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All religions welcome! What would you give up for Lent that you'd be crazy about getting back tomorrow? [Spirituality & Religion]

I'd hate to say it but ...😉
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KaysHealingPath · 36-40, F
I gave up nothing. I've given up a lot already.
What I did was make a self conscious choice to try and be a better person every day.
I got involved with my community and donated boxes of clothes and household items to shelters.
THEBIGM · 61-69, M
Cool choice
I gave up nothing also but only because I couldn't think of anything that would be a struggle. I don't [i]need[i] anything that badly
KaysHealingPath · 36-40, F
@Peaceful: thank you.
The way I see it what could I give up that is harder than that which has already been taken from me?
God will understand.
Peaceful · F
@Tristemuneca: you are absolutely right. Keep that wisdom with you always.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
[image/video deleted]
SailorMarz · F
Thats beautiful
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@SailorMarz: thanks!
Isn´t lent a Christian concept ??????
walabby · M
A roman catholic one, I believe...
@walabby: Catholics are christians, but I agree with you.
walabby · M
Yes they are, but I don't know if any other Christian religions do lent. ??
I'm not giving up anything
Why would I give up something for some lent?
Under1 · 26-30, F
I love being an atheist ain't giving up anything at all 😄
walabby · M
I don't do Lent. Religious BS... 😐

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