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Evolution Confusion vs. Creator God

Physically, apes may have the closest similarities to humans than any other animals out there, but we are still, two very different primates. While they walk on all fours, we walk on only two legs. And they still haven't evolved! We also have larger brains, longer legs compared to our arms, much less hair, a wider pelvis, and last but not least, impressive prowess at straightening our knees. We can utilize tools more efficiently and can communicate through written words. These are only a few of the many differences, mind you.

Genesis 2:7 says: "The Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

Humans come from the breath of life breathed into man by the Lord God. Jesus died for humans—specifically for human souls—not for horses, dogs, or monkeys; though all of these have brains. Man originated from God's creation of him.

If man has evolved from some apelike creature, then where did that creature come from? To find the origin of something, you need to go all the way back to the starting point. How many times do you find the word "created" in Genesis 1:27? How many times do you find the word "evolved" in this verse? God created man, in His image, not animals. To rule OVER creation, and to reproduce godly offspring. But man messed that up when he chose to sin.

If man came from apes, why can't apes talk like people, by now? How is it humans were smart enough to learn and know how to talk, but not apes or chimpanzees? And if we evolved from apes or monkeys, why haven't they evolved into humans after all these centuries? Why did THEY stop evolving? I think to believe evolution, is an insult to our own intelligence.

According to Genesis 2:7, man was made from the dust of the ground.

According to Psalm 139:14, man has been fearfully and wonderfully made by a marvelous Maker whom we should praise and thank.

According to Isaiah 45:11-12, the Lord is responsible for man being upon the earth.

The evolutionists say that apelike creatures came along thousands of years before man, but God says that men and apes were both created on Day SIX. Notice He didn't make "Ape Men" and just get it over with. He meant them to be distinct from each other, and the best Authority on this subject is the Lord Jesus Christ.

How can life come from non-life? Even a one-celled organism is highly complex and could not have evolved by chance. How can there be so many wonderful and amazing creatures, without an intelligent Creator to make them?

Would it make a difference if a person realized that an all-wise, loving, eternal, all-powerful God, created the first man and woman? Recognizing a personal Creator makes man much more than an animal or an accident of nature. God had a reason for our creation. There's a purpose for why we are here, and if we'll take the time to look, it's all in God's Word. [/c][/b]
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
I sometimes do wonder why evolutionists can't question about the suffering of their last brother apes still being ape. If i were them, i would call gorillas to my home and feed them at the least.

Those who believe in apes theory seem to me like apes because they can not question their science why are a few apes left behind. Did they do something bad or what? But i understand that if they question science, they will be ousted from their community so i don't provoke those ape lovers whose forefathers were apes.

My forefathers were all human atleast Since Alexander's time.
LadyGrace · 70-79
Very well crafted article. Thank you for sharing. To me the quest for the roots of human life should end in the verse that you had rightly pointed out.
Genesis 2:7 says: "The Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."
Since you asked, I think it is rather wonderful to think of a loving wise God making apes and human beings and everything else through evolution, and I don't see any contradiction between that and the Bible. By the way: "created" in Genesis is the Hebrew verb bara' ברא which is only used in the Bible for something God does. So we don't know if "created" is the best translation or not. Maybe this is Scripture's way of saying "brought forth through evolution".
@TheWildEcho Evolution does not need any of those things. It needs living organisms, slight genetic changes, and different environments.
TheWildEcho · 56-60, M
@SW-User evolution needs death and the Bible makes it clear there was no death before original sin
LadyGrace · 70-79
@TheWildEcho Definitely correct!! That's something I hadn't really thought about. Brilliant. And so true. 🙏🙏🙏🙌 ☝️
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Wow!! That's all I can say, sister. Keep telling the truth. 😀
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