Sticklady · 46-50, F
well i wish a god would exist.. it would make life so much easier. but then again so would fairies, dragons and unicorns... none of these exist.
Myzery · 41-45, F
That would make them agnostic.
Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Not that there is anything wrong with that.
GirlOnAMission · 26-30, F
If a person calling him/herself atheist secretly prays or believes in god, then they are not atheist.
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I don't think many would admit to this if it was true.
I'm not an atheist more of an agnostic at this point.
I would like to still believe, but find it increasingly difficult
I'm not an atheist more of an agnostic at this point.
I would like to still believe, but find it increasingly difficult
GirlOnAMission · 26-30, F
If you research history outside of religious texts you can see clearly how often through history, people have always defined who and what god is, can be, and how powerful that god can become. If you research history, you will see that people invented god as a means to control entire societies.

Good question
HatsOnFrogs · 26-30, M
Sometimes I wish there was a god, but not any of the gods that exist. At the same time, I hate the idea of my life being controlled and pre made. It's just occasionally, it seems like a comforting though. The idea that there is always something there. I just can't believe, nor agree with so many of the beliefs.
GirlOnAMission · 26-30, F
seotelkniwt · F
@Fernie there are some who fake being an atheist because of fear of what others may think or say about them believing in God. There are plenty of atheist who believe in God or who want to believe in God, they just won't tell you they do.
HatsOnFrogs · 26-30, M
I don't think that's true, Girl. Many people who are atheist do wish for something more. Just because we don't believe, doesn't mean we don't wish we could.
seotelkniwt · F
GirlOnAMission, not necessarily so. There are plenty of atheist who have changed from being an atheist to being believers in God.
eroticawriter · 46-50, M
No, I don't believe in god.
ImSmallAndGettingSmaller · 41-45, M
I used to work with a girl who identifies herself as a 'Catholic atheist' she believes in God, and attends mass
IntenseCookie · 26-30, F
Atheists don't believe in God. Agnostics don't confirm or deny.
HatsOnFrogs · 26-30, M
Right. Well I can't read it unfortunately. what was it?
HopelessGuy · M
Sometimes I do deeply wish there was a god.
seotelkniwt · F
@HopelessGuy Are you an atheist?
HopelessGuy · M
@seotelkniwt Yes, I'm.
HatsOnFrogs · 26-30, M
Sorry, that link doesn't work for some reason.
GirlOnAMission · 26-30, F
He probably has people under 18 blocked. The link works.
GirlOnAMission · 26-30, F
DickValentine, it is true. Atheists don't believe god exists at all, if a person still wishes or hopes god exist then they are most likely non agnostic.
NeloAngelo · 26-30, M
no. why would an atheist pray to something they don't believe even exists?
seotelkniwt · F
@NeloAngelo because an atheist may began to view the things in the natural world such as our beautiful planet earth, the heavens, outer space, the infinite variety of life on earth the flying creatures of the air, and the many beautiful aquatic creatures living in earth's global waters and may began to wonder is there really is a God? An atheist may began to question his own rationale and began to reason: Life, all forms, animate and inanimate seems to have a purpose. An atheist can have a change of mind and a change heart. It's nothing to be ashamed of or alarmed about. He, an atheist may began to reason that there must be a mastermind behind life.
Think about this: Could you create a blade of grass or one leaf of a tree? What about the air we breathe, could you create the exact specifications or components that make up the air we breath and exhale? These and many more questions can only be answered from the Bible and not from a human.
Think about this: Could you create a blade of grass or one leaf of a tree? What about the air we breathe, could you create the exact specifications or components that make up the air we breath and exhale? These and many more questions can only be answered from the Bible and not from a human.
Fernie · F
seotelkniwt ...that is crazy talk...I hear that constantly from religious ....people....because they cannot, will not allow others to think the way they choose. In all of my 60 years as a NON BELIEVER... and associating with same...never have I met a fake Atheist..ridiculous....fake Christians galore...but no fake Atheists. It's just what god people need to believe...that we all secretly believe in an invisible sky fairy just like they do. No...sorry. If anyone does what you claim...they are not Atheist...they are confused and unstable
Fernie · F
that would be silly,,,why would anyone pretend to be Atheist?
seotelkniwt · F
@Fernie fear of what people might think or say about them for believing in God.
Strawberrry · F
@seotelkniwt what nonsense.. atheists are the most discrimated people in the world and have to fear for their live like no other philosophy
Fernie · F
DickValentine...that makes no sense
HatsOnFrogs · 26-30, M
What you mean is the gits who are stupid enough to say 'there is no God' when what is actually true is 'there is no God... Probably' To claim otherwise is foolish, and as shortsighted as fundamentalist religious believers. It just shuts down debate and discussion, possibility and philosophy.