universe is dependant on God keeping it existing.. The very body you have as a vehicle to experience life in is owned by God.. What are you going to do when God wants his stuff back.. 🤣

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