I cant handle it
My heart is broken
My mind is angry
My body is starved for touch
Why cant i focus on just one thing 😒 😫
Why does it need to be all these things at once
Someone tell me how to make it stop
Im devastated that i was not good enough
I am angry that he didnt even wanna try
I am not use to not being loved on.
I feel like there is something wrong with me
I feel like ill never be wanted again
I feel like maybw i really wasn't worth love
My mind is angry
My body is starved for touch
Why cant i focus on just one thing 😒 😫
Why does it need to be all these things at once
Someone tell me how to make it stop
Im devastated that i was not good enough
I am angry that he didnt even wanna try
I am not use to not being loved on.
I feel like there is something wrong with me
I feel like ill never be wanted again
I feel like maybw i really wasn't worth love
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