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I am going to break these posts down into many short parts because it is obvious that the ones I've done already are not getting any responses. It's really sad that people's attention spans have been reduced to meme's and less, but you will get all the material, just in many short posts ( parts ).

I just want you to know that I got all the information and photos from Pastor Dean Odle's video and he is the only one that I watch now. If you like this post; the video is even better, so here is the link:


Now before we get started, I must make this point perfectly clear; you have been programmed since the 1920's by the media and NASA to be immediately turned off as soon as you see the words " flat earth." This is by design because the true
nature and structure and shape of our earth is true Biblical Cosmology ( The Way That God Created It ).

Satan is the god of this world and he has many followers in high places misleading the masses. He is also the Prince and Power of the Air which means he controls all the media
outlets ( tv, radio, newspapers, magazines, the internet, etc...). And his number one mission is to discredit and mock The Biblical Cosmology so you will not accept the true nature of creation and realize the truth of God's word and therefore keep you away from Jesus and accepting Him as your personal savior and so Satan can lead as many souls as possible straight to hell where he is going.

NASA was founded by NAZI Occultists who were and are Satanists. They do not have even one photo of earth; they are all CGIs ( Computer Graphic Images ) and they are photo shopped and they are all lies. Have you ever noticed when looking at their images of earth that there are never any stars or satellites in the picture? And then there is in one image of earth showing North America taking up almost the whole globe and another one showing a very small North American continent. Which is it? They have lied so much that they can't even keep track of their images and that is because the dark ones are fallible and not perfect like God is.

And it is no coincidence that they named their moon missions Apollo because that is another name of Satan ( the destroyer ). Once again putting it in your face and laughing at you.
Rev 9:11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit ( hell ), whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

Every image on tv, movies and news broadcasts always show you a globe in the background; this is programming and MIND CONTROL! But secretly they have to tell you the truth in little ways; go into a store and pick up a globe that you would put on your desk and read what it says on the bottom of the globe and you will read " not for educational purposes ", yet they have these in every classroom starting with very young children.
So the indoctrination is severe and effective!

Satan's followers was foretold 3000 years ago in a Psalm of David:

Psa 2:1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

The heathen are the masses that are believing the lies ( a vain thing ) that the media is telling them.

Psa 2:2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,

The kings and rulers are the presidents, prime ministers and the elites who are against the LORD and His anointed ( Jesus ) because they are Satanists.

Psa 2:3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

The bands and cords are the strict morals, codes, and rules ( commandments ) that God expects us to adhere to and they want to break away from them because they want to live in filthy sin.

I think I have said enough; lets get on with it.

It's an honour for you and I to search and seek out the things that He's hidden. They are always in here; they're always in the word. How many of you know that you can read the Bible all the way through and the second time through, you realized that you missed a lot? After 35 years of intense study, and I still keep learning things.

I know last time I said we would talk about the inhabitants of that land and what we were talking about was The Mountain of God in the North and paradise and I'm going to review a little bit of last time and then we're going to get into some of the testimony, but it's important for you to know about Admiral Byrd's testimony and we're going to go through Olaf Jansen's testimony; I believe...

...these two testimonies of what's going on at the North Pole and under the North Pole are true and correct and I'll explain why; alright? Now Admiral Byrd being in the United State's Navy was threatened and everything else to not disclose everything; alright? That was in 1947 when he went to the North Pole.

The Smoky God here; they went in 1828; ok? They all went there and it's just amazing when we get into this, but I felt it was important to get through Admiral Byrd's stuff today, but I want you to let this verse sink in:

Pro 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.

When I'm teaching about the Mountain of God in the North. Eden and paradise being under the earth there at the North Pole; we have enough evidence from Scripture that it exists. To me that's the only witness you need; the Holy Bible is it.

We also have the testimony of Enoch from Enoch 1. We have Admiral Byrd; medal of honour; the only man in our modern era to explore both the North Pole area and Antarctica. He's probably gone the furthest of any man in the modern era. He tells you in his diary that the United States government told him that he could not tell us everything and he was serious about that. They would put him in prison or kill him for treason; so he did what he could do.

From 1947 to 1957 were the most terrible years of his life because of what he went through with the US government; alright? Now that I understand these things better, they do have end time implications and we will get to that; I just can't get to it all in one message, but our understanding of things; the classes of Angels; and there's a whole different class of Angels called the Sons of God that we're going to have to deal with and show how different they are; and it's all Biblical.

We're going to go through a few video screenshots. The Illuminati, the Cabal, the Satanic Elite that run the world and are loyal to Satan; they have a rule and David Wilcox who is one of these New Age nuts that's always on the Ancient Aliens show; he's one of their commentators, but he's a New Age Guru. He admits and talks about how the Cabal understands that there is a good power above them and that one of the rules for them to be able to operate in this world is that they have to disclose what they are doing.

Now why is that? Because Jesus said:

Luk 8:17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.

Luk 12:3 Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.

Their housetops are movies, TV shows, music, cartoons and video games; so we talked about the Mountain of God in the North and like last time I gave you all the Scriptures from
Ezekiel 28, Isaiah 14; we went through all of them; this movie came out in 2017. In fact, in 2017 was the first time that I ever talked about this topic the Mountain of God in the North and paradise and Eden being there. They give you some truth, but they always sort of mix in what they want to deceive you with. This is a movie entitled the Dark Tower
from 2017.

The man:

He draws a good hand.

The boy:

Tell me what this is.

The man:

It's a map; my father showed me a map like this once. Inside the circle is your world and my world. Many others, who knows how many.

The Dark Tower stands in the center of all things; and it stood there from the beginning of time. And it sends out powerful energy and it takes the universe, shields us from what's outside.

The boy:

What do you mean outside? What's outside the universe?

The man:

Outside is endless darkness from the demons trying to get to us; Walter wants to take down the tower to let them in.

When the tower falls their world full of monsters.

The boy:

I'm sorry, but I can't make out what he is saying with these
first few words. So we take the tower; I've seen them trying to destroy it; if we could just get there.

The man:

There is no EJ; all that matters to me is that I find and kill
Walter; that's it.

They got it wrong; yea; there are some things outside in the outer darkness that would love to get in here and in the underworld, in hell that would love to get rid of their chains, but when he's talking about outside of the universe, no it's not. But what's interesting is that the Bible talks about the fallen angels chained in the great river Euphrates; they're going to be loosed. But the Dark Tower represents I believe
that it's real, but that it also represents The Mountain of God in the sides of the North.

The Bible talks about and it is the Throne as we saw in Enoch; it is the Throne of God when He comes here to visit the earth and of course the North Star Polaris is directly above that which is the center and you see it doesn't make sense if you believe in a spinning water ball; if you believe what the Bible says about the heaven and earth, then you know the center is the North Pole. And it's...

... been proven and that's it right there; and of course they put this big ice block there, but that's really not the way it is.

Read this.

Read this too.

And this.

And read this.

Also this.

And this too.

And finally this.

May YHWH, Christ
and the Holy spirit
Bless you,

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