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Is God bound by any law?

If God created everything in the Universe and Multiverse, if such a thing exists,God is above all laws, reasons, and definitions, right?

So, if God chooses to abolish hell and heaven, what stands in His way? Can we complain if He decides there is no right or wrong?

Is there anything that can stop Him from taking the form of a child, a person, a bird, or a mountain?

So, why do we assume so much aboutGod? We haven't seen Him in any case.

So why does the world make such grand claims about what He can or cannot do, what He is or is not?

It makes no sense.
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raysid498950247 · 70-79, M
Alpha and Omega (June 4, 1944)

"We the Almighty's chief spirits: I, Alpha, ruler of the beginning, the past and present: I, Omega, ruler of the future and of death, and the promulgator of the Almighty's thoughts: speak unto you, the nations of Earth in the name of the Almighty."

"At one time only the immaterial spirit of the Almighty existed and matter, which, like fog, immobile and dead, filled the infinite space-immobile matter, within which lay equally immobile energy."

"Intolerable tranquility and unbearable silence reigned in the world."

This tranquility and silence had neither a purpose nor any sense. It was hostile and unbearable to the living spirit of the Almighty. The Almighty's spirit felt inconceivably lonely in this dead world of matter. It was intolerable for the Almighty's immortal spirit to live in this immobile and aimless world."

"Overcome by inexpressible despair, the Almighty, in extreme anger, shattered the world of matter. A cosmic storm arose. Matter was perturbed and began to move. The dormant energy within it arose, and maelstroms of matter started to whirl in the space of the world. The transformation of matter began."

"Once perturbed, matter could no longer stop and calm down. Nebulae came into being, these condensed still more, and so-called suns formed, which rushed through space with enormous speed. They collided and caused huge conflagrations of the universe. They rushed past each other, extracting huge tongues of fire from each other. They parted in the space of heaven, but, small stars-suns-were left behind them. On cooling down, these became hard and dark. Thus planets came into being."

The Almighty bound matter within His laws, and began to investigate and form the world. As helper’s for Himself, and so as not to be alone, He created spirits from His spirit. Yet He failed to achieve the second goal. He remained lonely, for the spirits created by Him were the very same He, merely split into many parts. Imagine, if you humans could split yourselves into several parts, would that save you from loneliness? All of your parts would think and talk and act the same as you. Simply put, you would see yourself, multiplied innumerable times, reflected in a mirror with a cracked surface. In order for you to preserve yourself, and find a friend, you must use other means; you would have to bear children."

"On many planets the conditions became such that matter on them had harden into rock and soil. Clouds floated above Earth, it rained, river murmured, waterfalls roared, seas billowed and winds howled. It seemed that matter was alive, but so it only seemed. The spirits turned to the Almighty and said: You gave us to rule over stars and planets, but this rule has no purpose and no sense. Why does it rain on ground which is lifeless and empty? Why do rivers flow into seas, which are empty and insignificant?"

"Again the Almighty felt alone and despaired. Yes, the space of the universe glittered with stars. Yes, there was eternal noise and movement of the planets. Yet all that still was and remained the very same lifeless matter, hostile and intolerable, dead matter."

"Time passed. Then the Almighty undertook an inconceivably great and difficult labor. He undertook a struggle with the very essence of matter. He decided to create living matter. After long, endlessly long, struggles, the great moment arrived when matter began to live. Atoms created the first molecules, and the dead matter began to live and to breathe. Living beings came into being. The ground became covered with grass and trees. The water, and the surface of earth, and even the air, became filled with insects, animals, fish, and birds."

"Now the Almighty and the spirits faced a task, to form this living matter in such a way that it could attain an ideal perfection. To form it so that it would be capable of comprehending the spirit and of ascending to him, and, having comprehended the spirit, would cease its hatred and would merge with the spirit for the realization of the loftiest goal, the creation of the most ideal world."

"One goal remained, though. The Almighty's desire not to be alone and to acquire for Himself spirits who would be capable of comprehending Him, and of helping Him in the formation of the world. This goal still remained unachieved."

"The Almighty began His second gigantic work of creation. He had given the animals a brain, that is, a complicated nerve center, for the animals had to move and seek food for themselves, as well as had to fight and adapt themselves to the demands of life and nature. With His spirit, He spiritualized this nerve center, which so far had been guided by instinct. He created man on Earth, and other beings, similar to him, on a few other planets, but not many. He formed a wonderful brain for man, and turned this wonderful thought-laboratory over to the spirit."

"The cycle of loneliness was concluded with that. The Almighty's spirits, on incarnating in human bodies, lead therein a struggle against the living and hostile matter. It however is, not a struggle of destruction, but a struggle of resurrection and transformation. The spirits give much to matter, and they themselves also receive much and transform. Thus they are helping the Almighty to form an ideally perfect world and to conquer the inertia of matter its desire not to live and its hatred for His spirit, for having forced it to live and to move."

"Man's task is, by combining the strength of the spirit and of matter-the body-to rise above the existing laws of nature and to create the ideally perfect and eternal being. To create a being who will ascend to the level of divinity and jointly with the Almighty will undertake the further formation and ruling of the universe. Such is the goal and sense of human life. For the time being, while it still has not been possible to overcome matter and to form an immortal body, the spirits have to travel from one body to the next."

"The goal of humanity's life may still appear to you to be unexpectedly great and unachievable. However, that may only seem so, for man is guided by the Almighty's all surmounting and immortal spirit."

"With that, the Almighty achieves His goal, He, the Father, with the help of matter, the mother, has created for Himself a son-man, who will be He, and also not He."

"You need to keep one thing in mind, though. Now you have been given to comprehend the Almighty and the world created by Him, and to comprehend the Almighty's sense of creation, and the goal and sense of human life. While comprehending all this, you must comprehend for yourselves what you have to do, in order to achieve this goal."

"To those, who do, not wish to heed the call of the Almighty-to form the world and to reach the heights of the spirit-the Almighty, to them the Almighty neither promises Paradise, nor threaten them with Hell. He merely allows them, as unnecessary specks of dust, to drift through the window of the universe into the darkness of nonexistence."
"The Almighty divided Himself into two high spirits-God and Satan. They are visible to the spirits, and they are accessible to them. God has the right to up lift the spirit of living beings and of man, to illuminate him with light and love. He has been given the right of hearing man out and helping him."

"Satan has the right to evaluate man, to punish and to destroy him. Observing from man point of view, God possesses only all that is good, and Satan-all that is evil. Therefore, pray only to God, for the Almighty will not hear you out. Pray to God not with words, but with good deeds."

"We, the Almighty's chief spirits, Alpha and Omega, bring to you ten (original receivers of messages) and to all the people, the Almighty's blessings and the love of God."

“May you be bright as the sun, and strong as steel".

"The Tidings, The Book of tidings from the Almighty and His Spirits" by Nick Mezins, Strafford Publishing, 2005
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@raysid498950247 I like it! Much supposition, but some logic
LadyGrace · 70-79
God does anything He wants. He's perfect and he doesn't make mistakes. You are trying to figure out God with your own finite intellect, put Him in a box, and then hold God to it. God is the one that makes the laws and put everything in place. God isbound to His Wordin the sense that He doesn't make a promise that He doesn't keep. If He has already decreed something, He won't go back on His Word.
LadyGrace · 70-79
We're not to tempt God. It is God that makes the standards for salvation and who are we to question Him, who knows best? Would he have died on the cross had he not had to? Had there been any other way for salvation, since it was man that decided to sin, and not God that caused him to sin, if anyone in the universe would know what that "other way" might be, it would be God. Man gets very arrogant in thinking He knows better than God. He thinks He's smarter and wiser than God. Not all, but some, and I'm not including you in this, I'm just saying.

The question seems fair enough, but then again we don't think like God thinks. His ways are much higher and better than ours. He can see into the future, we can't... and we don't know what is best for us this side of Heaven and Eternity. But since we find ourselves in this position, the question becomes meaningless, because we still cannot get into heaven with sin on our heels, and man cannot save himself.
LadyGrace · 70-79
God IS bound by His word! What He says, He will do, He will definitely do. The Bible says He never changes and we wouldn't want Him to. He's not fickle in his promises, like human beings are. That is, He will not be bound or subject to our demands, as human beings can be selfish and we are not above Him. The point is, He is reliable and we can be secure in His promises.

There are spiritual laws and man-made laws that we are bound to, but God is not accountable to US .... WE are accountable to God. God cannot sin. We are not above God, to where we should demand of Him in a sinful, egotistical or selfish way.
Mindful · 56-60, F
Speaking to your answer…
Most people wonder how we humans came to be. It is an eternal quest. And it likely that is has been for thousands of years. People who want to find the answer to eternal life (not wanting to die) have given up life as the average man knows it to be, in search of the answers. We have monks from many faiths. At some point these finding were passed along by each generation. When a certain practice results in what people refer to as succes in living a long and happy life or a hope in a long and happy life, or a motivation to be at peace and fair with other in this life, people refer to it as a truth or concept of great Value. Because we cannot see where these innate quests come from, innate desire to do kindness towards others, and other have an innate desire to do harm, over the years these patterns, behaviors, spirits are given names. We define something (even if it cannot truly defined) spiritual with words. Any tool. including religion, can be used for good or bad. Accord to anthropologists, every culture has a story that references a Devine being. Rules are to create peace and resolve conflict. Before writing it was said and it was so. I can imagine an earthling challenging a leader Who said it has to be that way? And the only answer that cannot be challenged is that of our creator.
Even if you don’t believe in God, there are rules that carry consequences. And there is death of loved ones. It seems such a waste of life to be gone forever. What if we are simply transformed? What if we are not? One allows people to go on living , other leads to despair over the inevitable. I hope I make sense. Oh, I choose to believe in God because … for so many reasons. I realize I can be. Wrong, but I still choose to follow the general wisdom of “God”.
The question has been posed:-

Does this imply that 'Almighty' and 'God' are not the same? That's interesting.

So Almighty placed Satan there to accomplish a certain function? So, why is Satan regarded as evil

As I see it the confusion created by all this (at least in the Abrahamic Traditions) goes back to the need of the Jewish/Hebrew tradition to confront another strong Tradition at the time, Zoroastrianism. This posited TWO gods, opposed to each other. Ahura Mazda, the god of light, and Angra Maunyu, the god of all evil.

The Jewish response, found in the Old Testament, is Isaiah 45:7:- I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

As far as my own experience and understanding is concerned, speaking generally, Christianity (particularly in the Protestant Reform - literalist - Tradition) has never actually come to terms with the full implications of this. i.e. That the ultimate Source is ONE, and that that Source has given rise to the opposites - and thus that ALL opposites do not, cannot, "exist" in the same sense as the Source (which is existence/being itself)

I have had to move "east" for greater clarity. With such texts as the Tao te Ching:-

The Way that can be walked is not the eternal Way.
The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
The nameless is the beginning of Heaven and Earth.
The named is the mother of all things.

Free from desire you see the mystery.
Full of desire you see the manifestations.
These two have the same origin but differ in name.
That is the secret,
The secret of secrets,
The gate to all mysteries.

All this is not academic, at least for me. It implies praxis, practice (the attempt to live fully and truly) and not to rest simply in theory, in continuous questions. To be "one" with the Source, and in being "one" with it, to then allow the diversification of the opposites - yet not being "deceived" by them, or seeing them as eternal verities. To "hang loose" just a bit! It implies compassion and empathy. We are all one.

Unfortunately, most of this is dismissed as "mumbo jumbo", for the birds. Each to their own.
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
"It makes no sense!" The reason it makes no sense is that people do assign tasks to God.... "God will do this"; "If you are bad, God will do that" and so on. That is a supposition that our minds (our superego - in Freudian terms) made up to keep society running more or less smoothly. We are social animals so we must live in some sort of harmony and 'fearing' other peoples' opinions of us does that.
What if 'We' are an experiment that God created for his own pleasure? The book of Genesis hints at that. What if He put us here to see what we would do to each other and for each other over a certain span of time (changing the characters through death so none becomes too influential)? Is there a purpose to this? Yes: God (through his Son, Jesus) told us that we would be judged for our faithfulness (doing good instead of bad things) to Jesus' teachings. So....a spirit is in each of us and that spirit is a 'free-agent' to do good or bad without interference from God - The 'catch' is in the after-life when we are called to account for our deeds = which, if our spirit (soul) was good, we are promised our spirit will live on in another dimension which some people call 'Heaven" and if we are not worthy, then our spirit will simply die (although some people put our spirit in a 'Hell' - more of that 'fear' guidance).
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@JollyRoger you assume incorrectly
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@MasterLee Ok... so I'm wrong? Please tell me more so I can understand you better.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
I suspect you have no appreciation for mastery of art or any other human endeavour?

Quite the assumption. What does this have to do with your mythical 'god'?

for if you do then you would realize that humans are endowed with special abilities - some of which are inate talents.

again has nothing to do with your myth...

How would these talents come about if we are a 'cookie-cutter' copy of each other - which is what evolution (only) would suggest - adapting only to our immediate environment instead of enhancing it.

Evolution is not "cookie cutter". It merges cells from two sources and creates a unique organism.

Look for the beauty in life and that in the world you look out upon and WONDER!

Still doesn't suggest any connection to a myth...

You have no more right to say that God is a myth than I have to say that I have Him here in my hand.

In fact I have every right. Your opinion doesn't sway me.
TexChik · F
He is bound by his law . As a result he reincarnated himself as his son Jesus , and had him die for all our sins so that the imperfect ( all of us) can enter heaven .
Renkon · 41-45, M
@TexChik How can he be bound by his own laws? Isn't that bit unreasonable?
TexChik · F
@Renkon Not at all
LadyGrace · 70-79
@TexChik God's Word speaks of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, which make up the trinity. These individual persons make up the Godhead, each having their own purpose and function, yet always do things in unity and harmony.

WhatLifeIsFor · 41-45, M
Well, the real test of this life is to beleive in unseen obe God and follow his commands. We as human in this world cannot imagine about his being. Some people deny His existence some accept Him. both have their own arguments. But reality is that our knowledge is limited and we cannot make some concrete arguments that what He can do or what He can't do or is He limited by some laws or above the all laws
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WhatLifeIsFor · 41-45, M
@Emosaur that is a good question. this question bothered me a lot too.
To me God is the whole Devine and everything that exists, creating more of himself every second … (that includes us human too) …

The order of the whole Devine decides what should be created to keep that order in itself …
LadyGrace · 70-79
To me God is the whole Devine and everything that exists, creating more of himself every second … (that includes us human too) …

God's Word says that God is Divine, but He created nature and the world. So He is not those things, but we can see His handiwork. He doesn't keep creating himself.
raysid498950247 · 70-79, M
"The Almighty divided Himself into two high spirits-God and Satan. They are visible to the spirits, and they are accessible to them. God has the right to up lift the spirit of living beings and of man, to illuminate him with light and love. He has been given the right of hearing man out and helping him."

"Satan has the right to evaluate man, to punish and to destroy him. Observing from man point of view, God possesses only all that is good, and Satan-all that is evil. Therefore, pray only to God, for the Almighty will not hear you out. Pray to God not with words, but with good deeds."

Just as no one has seen the Almighty, so too has no one seen God. We have faith is their existence and will see them in our spirtual form when we leave our bodies. Thanks

Renkon · 41-45, M
"The Almighty divided Himself into two high spirits-God and Satan.
Does this imply that 'Almighty' and 'God' are not the same? That's interesting.

So Almighty placed Satan there to accomplish a certain function? So, why is Satan regarded as evil?
raysid498950247 · 70-79, M
@Renkon The Almighty is God and God is the Almighty they are both one and the same. God is all good of the Almighty, and Satan is all evil of the Almighty.

Satan is regarded as evil because He does what God cannot do. Satan test, evaluate, tempts, punishes, and destroy all spirits that do not comply with God's desires. Obeying His law of love.

"The Tidings, The Book of Tidings from the Almighty and His spirits to Humanity", Strafford Publishing, Nick Mezins, 2005
Faith is above All else - be it in Nature/Creator/Self.
Renkon · 41-45, M
@Lyfis2live What is faith? Is it just belief?
@Renkon Confidence in all mentioned earlier.
Yes, God would have to be, by definition, greater than all of creation.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
The law of imagination
Renkon · 41-45, M
@MasterLee Could you elaborate on that?
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Renkon gods are imaginary so the only limits are in your head
Renaci · 36-40
The Abrahamic God is an oxymoron/paradox and thus can't exist.
At least without changing his attributes such as omnipotence and omniscience.
Renkon · 41-45, M
@Renaci The way God is presented in various scripturesmakes you wonder how close those characteristics are to those of a common man.

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