We don't have the power nor authority that Jesus does, to save ourselves.
From what? The condemnation and consequences, SIN put on us.....not Jesus.
Before you decide to answer this, please read the whole thing, before deciding you already know what it says. Then you'll know WHY I said what I did. Don't jump to conclusions. Thank you. This is why I chose Jesus as Savior. Please answer with the same respect and kindness, I will show you.
All the different religions in this world, have absolutely nothing to do with salvation. Nothing. Neither does spirituality. Even Satan is spiritual, but he's not going to heaven. Satan believes in God, but it takes more than head knowledge. Some make this way harder than it has to be. Fact is, we're all in the same spiritual boat....in need of Jesus to save us from the condemnation and consequences SIN brought on us. Religion of any type cannot save us...period! Religion is only man-made philosophy. Religion didn't die on the cross to save us from our sins. Jesus did...and He clearly said, so we wouldn't have to GUESS about how to have eternal life in heaven, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. NO MAN can come to my Father, except by Me." Jesus was approved and appointed by God the Father, himself, to be the Savior of the world. Not any other god. Jesus said you can try it your way, but it won't lead you to heaven. And yes, we may all learn and grow differently, but Jesus said there's only one way to heaven, and who better to know, than the One who has been there?
If any want answers to life, then Jesus said we have only to look to the Source of Truth, God's Word. If we're puzzled about life or need direction, God gave us His Word, a spiritual blueprint for Life, so we wouldn't HAVE to guess about the answers. There are absolutely no contradictions in God's Word. Only people who wish to twist its truths. Man is fallible...not God, whose nature and character is that He is perfect....incapable of lying. Bottom line is...we either believe and take Him at His Word, or we don't. The sinfulness of this world, shows us WHY we need a Savior, and why would we need any of the other millions of so-called gods, when only ONE is needed and was appointed to be the Savior of this world? It only takes one to save us. Jesus not only said He loves us...He proved it, when He died on the cross to pay for our sins. Mankind has SIN in his nature. So how can sin forgive itself??? We don't HAVE that kind of power nor authority over the spiritual world, but Jesus does.
Even if man COULD save himself, tell me....how will he find his way to heaven, without Jesus to take him there? Man doesn't even know where heaven is or how to get there, and even if he could get there, he still couldn't walk through heaven's gates, with unforgiven sin in him. Sin can't enter heaven, or it wouldn't BE heaven, and Jesus being without sin, is the only One worthy enough to forgive us our sins. Stated in John 3:16, 17, and 18. I will take God's Word over man's, ANY day. And the minute Jesus forgives us, he sends His Holy Spirit to live within us, as evidence/proof that we have received Jesus as Savior, and that we are reunited with our Father in heaven and have the promise of eternal life.
Before you decide to answer this, please read the whole thing, before deciding you already know what it says. Then you'll know WHY I said what I did. Don't jump to conclusions. Thank you. This is why I chose Jesus as Savior. Please answer with the same respect and kindness, I will show you.
All the different religions in this world, have absolutely nothing to do with salvation. Nothing. Neither does spirituality. Even Satan is spiritual, but he's not going to heaven. Satan believes in God, but it takes more than head knowledge. Some make this way harder than it has to be. Fact is, we're all in the same spiritual boat....in need of Jesus to save us from the condemnation and consequences SIN brought on us. Religion of any type cannot save us...period! Religion is only man-made philosophy. Religion didn't die on the cross to save us from our sins. Jesus did...and He clearly said, so we wouldn't have to GUESS about how to have eternal life in heaven, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. NO MAN can come to my Father, except by Me." Jesus was approved and appointed by God the Father, himself, to be the Savior of the world. Not any other god. Jesus said you can try it your way, but it won't lead you to heaven. And yes, we may all learn and grow differently, but Jesus said there's only one way to heaven, and who better to know, than the One who has been there?
If any want answers to life, then Jesus said we have only to look to the Source of Truth, God's Word. If we're puzzled about life or need direction, God gave us His Word, a spiritual blueprint for Life, so we wouldn't HAVE to guess about the answers. There are absolutely no contradictions in God's Word. Only people who wish to twist its truths. Man is fallible...not God, whose nature and character is that He is perfect....incapable of lying. Bottom line is...we either believe and take Him at His Word, or we don't. The sinfulness of this world, shows us WHY we need a Savior, and why would we need any of the other millions of so-called gods, when only ONE is needed and was appointed to be the Savior of this world? It only takes one to save us. Jesus not only said He loves us...He proved it, when He died on the cross to pay for our sins. Mankind has SIN in his nature. So how can sin forgive itself??? We don't HAVE that kind of power nor authority over the spiritual world, but Jesus does.
Even if man COULD save himself, tell me....how will he find his way to heaven, without Jesus to take him there? Man doesn't even know where heaven is or how to get there, and even if he could get there, he still couldn't walk through heaven's gates, with unforgiven sin in him. Sin can't enter heaven, or it wouldn't BE heaven, and Jesus being without sin, is the only One worthy enough to forgive us our sins. Stated in John 3:16, 17, and 18. I will take God's Word over man's, ANY day. And the minute Jesus forgives us, he sends His Holy Spirit to live within us, as evidence/proof that we have received Jesus as Savior, and that we are reunited with our Father in heaven and have the promise of eternal life.