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Again, I Ask, Where Is The Evidence For Natural Selection By Random Chance?

You can't tell me that God doesn't live, it wouldn't be the Truth. Here is more evidence that God created the heavens and the earth by His infinite wisdom and intelligence. Every bit of creation does what it's supposed to do, what it was designed to do.







All this evidence shows that nothing came from natural selection by random chance. Therefore, God still lives and His Word is still Truth.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
and again I (patiently) explain to you that Natural Selection isn't driven by 'random chance'.

It's driven by sex, death, and an ever-changing environment.

and again you will run away from me in fear and dismay, because your magical entity cannot survive reality.

Try harder.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Do you agree with all six of these statements?

Where's your evidence?
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@GodSpeed63 Me: "Do you agree with all six of these statements? If not, which ones do you dispute, and why?"

Godspeed63: "Where's your evidence?"

and there, ladies and gentlemen, is all you need... draw your own conclusions

newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@GodSpeed63Me: "Do you agree with all six of these statements? If not, which ones do you dispute, and why?"

Godspeed63: "Where's your evidence?"

and there, ladies and gentlemen, is all you need... draw your own conclusions

DocSavage · M
Completely irrelevant. Since you don’t know how many generation died off before the examples in your YouTube videos.
You think finished product from start to end. Evolution doesn’t work like that.
Of course you wouldn’t know about that.
Dumbman · 36-40
@Illyria @DocSavage To the best of my knowledge, God designed it so that no one could get to know it in absolute terms so that humans cannot control it.
DocSavage · M
People design gods to be ambiguous, it saves time, and explains nothing.
Dumbman · 36-40
@DocSavage You can never model the whole process of universe. Then there will be nothing left for humans to do, it will defeat the purpose of life.
Richard65 · M
You clearly don't understand what the word evidence means.

I've said this a hundred times to you already - your belief in God relies on faith, that's the entire basis of your religion. The definition of faith is "Belief WITHOUT evidence." Your God does not want you to prove His existence. He does not want you to try and prove His existence to anyone else. He simply needs and wants you to have faith that He exists. Do you understand that? Belief in God relies on faith, NOT evidence! Constantly banging on about how you can prove God's existence is absolutely NOT what your God wants you to do.

You actually don't understand the primary tenet of Christianity.
It's pitiful.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@Richard65 He will just not listen and then create another post about the same subject. He does not want to read and try to understand our replies.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@Richard65 He turns something so rich and meaningful and transcendent into a shallow fairy tale.
Richard65 · M
@JimboSaturn yes, and sometimes I wonder why I bother to debate him, because he's obviously blind to reason. Either that or he just loves trolling.
DocSavage · M
And who or what designed your designer ?
If something cannot come from nothing, why should we make an exception to the rule for god ?
You believe god exist without being created, why not the cosmos? Logic dictates if one is possible, so is the other.
Vin53 · M
My NEW religion is the BEST! Vinistrianity ensures everyone goes to heaven NO EXCEPTIONS! The really bad people get "I love Lucy" reruns in a very obscure African language 24/7 on a loop!

Send me 500$ for instant enrollment.
The complexity and intricacy of creation, highlights the impossibility of chance or coincidence. We can reference biblical passages like Psalm 19:1-4, Isaiah 40:26, and Jeremiah 10:12, which describe God's creative power.

We also have examples from nature, like the Fibonacci sequence in flowers or the precision of planetary orbits.

I encourage others to seek God and appreciate His majesty. How many have ever stopped to think about the incredible complexity and order in our universe? From the intricate patterns on a butterfly's wings to the precise movements of the planets, it's clear that everything is designed with purpose and intention. As a Christian, I believe that God is the Great Designer, and His creation is a testament to His power and love. The more I learn about the world around me, the more I am in awe of His majesty, wisdom, and power.

How many ways does he need to say it? You still haven't come across with anything better, so you're dodging the question and taking the easy way out.
@LadyGrace So the Bible tells you this. No other sources. Because of course, you don't want any other sources in case your fragile worldview evaporates like a soap bubble.
@Illyria I see you have asked questions just to mock my answers. I'm happy to have respectful conversations, but this one is over. I wish you well.
@LadyGrace I will mock any answer from someone who claims that the Bible is absolute, solid, irrefutable, unquestionable fact.

I wish you well.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
You do so love to conflate two totally different questions and the idea that if you accept evolution you cannot believe in God!

I.e if there is this god called "God" creating and operating everything, that the more we learn about natural processes only shows ever more what that deity has done and continues to do.

Is it not more intelligent and more respectful of God, to learn about God's works, than to demean God by flatly denying them for the sake of wilfully blind, lazy, man-made dogma? If I were an active Christian I would class such denial and dogma as bordering on blasphemous.

It's also as regressive as the Mediaeval Church view that the Sun orbits the Earth merely because some pre-Christian, non-Judaic, Greek Philosopher said it does.

In the end your anti-knowledge polemics amount to little more than desperate bullying for no purpose, and they certainly do not serve or defend your deity. They insult Him.
DocSavage · M
Then why do you constantly deny it ?
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Then why do you constantly deny it ?

Denying what, Doc?
DocSavage · M
Evolution, and all the evidence you’ve been shown. If as you said god made science, then all the scientific evidence is proof of his work. Updated by people that understand it, not goat herders.
Absolutely! Nothing that God does Is Random!
@LadyGrace You do not force your beliefs on others. I would never do that. You do. That's what ALL your posts are for. Do not interact with me again.
You do not force your beliefs on others. I would never do that.

You're right. I don't force my beliefs on others. It's only their perception, as they don't like Christians anyway. Don't worry, I won't lose any sleep over not interacting with people like you, who are just angry at the world to begin with.
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[@Godspeed] I appreciate how you've tried to answer her questions, but it sounds like she has a fixed perspective and is not open to respectful dialogue. Her response reveals immaturity and a bias against people who hold God and the Bible in high regard. You've shown kindness and respect, and that's something to be proud of. Keep shining your light and sharing your love and kindness with others. There are people out there who enjoy, and are open to respectful conversations with others.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Don't you ever get tired of this subject? You must be very insecure in your beliefs.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@GodSpeed63 I'm looking forward to your analysis of the evidence I have presented thus far.

In the meantime, I'll post some more evidence so that you can offer your analyses, or ignore it, or run away from it.

Which will it be, I wonder...
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
I'm looking forward to your analysis

My analysis is that your displaying a lot of hearsay without actual evidence to show for.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
My analysis is that your displaying a lot of hearsay without actual evidence to show for


and there, ladies and gentlemen, is all you need... draw your own conclusions

Please explain the specific mechanism that God used to create everything. If you're going to present goddidit as a scientific theory, you really need to do that.
@Illyria He did a really great job of explaining it. Let's hear your explanation of why creation is as perfect as it is. Who else would it be, but God? Explain your reasons.
Beautiful, brother!! This has got me to thinking again how wonderful and amazing and awesome God is. I'll be adding more later to this post as I am so inspired.
Every bit of creation does what it's supposed to do, what it was designed to do.

Yes!!! And in such intricate, perfect timing, detail, love, and care!
Annabelle05 · 18-21, F
Why did God give nipples to men? Using your words what do they do that they were designed to do?
Annabelle05 · 18-21, F
@Diotrephes not in my experience
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
not in my experience

It might be a good idea if you took a really good look at men. Of course their hair is different but they all have the same pattern.
Annabelle05 · 18-21, F
@Diotrephes in your family perhaps.
DocSavage · M
All your evidence shows is the end of the line (currently) not the beginning.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@Diotrephes Yup, plants account for 75% of the Earth's biomass, and bacteria account for 15%.
Animal biomass - fishes, fungi, archaea, protists, land animals, and viruses - accounts for the remaining 10%
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@newjaninev2 I was thinking of this =

Viruses Can Help Us as Well as Harm Us
Experts are figuring out how to exploit the 380 trillion viruses that make up the human virome

"Biologists estimate that 380 trillion viruses are living on and inside your body right now—10 times the number of bacteria. Some can cause illness, but many simply coexist with you. In late 2019, for example, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania discovered 19 different strains of redondovirus in the respiratory tract; a handful of them were associated with periodontal disease or lung disease, but others could possibly fight respiratory illnesses. Scientists’ rapidly expanding knowledge makes it clear that we are not made up primarily of “human” cells that are occasionally invaded by microbes; our bodies are really superorganisms of cohabitating cells, bacteria, fungi and, most numerous of all, viruses. The latest counts indicate that as much as half of all the biological matter in your body is not human."


The Good that Viruses Do
The surprising and beneficial contributions that viruses bring to life
calicuz · 56-60, M
Happy Father's Day!!!
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