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I am going to break these posts down into many short parts because it is obvious that the ones I've done already are not getting any responses. It's really sad that people's attention spans have been reduced to meme's and less, but you will get all the material, just in many short posts ( parts ).

I just want you to know that I got all the information and photos from Pastor Dean Odle's video and he is the only one that I watch now. If you like this post; the video is even better, so here is the link:


Now before we get started, I must make this point perfectly clear; you have been programmed since the 1920's by the media and NASA to be immediately turned off as soon as you see the words " flat earth." This is by design because the true
nature and structure and shape of our earth is true Biblical Cosmology ( The Way That God Created It ).

Satan is the god of this world and he has many followers in high places misleading the masses. He is also the Prince and Power of the Air which means he controls all the media
outlets ( tv, radio, newspapers, magazines, the internet, etc...). And his number one mission is to discredit and mock The Biblical Cosmology so you will not accept the true nature of creation and realize the truth of God's word and therefore keep you away from Jesus and accepting Him as your personal savior and so Satan can lead as many souls as possible straight to hell where he is going.

NASA was founded by NAZI Occultists who were and are Satanists. They do not have even one photo of earth; they are all CGIs ( Computer Graphic Images ) and they are photo shopped and they are all lies. Have you ever noticed when looking at their images of earth that there are never any stars or satellites in the picture? And then there is in one image of earth showing North America taking up almost the whole globe and another one showing a very small North American continent. Which is it? They have lied so much that they can't even keep track of their images and that is because the dark ones are fallible and not perfect like God is.

And it is no coincidence that they named their moon missions Apollo because that is another name of Satan ( the destroyer ). Once again putting it in your face and laughing at you.
Rev 9:11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit ( hell ), whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

Every image on tv, movies and news broadcasts always show you a globe in the background; this is programming and MIND CONTROL! But secretly they have to tell you the truth in little ways; go into a store and pick up a globe that you would put on your desk and read what it says on the bottom of the globe and you will read " not for educational purposes ", yet they have these in every classroom starting with very young children.
So the indoctrination is severe and effective!

Satan's followers was foretold 3000 years ago in a Psalm of David:

Psa 2:1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

The heathen are the masses that are believing the lies ( a vain thing ) that the media is telling them.

Psa 2:2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,

The kings and rulers are the presidents, prime ministers and the elites who are against the LORD and His anointed ( Jesus ) because they are Satanists.

Psa 2:3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

The bands and cords are the strict morals, codes, and rules ( commandments ) that God expects us to adhere to and they want to break away from them because they want to live in filthy sin.

I think I have said enough; lets get on with it.

Here's your picture; think about it; that's what appeared. What's up with the elongated head? You have any kind of true Christian around; what are they going to say? Now that's a demon. These people are falling hook, line and sinker for this thing. It's a religion and they're having their spiritual experiences and they have their own prayers and their own meditation and their own angels and their own gods.

Read this.

Oooooh; a one world government.

Read this too.

And this.

Hmmm; crystals; kind of the same thing witches use.

And this too.

This guy has been a prophet for what he calls the Lord Maitreya or the great world teacher that's coming; he's been like John the Baptist. Now Maitreya is a term the Buddhist's would use or the fifth Buddha is what he's called; the Anti-Christ will be called the fifth Buddha; the Maitreya; he'll be called Krishna; he'll be called the Imaam Mahdi or the 12th Imaam and to deceived Christians, the Christ.

Read this.

Read this.

Divination means that you're trying to for tell the future. A necromancer is someone who is trying to contact the dead. And they're not contacting the dead, it's demons fooling them that they are speaking with the dead. Now that's as clear as it gets; isn't it?

Now, you need to understand how this move into what they call the Christ consciousness or the cosmic consciousness or the universal consciousness or just talking about raising your consciousness; it always incorporates meditation; visualization;
mantras; always. There are a lot of Christians that have done this. They think because they can slap Christian names on it, and do the same techniques, they think it's ok, but it's not.

It's opening people up to demons; isn't it interesting; that demon Kundalini snake that wrapped around that woman; isn't that something? I've cast that demon out of people; it's a vicious little demon and they showed it coming right up slithering up to that woman's face; and they even admit that she was having a Kundalini experience.

If you're trying to convince us that these are beings from other planets and galaxies; why would you admit that they're giving people Hindu manifestations in their lives from Hinduism and Buddhism. All of this extraterrestrial stuff like the people of the Vril society who were openly mediums ( witches ) with familiar spirits; into divination and all this other stuff and all of a sudden they started getting messages from galaxies far far away.

It's always connected folks to occult practices or the practices of false religions that Christians should know are false and demonic. We shouldn't be tricked by any of this, but the Roman Catholic Church has let this slip in. They actually adopted it and this is why it's so important; for any true protestant Christian, you can have no compromise with the Roman Catholic system; none; zero; you don't let them lay hands on you; you don't pray like they pray; you don't take their crosses; their crucifixes; their rosery beads; nothing!

Over the last 10-12 years, the strongest demonic manifestation
where the demons get really riled up and manifest in somebody
and do something crazy when they're getting cast out in the name of Jesus, is usually people who have been in Roman Catholicism. When I start addressing the demons of Roman Catholic idolatry through Mary and bind those demons and command them to come out, I had one person when I did that
blood began to shoot from her nose like it was a faucet turned on.

Then she threw up stuff she didn't eat for dinner cause I know
because I ate dinner with her. There was a woman from India who had a Hindu background, but she went to a Roman Catholic school and when we got to her deliverance and got to the Roman Catholic demon of Mary idolatry, she couldn't even speak; her whole body seized up; she couldn't do it and I kept trying to get her to speak and she couldn't speak; so I had to take authority and command that thing to come out.

It was the strongest demon I have come across in a long time.
None of the Hindu stuff was a problem, but the Roman Catholic
demon was the worst. So if you've been in Roman Catholicism
or any of this stuff or you've gotten into the new age movement which is nothing but the adoption of these eastern mysticism occult principles put with new names on them. Sometimes they just say what it is like Jessica had a Kundalini awakening, but it's an alien; NO! IT'S A DEMON!

It's that serpent; I mean think about it, the word Kundalini means serpent power; that old serpent the devil? I mean it shouldn't be hard to figure out.

Isn't it amazing; again; I could go through case after case after case after case that what we're seeing in the sky, this whole UFO phenomenon, this whole alien thing, they are demon spirits, fallen angels and some of them may have had relations with human women and created some more Nephilim, but they might not be giants, they might just be weird.

And now with all the genetic manipulation that can be done,
there's no telling what they could most probably make what ever they want. I do know this; I was told in 1987 by someone coming out of high level Satanism, and this is before the internet, I was told that the giants are underground. Anybody see that massive hummer the other day? And they say oh, it was just built to be an RV.

The moment I saw that thing, I said that's for the Nephilim when they come out; that's for the giants when they come out. And they said no that's just an RV. Oh yeah, you built a hummer to be an RV that you can't even drive on the road. So I believe there will be giants again and I believe there will also be others.

When we look back on the Nephilim when the giants came into being; you have to remember that the first set were fallen angels and human women; so you have that group, but then you had them with each other which created a different type of mutation; then you had them with other mutations; remember some of the giants had 6 fingers and 6 toes and double sets of teeth and some of them were normal size.

And the elongated skulls all over the world; and they've determined that they're not from manipulation, but they're different. I believe that those are a different genetic manifestation of Nephilim.

Now a regular size Hummer's big, but what is THAT?!?!?! And what is that for? I mean most people have no need for the normal size Hummer; I can't imagine the need for the giant one.
That's for someone a little bigger; kind of like the steps in Egypt
and other places that were clearly not for normal size men.

Look at that! I guarantee you some " space " brothers are going to be riding those right? And the men in the underground bases
have to sign papers ahead of time saying they will not use the name of Jesus even if they're cussing because these entities lose it. What does that tell you? I mean if it upsets them that bad; who's side are they on, if you can't even say the name of Jesus around them?

The Bible talks about fearful sights; think about some of these things walking out; even when these alleged " aliens " walk out
or baby Nephilim we'll call them or giant Nephilim walk out. There are going to be people who mess up their pants and run
home crying momma. They are gonna freak out. What if they manifest a massive ship over a city? Do you think people won't freak out?

As a Christian, you should never be scared by any of this; and be ready knowing your authority, because I'm going to tell you right now those things aren't going to want to get around you. And I really believe that's why they've been held off; they always talk about it's not the right time; there's not enough people with an awakened consciousness, but I'm going to tell you what it is; they've been waiting and waiting and waiting for the church of Jesus Christ and Christians to get weaker and weaker and weaker.

That don't pray; that don't bind demons; that don't believe in casting out demons; that don't believe in supernatural manifestations of things; that just go to their mega church, drink their coffee and go home. Now what they're afraid of are people like us who know; we know Jesus; we are born again through faith in His blood; faith in His bodily resurrection from the dead; He has filled us with His Holy Spirit; we understand we have authority and power in Jesus' name and we can bind demons, rebuke demons in Jesus' name and they have to flee from us
because that's what the word of God said.

We can cast them out; and it doesn't matter if they call themselves Lam or space brother or legion or whatever. You know some of these so called aliens are calling themselves like Semjasa like the name of one of the angels in Enoch that fell and rebelled and went and made the oath to go and mess up the human race genetically.

They're just taking their names; some of them will say they're Molech; like, why are you telling us your names?

May YHWH, Christ
and the Holy Spirit
Bless you,

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