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I just want you to know that I got all the information and photos from Pastor Dean Odle's video and he is the only one that I watch now. If you like this post; the video is even better, so here is the link:


And when you see me saying that I did this or I did that or I said this or I said that, it is really Pastor Dean who is doing the talking here, so when ever you see the word or letter " I ", that's
Pastor Dean.

Now before we get started, I must make this point perfectly clear; you have been
programmed since the 1920's by the media and NASA to be immediately turned
off as soon as you see the words " flat earth." This is by design because the true
nature and structure and shape of our earth is true Biblical Cosmology ( The Way That
God Created It ).

Satan is the god of this world and he has many followers in high places misleading the
masses. He is also the Prince and Power of the Air which means he controls all the media
outlets ( tv, radio, newspapers, magazines, the internet, etc...). And his number one mission is to discredit and mock The Biblical Cosmology so you will not accept the true nature of creation and realize the truth of God's word and therefore keep you away from Jesus and accepting Him as your personal savior and so Satan can lead as many souls as possible straight to hell where he is going.

NASA was founded by NAZI Occultists who were and are Satanists. They do not have even one photo of earth; they are all CGIs ( Computer Graphic Images ) and they are photo shopped and they are all lies. Have you ever noticed when looking at their images of earth that there are never any stars or satellites in the picture? And then there is in one image of earth showing North America taking up almost the whole globe and another one showing a very small North American continent. Which is it? They have lied so much that they can't even keep track of their images and that is because the dark ones are fallible and not perfect like God is.

And it is no coincidence that they named their moon missions Apollo because that is another name of Satan ( the destroyer ). Once again putting it in your face and laughing at you.
Rev 9:11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit ( hell ), whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

Every image on tv, movies and news broadcasts always show you a globe in the background; this is programming and MIND CONTROL! But secretly they have to tell you the truth in little ways; go into a store and pick up a globe that you would put on your desk and read what it says on the bottom of the globe and you will read " not for educational purposes ", yet they have these in every classroom starting with very young children.
So the indoctrination is severe and effective!

Satan's followers was foretold 3000 years ago in a Psalm of David:

Psa 2:1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

The heathen are the masses that are believing the lies ( a vain thing ) that the media is telling them.

Psa 2:2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,

The kings and rulers are the presidents, prime ministers and the elites who are against the LORD and His anointed ( Jesus ) because they are Satanists.

Psa 2:3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

The bands and cords are the strict morals, codes, and rules ( commandments ) that God expects us to adhere toand they want to break away from them because they want to live in filthy sin.

I think I have said enough; lets get on with it.

There's an entire chapter in here, chapter 6 where it talks about atheists come to Jesus; now as important as all the other chapters like the firmament, what the Bible says about the earth being shaped like a pile of clay pressed down flat under a seal or a signet ring, and it goes through all the Scriptures about the ends of the earth and Antarctica and the NASA deceptions and the government documents and what satellites really are and the Aether and other stuff.

This is why it matters.

Read through the next series of slides or at least scan through them.

I find this interesting and I'm going to talk about this prophesy, this old prophesy, but before I share the source of where that comes from, I want to share this prophesy in Daniel.

This is very telling; now remember that every word is important.
Now in Daniel chapter12, this is just verses 1-4 and 9 and 10. Now this is speaking of the end times.

So you can read them now.

So this is talking about the final great tribulation; the last days when it's going to be worse than at any other time in history.

Now look at what is said in verse 4; And they that be wise ( the wise, the born again Spirit filled Christians that are listening to the Holy Spirit, that are listening to the word of God, that are established in sound doctrine ) shall shine as the brightness of the firmament.

Now why did he bring up the brightness of the firmament? Why didn't he say shine like the sun? Why didn't he say shine like the glory of God like Isaiah 60 talks about? Why did he use the phrase they're going to shine like the brightness of the firmament and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever?

I believe this was the Holy Spirit cryptically revealing that in the last of the last days as we got into the tribulation, that the wise would be bringing up the firmament. See, most Christians don't know what the firmament is and the reason they don't know what it is is because they reject the Hebrew definitions of what it is, they reject the Jewish history of what it is, and they reject what the Bible describes it as in Ezekiel 1 and Revelation 15.

One of the Sevenfold Doctrines of the Whole Creation is about the firmament; once we understand what the firmament is, a whole lot of lies we've been told have to be pushed aside, that is if we are going to accept what the Bible says, and if we're going to accept the actual definitions of the words or the historical testimonies of what these prophets and ancient Jewish Hebrew people believed and what they taught.

I believe that he's connecting this subject to turning many to righteousness which is what we're seeing; that people are beginning to understand Biblical Cosmology, Biblical Creation, and they're seeing that it can be proven and tested and that it's written in the Bible and it's been there since the beginning, as God had the prophets write it down, and Satan blinded us to it
and Satan deceived all of us.

But then he goes on to say this which is very interesting, he says what? But thou or you O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. Now He said to seal the words till the time of the end, meaning, that it wouldn't be understood, it would be sealed, it would be hidden, it would be like a mystery until the time of the end.

This thing really kicked in 2014, 2015, right? Why did God save it to the end? Because He said there were certain things that were going to be hidden, closed, sealed, not seen clearly, not understood clearly until the very end. And then He says this; He said go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.

And then He adds this; many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. Well, what shall they understand? Things hidden from the foundation of the world.

And you can read the definition of the word understand here.

So the wise will be able to see this, but when will they be able to see it? Before the time of the end or at the time of the end?
At the time of the end.

How do we deceive ourselves? When we hear the word and we don't receive it or we don't take time to study it, we don't take time to search it out for ourselves, to dig into it. The things that this world calls wisdom and knowledge and intelligence.
The wisdom of this world; it is no coincidence here that this word world, the wisdom of this world is the Greek word Kosmos ( cosmos ).

Which means what you can read here.

The wisdom of this world Kosmos; the way they think it is; cosmos, cosmology, etc...

The book of Enoch catches a lot of distrust because this prophesy I told you about comes from the book of Enoch, but let's examine something about the book of Enoch. The book of Enoch I believe is a legitimate source of information; true information. Why do I believe that? Because the apostle Jude,
the half brother of Jesus believed that enough to quote an entire chapter of it in the book of Jude.

It's also quoted by Jesus and I've read the book of Enoch and I don't find any major contradictions to any doctrine of the Bible.

Now, go ahead and read it.

So, this is why we give credence to the book of Enoch. The 66 books of the canon are the final say on any matter of doctrine or practice. We don't put the book of Enoch above it, but I do believe it is not some medieval forgery.

There are medieval forgeries that are called Enoch, Enoch 2 and Enoch 3; those are forgeries, they were not found in the dead sea scrolls, they cannot be dated back to 300 bc. So this is very significant.

This is the prophesy I was talking about; Enoch 1 says that the book of Enoch would be for the people of the last days that would be going through the tribulation.

So, go ahead and read it.

Now we don't understand how he was timing this and this is a long prophesy, but read verse 12 again carefully.
In those first two verses it talks about that the Messiah comes
first when Jesus came and after He died and rose from the dead and left and then there was the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD and so he says afterwards, after this, later. So read verse 12 again because it is a very important verse.

So there's going to be righteous ones selected and to them shall be given the sevenfold doctrine of his whole creation.
Now that to me, is speaking directly to what has happened
since 2014 and 15, and this is not just an American thing, this has been world wide, and it was like a switch had been flipped; and there were certain ones that just could see it and grasp it and share it.

Even if you want to believe that this was some medieval deception which I think we've proven that's not the case, but how could you get this prophesy right from the 1200's or the 1300's or the 1400's? You might know about the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, but you wouldn't be able to know that in the last of the last days when everything became perverse, there would be a revelation given about the true doctrine of creation.

And why would there need to be one? See, this foretells that they would know that there would be a false science that rises up; a false narrative, a false teaching, a deception concerning creation that would be so strong, that the Lord would have to pick some people out to give revelation and understanding to it to open their eyes and help them SEE it!

And obviously this would be important in the last days to set people free. Now I can say all of this and I can read this now
almost 5 years into this about this revelation, this sevenfold doctrine of his whole creation; the truth, the understanding, the spirit of wisdom and revelation on this now is setting captives free and saving souls like crazy.

And what the devil is doing right now, is he's finding a lot of Christians who believe this and can explain, but they are worried about being persecuted, ridiculed, mocked, rejected, they don't want the battle. But this revelation, this truth about
the shape of the earth, about the true nature of the sun, moon and stars, about the still motionless earth; this is so vitally important to our age that has been deceived by a bunch of occultists, freemasons and Satanists who have a " space " program.

The doctrine of the firmament is one of the sevenfold doctrines of creation and the truth about the firmament being solid, molten, glass, dome, all of that; that's truth that's in the Bible. I don't care if you've never seen it before, you don't understand it
or you've been blind to it, it's in the Bible and it teaches that doctrine systematically starting at Genesis, going to Job, going to Psalms, and you can go all the way into Revelation with it.

This is a sound doctrine about what the firmament is. If you're a Christian and you believe that; you've heard the teaching and you believe what the Bible says about it, but you're ashamed to share it with people, then you're ashamed of God's word. If you know the Bible already told us the shape of the earth in Job 38:14, we don't have to speculate; there's nowhere in the Bible
that says the earth is a spinning ball; there's nowhere in Scripture that says that.

It says the earth takes shape like a clay pressed down by a
signet ring. We were told the shape of the earth in the Scriptures; if you want to keep saying it's a spinning ball, or you're a Christian that says I know that the Bible says that and I don't believe it's a spinning ball, but I'm not telling anybody, you're ashamed of the word of God.

And you're missing out on something that God wants to use to save people, but you say well I'll be rejected by my denomination; guess what, if they reject you and kick you out;
GOOD!!! And if they ask you, haven't you seen the pictures from space? And you can ask them, have you been into space?
Have you been in a rocket ship and gone up high enough to see for yourself whether it is a ball or it is flat?

No; then you're believing the testimony of a very small group of men and women who say we know the truth we are your priests
because we are astronauts. We are your priests and we know the truth, you just trust us; how convenient. But you see, that old devil, you know he's under certain rules, so he let's the Japanese make a camera that we can all buy and now we can go find out if it's flat or not or if it's curving 8 inches per mile squared.

These things are Biblical, we know what the Bible says. Here's what blows my mind; we have a bunch of Christians that say I don't really believe that, it's just metaphors, God just told them what He needed to tell them to accommodate their ignorance, they were just ignorant shepherds; and yet you have atheists over here and agnostics who find out, they see the visual evidence, they see the curvature tests with the lasers and with the high zoom cameras, and they look at the math and say wait a minute, it is flat.

And if it is flat and they start reading their Bible and they go wow, it's not moving and it's flat and the Bible says the earth is not moving and it's flat and therefore the atheists and the agnostics are getting saved and we have Christians who are ashamed to even talk about it or acknowledge it. Something is wrong with that picture.

And just a side note: if you go into any store that sells globes for your desktop and you turn it over and read what it says on the bottom, it will say not for educational purposes, only a decoration. They do this because they have to tell the truth to avoid being sued.

The blessing that's on my life and the anointing that's on my life, I know that part of that comes from the fact that I do not fear man; I do not fear what people think, especially about what the Bible says; I DON'T CARE! They can wine and moan and complain and mock and laugh and fuss and cuss and I just look at them and say I don't care. God's word says this; what you believe is your problem, not my problem.

See that's the beautiful thing; what you don't understand is being bold and straight forward and unashamed about everything that's in the Bible; you can walk around joyful and free. There really is a darkness that comes upon you when you're ashamed of God's word and you hold it back or you fear what people are going to think or what they're going to say; that is bondage, it's oppression. I'm going to tell you what, there is joy in going HERE IT IS, NOW IT'S YOUR PROBLEM!

Be like men! Strong! Not emotional, weak, worried about what everybody thinks. There's a lot of men that have weak, feminine emotions; stop it! Because they know if they tell the truth, people won't like them, the tides and offerings will dry up, folks will walk out the door and they might actually get fired. For some of them it will be the best thing that ever happened to them.

May YHWH, Christ
and the Holy Spirit
Bless you,

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