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I am going to break these posts down into many short parts because it is obvious that the ones I've done already are not getting any responses. It's really sad that people's attention spans have been reduced to meme's and less, but you will get all the material, just in many short posts ( parts ).

I just want you to know that I got all the information and photos from Pastor Dean Odle's video and he is the only one that I watch now. If you like this post; the video is even better, so here is the link:


Now before we get started, I must make this point perfectly clear; you have been programmed since the 1920's by the media and NASA to be immediately turned off as soon as you see the words " flat earth." This is by design because the true
nature and structure and shape of our earth is true Biblical Cosmology ( The Way That God Created It ).

Satan is the god of this world and he has many followers in high places misleading the masses. He is also the Prince and Power of the Air which means he controls all the media
outlets ( tv, radio, newspapers, magazines, the internet, etc...). And his number one mission is to discredit and mock The Biblical Cosmology so you will not accept the true nature of creation and realize the truth of God's word and therefore keep you away from Jesus and accepting Him as your personal savior and so Satan can lead as many souls as possible straight to hell where he is going.

NASA was founded by NAZI Occultists who were and are Satanists. They do not have even one photo of earth; they are all CGIs ( Computer Graphic Images ) and they are photo shopped and they are all lies. Have you ever noticed when looking at their images of earth that there are never any stars or satellites in the picture? And then there is in one image of earth showing North America taking up almost the whole globe and another one showing a very small North American continent. Which is it? They have lied so much that they can't even keep track of their images and that is because the dark ones are fallible and not perfect like God is.

And it is no coincidence that they named their moon missions Apollo because that is another name of Satan ( the destroyer ). Once again putting it in your face and laughing at you.
Rev 9:11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit ( hell ), whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

Every image on tv, movies and news broadcasts always show you a globe in the background; this is programming and MIND CONTROL! But secretly they have to tell you the truth in little ways; go into a store and pick up a globe that you would put on your desk and read what it says on the bottom of the globe and you will read " not for educational purposes ", yet they have these in every classroom starting with very young children.
So the indoctrination is severe and effective!

Satan's followers was foretold 3000 years ago in a Psalm of David:

Psa 2:1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

The heathen are the masses that are believing the lies ( a vain thing ) that the media is telling them.

Psa 2:2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,

The kings and rulers are the presidents, prime ministers and the elites who are against the LORD and His anointed ( Jesus ) because they are Satanists.

Psa 2:3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

The bands and cords are the strict morals, codes, and rules ( commandments ) that God expects us to adhere to and they want to break away from them because they want to live in filthy sin.

I think I have said enough; lets get on with it.

Jesus said that everything done in secret would be shouted from the roof tops and then He said if that's true, we believe that to be true and I do, then as we are in the last days running out of time, that means there's no more time for things that have been hidden from us to be hidden. So God is revealing them.

Now, some of the things I'm going to get into today, some of you are going to find hard to believe, but whether you find it hard to believe or not, it doesn't matter because if the word of God says it, it's true regardless of what mankind says. And I'll tell right now when it comes to the word of God, I believe it was God breathed; Divinely inspired; God moved upon Holy men and they wrote exactly what God led them to write and Jesus made this statement He said man shall not live by bread alone, but by EVERY WORD that proceeds from the mouth of God.

Every word is important and every truth in the Bible is important; there is a reason for everything in here. Now, I don't know why anybody would find it shocking that the governments of the world might lie to you about something; or that they might mislead you; or that they might hide something from you.

Read this.

The word hold there in the Greek means to suppress; to hold down; to hold back. So he says that there would be men who would be holding back truth; they would know it, but they would keep it from you; and the context of this is what we just read in verse 20 which is about creation.

Read this.

There are some men that God has shewed it unto them. There are men in our government and other governments of the world that have seen the evidence at the North Pole and Antarctica; they've seen it and they hold it back from you; ok?

So what he's saying here is that they suppress the truth because they had other motives and they were evil and God is not happy about it.

I know this sounds wild because most of you don't even know or haven't heard about the Mountain of God; you don't know about Biblical Cosmology or Creation and again, men in power have suppressed this from you.

This is one of the drawings of Biblical Cosmology; this is what the Bible teaches.

We have a flat dish type disk; we don't know how deep it goes; underneath is Sheol, hell, the underworld; also paradise is there and we will talk about that; and of course the foundations of the earth that Job and Enoch talked about
and that the earth is covered by a molten glass dome called the firmament in which the stars are attached and above that
are the waters that are above the heavens and the throne of God up there.

There's also in the Bible, and in every culture the discussion of a great mountain; an exceedingly high mountain in the sides of the north. Now this is all through out the Bible and we will go through all the Scriptures. It is talked about in every culture in the world, just like the flood is. Even in ancient China there are records of a great flood that covered the earth and there were 8 people that survived.

Now isn't it amazing that they got those facts right and they're not Bible believing people. And just like that the true story of the flood of Noah is in every culture, the true story of the Mountain of God that's here on the earth and what is directly underneath it which is Eden; paradise; is in every culture of the world.

The Buddhists call it Shamballa; others call it Agartha; and all of these things that we call myths are myths that came from truth. These people that passed these stories down didn't have it all right, but guess what? God's word has it right.

This great black rock; this mountain has been found by explorers and put on ancient maps that I'm going to show you. This big black mountain called the Roof of Ghidra or in Buddhism they call it Mt. Meru; in the Bible it's called the Mountain of God or Mt. Zion. Can I tell you that Mt. Zion in Jerusalem is only about 2,300 feet? It is not the exceedingly high mountain in the sides of the north; in fact, it's not even north Israel; it's not even north Jerusalem. It's south of Israel and it's south of Jerusalem.

No, this is the exceedingly high mountain which is magnetic and that's why the compasses all point north, that is the great magnet that pulls our compasses to the north as well as the fact that ancient discoverers like Mercator and others
that put on theirs maps, that people that found it said that they measured the circumference of that mountain and that it's based at 33 miles; another reason that the Freemasons and the high level occultists like the number 33.

But the Biblical cosmology is not NASA cosmology; it's not big bang cosmology; it is a 3 tiered system; 3rd heaven above; the firmament the solid glass dome is the 2nd heaven; where the birds fly and where the sun and the moon
which are actually much smaller and closer to us within that move in a circuit, that's the first heaven. But there is also a vast underworld and the Bible speaks of this underworld a lot.

The North Star is directly above the North Pole; never moves which lets you know that we're not spinning, flying, vortexing through an ever expanding universe because that star never moves; and if you can't figure that out by this star that never moves; I can't help you. You are thoroughly completely government public school brainwashed.

So folks, you have to think logically; and remember the Bible told us that the devil would deceive the whole world and the Bible told us that the kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men would be a part of this conspiracy to deceive us.

May YHWH, Christ
and the Holy Spirit
Bless you,
calicuz · 56-60, M
You really consider this short? 🤔
ArcAngel · 61-69, M

It's a lot shorter than the older posts; it's not my fault that people's attention spans are those of a gnat!
calicuz · 56-60, M

We are kinda simple. 😅
ArcAngel · 61-69, M

You can say that again!
calicuz · 56-60, M
If I agree with anything you have said, it is that this is definitely a time when "the wheat shall be separated from the tare," in that the American Christian church is being shown not follow the teachings of Christ, but have chosen "man's" laws over God's laws. In none of Christ's teachings does Christ speak of Rome or overtaking Rome, either by force or politics.
ArcAngel · 61-69, M

I agree completely.

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