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I We Are All Angels And Gods And Creators In Training

Spirit, Creation, And Its Practical Untold Use.... I have been extremely lucky enough in this life to come upon some very old knowlegde. Hidden & secret, stumbled upon & learned, and just plain gifts from the Creators.  You may believe this or not.  But for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear come close because your sister in creation may be close to that which we all know spiritually but are too fearful to embrace.

I have watched silently all the chaos and then the peace that follows each historical or life event in this world. (whether in my life or others) The simplest thought came to my mind a few months ago.  We are the Gods or Creators inventions,creations, or children, all of us. 
If this is true then we are...Gods and/or Creators and/or Angels in training.

Earth would possibly be a good place for this to happen because like anything else trainees have to go to school.  To be any of the people, for want of a better word, to progress to a God, Creator, or Angel you would need to be able to stand above the many physically attractive, deadly, spirit killing, temptations of the Earth realm.  So school and graduation on Earth before you can be given your true part of Creation.  The most famous Earth graduation was that of Jesus. But, most humans fail miserably here because of the power hungry societal needs of others to succeed over the Earth and its people. The constant blockage of every power historically and right now to stop others from receiving knowledge and learning.  And, if they don't totally block learning and knowledge they put such a high price on it that only those who can afford it may receive it.

We have all these secret societies Freemasonry, Eastern Star, Illuminati, Templars,The Eleusian Mysteries,  Rosicrucian  Mysteries, and I could find you many more secret learnings like the 45 - Gnostic Texts found in the middle 1940's.  These texts are said to be the true teachings of Jesus.  It is claimed that the Catholic Church changed those teachings to have power again under the rule of  the Roman Emperor Constantine.

These secret societies have loads of this information which enables them to exist within the Earth physically and or spirtually more comfortably than the average human or laymen.  It is this lowly human's belief that something else has to happen to put Creation back in place or let it evolve to a rightful conclusion.
Why are all these secret learnings neccesary?  Why are they kept secret?  What must happen for mankind to receive the rightful ownership of Truthful Enlightenment?
The purpose of this group is to find out what we need to do to complete our rightful training and be what we were intended to be...The Right Type of Gods, Creators, and Angels.  This is my thought and as I find out or come into knowledge that makes this possible I fully intend to share.  I hope you all will do the same My Loves.

Much Love, Enlightenment, and Blessings,
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I do believe we have to use the spiritual truth in us and our world and then we will be able to get to the bottom of the Truth we all look for.
Also I agree 100% with WarriorMom..The Bible hides so much of the truth. Like James, the Just was chosen by Jesus to take the lead in ministering to the masses...he elected James himself...where is that in the Bible??? Acts which is supposed to be a history of Christian rules, happenings, etc. Does not record this fact. Acts also does not record how one chosen by Jesus is later killed by having his head crushed from behind and dragged thru the streets of Rome. No mention of this ...but Paul who claimed to have seen Jesus..tears the Torah apart (the 1st 5 books of the Bible) And he abolishes 613 commandments, direct from our Creator to Moses. He throws James down the Church of the Jews stone steps, no mention, either. James leaves the rally with help of other disciples because both his legs are broken. Most historians believe that Paul was a Roman spy who took over the Jesus movement. Why, because his rule and not the rule Jesus gave to James the Just is what we practice today. Read your history children. Paul even says in Acts he is in a race to win from James the Just. And by whatever means necesary. Hugs, livingwell
I try to be very truthful about my beliefs and opinions at all times. I have been admonished by my teachers and advisors about trying to bring other spiritual knowlegdes to people who may not be ready to use the information safely or correctly.

I have been warned of those who would use the knowledge very negatively and actually cause great harm to many.

Also, I am told that although certain information may been given to me because of my particular spiritual growth others who are not at certain spiritual levels would not understand. This could stunt or destroy the right of others to good spiritual education, good spiritual growth, and good spiritual deeds.

So I will be very careful and pray over whatever information I gather and decide to share. But, I truly believe as Jesus said (not an exact quote) " to put a lit lamp under a bush helps no one for who can see by that light?"

Much Love & Much Light,livingwell
Also the early Christians were only given true human rights because they helped Constantine take rulership over Rome. He was of high and low birth back then. His mother was of low class. His Father was Emperor and asked Constantines brothers' of high birth to allow him to be "at court."
When the father died he had to fight his brothers for the clear title of Emperor of Rome. He did not have enough troops to take Rome..But... because he put the cross on all his men and had the soldiers make their swords look like crosses in battle- due to a dream about Jesus and the cross some chatholic historians say. But the story from those times by laymen is that he made a pact with the heads of the Christians. If they would help & fight for him he would give them much power. He needed their help badly or he would have been killed by his bothers. Hugs, livingwell

P.S. Constantine is the reason that Popes in the begining had the same powers as a Roman Emperor. He is why in the end the Christians were able to do to Romans and others what had been done to them. Also because of Pauls' version of Christianity it was easier for Constantine to turn Romans into Roman Catholics. As they would never have accepted Jesus or James way of Christian life. A little history, kids...Hugs, LW
I don't really understand the way you speak but i get the gist of it. But i firmly believe in everything and everyone on this earth as being a "whole one". We decide if we want to be good and help others. I firmly believe that there are an awful lot of Angels on this planet. i have met some brilliant people through my life and i would like to think i am one of them.

I have very strong faith also and you seem to be a truly wonderful person. You understand things that not a lot of people do or so it seems at times.

I jump from one thing to another, a little bit scatty but i think you will know what i am saying.
"The whole one" all and in all, one that is in all--the archtype consciousness or being. Scientifically the universe is in you and you are in it, thus, the physical expression.
Spiritually speaking (semantics aside on definition of spirit) all is spirit even the material, all of the material is just one aspect of the spiritual. Each individual of the material has a body, an individual spirit aspect, at least one collective spirit aspect, and an archtype. many more details to be told of and experienced.

I agree that every individual is an expression, whatever part it m ay be of the whole.
I agree with you!
There is much I agree with here, but I must state I don't read the bible since so much of it had been changed. The human condition includes we see what we want to see (or understand) anyways. I do believe we are all creators, not only of our own lives, but also one with the Great Spirit/God/Higher Power. If we are one, our spiritual being is also of the Great Spirit. Hence forth we are the Great Spirit within human form. My spiritual foundation includes a quote from A Course In Miracles: "It is not that we are human beings having a spiritual experience, it is that we are spiritual beings having a human experience." Thanks for sharing your story livingwell.
Wow...destination discovery...livingwell you have shared the words that validate many who may begin to wonder...why are we here...absolutely loved what you wrote..the mysteries of the Earth it ...connecting...and simply being an example...of course for me it has been a journey of keeping the ego right-sized. keep learning this lesson again and again..thank you so much!!!!
Your last two comments are very interesting... they both allude to "religion becoming law" or "religion being used to attain power", where the people become what they "seemingly oppose", the egos of people thrive, when people begin to play God, forgetting about the cause of God in the process... but as your post indicates we are the "gods" bringing about change in the world... so maybe all this was meant to happen to further human evolution, maybe...
I agree with a lot of what has been said here. I have just found out some info about the Disciples and St. Paul that just took my breathe away. It is not good, either.

Even Jesus said dead words sometimes was not the way. But I will continue to believe that our purpose is to one day help and raise the positive in the Earth and the universe.

Much Love & Hugs, LW
Thank you for the comment. Just do no take my word for it. Do some reseach on your own. Go to some of the oldest references in the world..Essenes & their history(Pure Laws of Moses, Nag Hadmidic Library, and the Dead Sea Scrolls are some good starting points.
Hugs, livingwell
I have found that in order to understand the divine, a person must get beyond the writings of man, especially those of one culture, to a time before writing--the writing is all misleading, even the best of it written lest any would understand that shouldn't. Tribal cultures were spiritual and animistic, and much of what is called spiritual today is in fact more animal. Human spirituality is far more complex than can be described by cultural lore of Gods, angel, devils, and demons; it is more than the divine. Like the material, once the divine is realized all is divine, just as all is spiritual. Maybe you have to experience it, but then again many have but as you note in experience cultural subjugation through writing and education causes them to miss it somehow--why?
@swarmy they get too stuck on "what it is or may be" as in the "spiritual literature" that they think too much on what it may or may not be, so lost in their own thoughts and theory, that they don't give the Divine a chance to make them experience it for what it really is.
For mankind only, that is a fair assuption, maybe. But for the universe we all live in... just a bit too uninvolved. Ad we know that is not the case. So maybe trial and error is not the only way to go...possible??
I think it matters because the physical world we have is just our physical world as we know it. And we see all the other worlds with telescopes and our own eyes. Mans way is usually off kilter..and..Man is the one with with all second thoughts, redo's & stuff.

But the universe and the Creators...just do it!
Hugs, LW
I a point. Only because everything was meant to grow and grow on, grow to, grow up, growth with... And not just Human evolution, either. How about Earth and everything in it ...evolution/s?
See it involves creation...all creation! Hugs, LW
but surely man is not just man in the sense of having a physical body only, man is spirit too, and man's spirit does have second thoughts, and desire to make things right, or do it better they could.
Livingwell: I am reading your words and those of the commenters with much interest. I must research some of these things. More thought-provoking words...Thank you so very much!
I believe that true evolution comes from learning from the mistakes of man also...learning from past mistakes, trying something new and better the second time around...
It is not always to make them right...mainly better. Which in most cases better does not always mean right. Hugs, LW
Thank You ...for I really think I do understand 2011A!
Much Love & Light to You & Yours!

Hugs, LW
Enlightening writing, indeed!
Could the timing be any more perfect?
Now do you understand...Fast friends...
And my arms open wide....
Well either way ... thank you for your comments, incendiary383. They give me good feedback! Hugs, LW
Again, believe your way...We are all free to at least do that. Hugs, LW
YAY!! YAY!! 2011A.** Always! Hugs, LW
You are brilliant Thank You for sharing
well evolution means being subject to fault, so that may be right!
I truly hope so! Hugs & Love, LW

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