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I just want you to know that I got all the information and photos from Pastor Dean Odle's video and he is the only one that I watch now. If you like this post; the video is even better, so here is the link:


Now before we get started, I must make this point perfectly clear; you have been programmed since the 1920's by the media and NASA to be immediately turned off as soon as you see the words " flat earth." This is by design because the true
nature and structure and shape of our earth is true Biblical Cosmology ( The Way That God Created It ).

Satan is the god of this world and he has many followers in high places misleading the masses. He is also the Prince and Power of the Air which means he controls all the media outlets ( tv, radio, newspapers, magazines, the internet, etc...). And his number one mission is to discredit and mock The Biblical Cosmology so you will not accept the true nature of creation and realize the truth of God's word and therefore keep you away from Jesus and accepting Him as your personal savior and so Satan can lead as many souls as possible straight to hell where he is going.

NASA was founded by NAZI Occultists who were and are Satanists. They do not have even one photo of earth; they are all CGIs ( Computer Graphic Images ) and they are photo shopped and they are all lies. Have you ever noticed when looking at their images of earth that there are never any stars or satellites in the picture? And then there is in one image of earth showing North America taking up almost the whole globe and another one showing a very small North American continent. Which is it? They have lied so much that they can't even keep track of their images and that is because the dark ones are fallible and not perfect like God is.

And it is no coincidence that they named their moon missions Apollo because that is another name of Satan ( the destroyer ). Once again putting it in your face and laughing at you.
Rev 9:11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit ( hell ), whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

Every image on tv, movies and news broadcasts always show you a globe in the background; this is programming and MIND CONTROL! But secretly they have to tell you the truth in little ways; go into a store and pick up a globe that you would put on your desk and read what it says on the bottom of the globe and you will read " not for educational purposes ", yet they have these in every classroom starting with very young children.
So the indoctrination is severe and effective!

Satan's followers was foretold 3000 years ago in a Psalm of David:

Psa 2:1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

The heathen are the masses that are believing the lies ( a vain thing ) that the media is telling them.

Psa 2:2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,

The kings and rulers are the presidents, prime ministers and the elites who are against the LORD and His anointed ( Jesus ) because they are Satanists.

Psa 2:3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

The bands and cords are the strict morals, codes, and rules ( commandments ) that God expects us to adhere to and they want to break away from them because they want to live in filthy sin.

I think I have said enough; lets get on with it.

The original Hebrew word for turned means changed. So the clay is changed when it is pressed down by a signet ring making the king's seal. A Christian flat earther said that we can't use this verse to prove the shape of the earth, because there is no context here. Now wait a minute; I understand basic grammar, and I'm not the best, but I do have a basic concept of it, and whenever it is used, you go back to the last subject.

Well the last subject talked about was earth in the verse before it, which is why other translators said the earth. So these other translations by the Hebrew and Greek scholars over the years, determined that the earth has changed like clay under a seal. And this is what happens when you take a seal ring or a press; sometimes they're on a little stick, but sometimes they could be a ring, but when you press that into a ball or pile of wax or clay,
and you press it down, you get something spread out FLAT!

The first man to reach the stratosphere, Auguste Piccard, in a balloon...

...and it's in Popular Science magazine August 1931, and in here it tells the story 10 miles high in a balloon, Auguste Piccard, he was the first man ever to reach that height, world record at the time; 51,000 feet ( 10 miles ) high. When Popular Science magazine asked him what did the earth look like, did you see the curvature of the earth? He said no, the earth appeared to be a flat disk with an UPTURNED edge; not any down turned edge, but an UPTURNED edge, which is the same picture you get here with this seal.

Auguste Piccard had no reason to lie because NASA wasn't formed yet; the Freemasons and the Satanists and the Occultists that hadn't formed NASA yet to lie to everybody and to deceive everybody and this was just an honest scientist giving honest observations and honest data and other information.

Now I don't usually like the NIV translation, but they actually got this one right. So go ahead and read it. And multiple translations all say the same thing and one of the first scientists who was honest that went up high high high in the sky
( 51,000 feet ). What's funny is that you've got people so brainwashed, that they think that they see the curvature of the earth when they're in an airplane at 28,000 or 30,000 feet.

I have flown many many many times, and I think one of my flights was at 40,000 feet; I have NEVER seen any curve, EVER. You don't see a curve when you are in a plane, it's in your mind because you are so brainwashed. Now there was a guy who said that he flew on the Concord and he saw the curvature of the earth at 59,000 feet.

Well I pulled up old videos of Concord and you know when people video themselves flying on the Concord and took the video camera to the window? Oh, there's lots of them; guess what? NO CURVE! EVER!!! I sent him the video and I asked him to show me the curve; show me the money; right? Don't show me the curve with your cameras or your imagination; your WIDE fish eyed lens camera.

So here the Lord is speaking to Job directly; you can say what you want, but that's direct revelation. And He asks Job and you can read the verses 4-6 in blue highlights. Now, any Christian that says this is just poetic language or metaphors, they don't believe the Bible. God's talking about His creation; where were you when I measured it, when I stretched the line. What do you do when you want to lay out a foundation and you want it to be level and straight? You add a string; right?

Now, it's interesting when He says here that He stretched a line up on it;...

...the word line means cord.

And you can read about right here.

A MUSICAL STRING! Now I play the guitar and when you put strings on a guitar...

...what do you do? You lay it down flat and you stretch them out
and you put tension on them ( the word stretch there means you put tension on them ). When you look at the strings on the neck of the guitar are they curved? This is what the Lord did, He stretched a line upon it.

Flat level strings there!

Here's what you do when laying a foundation; you get a general area, you measure, you get the line so you can get it exactly
the way you want it.

And here's another one; you can see the highlighted straight lines ( strings ), and how perfectly level they are.

The Bible says prove all things.

1Th 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

Every time that somebody sends up a high altitude balloon,
at 108,000 feet, 120,000 feet, 121,000 feet and that's about the max before the balloons can't handle it any further. You never see a curve unless you have the fake curve created by fisheye lens cameras like the Go-Pro. Most people don't realize that these fisheye lensed cameras have been around since 1966.
NASA started using them real early.

So here's one as you can see at 121,000 feet.

Another one. Do you see any dramatic curving there? How many 1000's of miles of straight line are on a ball? What blows my mind is the Christians that will look at this and not believe it; but they will look at CGI and cartoons from NASA and Space X and believe that.

Here's another one. Do you see any curvature here either?

These are screenshots taken from a moving video. When a video is recording through a fisheye lens camera, it will always go through 3 stages; concave, flat and then curved. This first one is concave.

This one is flat.

And this one is curved. It's the same every time. They want you to believe that that's the curvature of the earth, and there is a lot people that believe that that's the curvature of the earth; from 124,000 feet that's what it looks like. That's how brainwashed they are " I saw it on TV, I saw it."

Here's MythBusters in 2015 doing the same thing, and this was when flat earth was getting huge, so they do this propaganda here.

He's saying that the edge of our planet has a definitive curve to it, but if you look behind him, you will see a perfectly flat horizon.

He's got fisheye lens Go-Pro cameras on the windows, and as they are showing a " curved earth," the camera that is facing him is not a fisheye lens camera and you can clearly see a FLAT horizon behind him.

Now remember that they are saying that the Space Station is 250 miles above the earth. If you do the math, you get 1.3 million feet.

And they're showing you the same curve age they showed you before at only 124,000 feet and also about the same curve at 70,000 feet.

Now see people again are going to believe that that right there is the ball earth and it's done by a camera.

That is not a genuine picture of the shape of the earth.

NASA has been doing this for a long time. Here's a picture; wait a minute; I thought they were going to show the whole ball like they did a minute ago and they're just showing a little bit of a curve; and it's at the same altitude, so once again we have a morphing planet; a morphing ball.

OOOH! Wait a minute; did they go higher? No.

Here's another one from NASA and that one looks almost flat. Now let me ask you NASA, which picture is real or are any of them real; without manipulation, and without the fake lenses.
Where did I get this from? NASA's Facebook page. They put out so many pictures, they don't even realize that they're contradicting themselves

Now you can read the specs on the camera right here.

That picture on the right is Apollo 11 taking off. They're looking at it out of a window, maybe about 5 or 6 stories up? And notice how curved the earth is behind it. NASA has been using fisheye
lenses for a long, long time.

Here's the first picture we " allegedly " took from " space " at 65 miles up; it's the V2 we stole from Hitler or we " confiscated "
after World War 2 in 1946. Now let me ask you something, that's supposed to be 65 miles up; does that look curved?
Let me tell you what NASA did to make you think it is; they actually reached 100 miles up. Remember the Space Station
is " allegedly " 250 miles up, but this rocket reached 100 miles
and they did a few shots and they took these little pictures.

So then they piece them together like these photos show, and this is on NASA's website; First Pictures of Earth From 100 Miles, but do you see how they piece them together to make that? Well I did a little something; and what I did...

...here was; here's a picture from the ISS claiming that it was
265 miles up, so I took a transparency of the picture from 1946 and put it...

...over it; wait a minute! How is there more curve at 100 miles up then there is at 265 miles up? They fake so many pictures, they forget what they've done.

Here's another one; NASA Facebook page! You see that? So there's a picture of the Fake Station and you've got that curve there...

...and if we put the transparency of the 100 miles and they're supposed to be above 250 miles, guess what? More curve at 100 miles. Do you all see that?

May YHWH, Christ
and the Holy Spirit
Bless you,

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