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Who else has seen Lucifer I (The Morning Star, Satan) before? [Spirituality & Religion]

Ok so I'm not a satanist or anything but I do have great respect for all life no matter what form it takes. Somehow I always knew Satan wasn't evil, he was a Light and knowledge Bringer hijacked by the monotheistic faiths. So I was wondering if any others out there have seen him before? Either in the astral or a worldly visit.

When I saw him he looked like this:
Short black-grey hair on his right side that goes to just below his shoulders on his left side, kinda wavy but not so much. White clothing that seems to change to different types of clothing as time went by, black side-cape that covered his right side and went to the shoulder of his left side. Pale skin with few to no blemishes, very youthful looking. Strong looking but not with huge muscles. Beautiful eyes with white around the pupils, grey around the white and then black around the grey finally going to the regular whites of the eyes. Very tall, I would say about 8 feet tall. Very wise, gentle and kind, serious when needed to be though.

Anyone seen him???
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LadyGrace · 70-79
The common, pop culture portrayal of Satan as a scary-looking, goat-like beast with horns is not found in the Bible. Prior to his rebellion against God, Satan was a beautiful, glorious being (see Ezekiel 28:12–15). What Satan “looks like” now is a mystery. Based on 2 Corinthians 11:14, though, we can know one thing for certain: Satan deceives people into thinking he is an angel of light. For Satan to reveal himself as the evil, murderous being that he is would be counterproductive. Most people would not follow the hateful, malicious maniac of conventional portrayals. Just as sin often looks attractive at first—only later revealing that it leads to death—so Satan would seek to deceive us by appearing as something other than evil.
pompeaj · 26-30, M
Yeah cause Lucifer is "murderous", that is a truly false and hilarious statement. Throughout the Bible this god called Yahweh or Jehovah is the murderer, he calls on his followers to kill, rape and enslave whole people's. he destroys cities and sends plagues and darkness on whole civilizations. All of this is part of his so-called power. He's also the one bargaining with people's souls, not Lucifer. He loves you but if you do anything that's on his "special list" of ten things, you go to a place of torture for all eternity, that my friend is something a psychopath does, "do as I say, or your life". Nowhere in the Bible will you find any evidence of Lucifer doing anything this malicious and horrible. He even was so nice so as to give us knowledge of good and evil, basically saying "you can't remain ignorant and blind in the garden, you need to open your mind to the wider world and truths there-in". Then after we fulfill our potential, consciousnesses, and our eyes are opened, what does god and his minions do? Drive us out of the garden speaking the words, "lest they become gods like US". Who's the real evil one, Jehovah or Lucifer?

(Also I used a lower case g for "god" because he is unworthy of the title given to him, cursed Demiurge.)
LadyGrace · 70-79
@pompeaj: 🙂
AnukBinary · M
All this you speak of is truth. However there's a whole other universe with knowledge of darkness that earth has no idea how deep it goes..

Next time you see him ask about his mother! And how he'll never see her again.. You'll be singing a different room all together I can promise you that.

Come find me when the sickness of the mind starts to take affect if you're strong enough to know that the darkness is swallowing you from the inside out..

Let me know if you find and get even a glimpse of the deception and the Gods of darkness and power. Lucifers true master's. That is if you can make it passed the earth bound demons.. You do realize the Lord Satan too sold his soul to the 'K' he's nothing other than a high ranking Pawn in an eternal scheme.
AnukBinary · M
@QueenOfQuirk: In a sense yes. The term 'selling your soul' is more of a phase than it is an action.. We do not have a soul. We are the soul. Only here in these 4th dimensional vessels/vehicles we call bodies to gain access to the next and higher dimensions. The religions teachings are basic instructions that aren't so basic lol to help guide us in one of two directions.

When one sells themselves 'the soul' to the darkness for greatness. They can however most likely will not, gain a power unlike any other they have ever felt or seen.. Most beings who sell their souls per say only become slaves to the power like an eternal addiction. Always craving and wanting more. Hens the worshipping and dark covenants.
That's freaking scary. But if I am not successful in life I might have to consider doing it..
AnukBinary · M
You know everything in life human and nature made has a code and patterns that can deciphered and cracked. And success is only a mindful away. You can accomplish this through light and vibrations..
Satan and "very wise, gentle and kind"? Lol
I don't know much about the texts on him but I read enough to know that he was evil.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Be gone, fool.

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