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Knowing the Healer...

Is it always God's will to heal? Pastor Dean explains the biblical view of healing and miracles and uses Paul's life as a great example of how God can use infirmity to humble us. Whether you are healed or not, let your faith in Jesus stand firm.
"Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord" James 5:14


May YHWH, Christ
and the Holy Spirit
Bless you,
There is only spiritual healing taking place today. There are no miraculous healings taking place by God today. When Jesus' apostles and those whom they passed the gifts of healing, speaking in tongues, gifts of prophecy, interpretation etc., died off, those miraculous gifts cease to exist (1Corinthians 13:8-10).

However one day soon in mankind's coming history under the heavenly based Kingdom/Government Rule of God's appointed King Jesus; organized, orderly, systematic physical, emotional, mental, and psychological healing will take place amongst humankind earthwide. Jesus when on earth gave us a wonderful preview by means of the miracles he performed of what will soon take place under his Kingdom Rule of a thousand years. We are living in the last days of Satan's wicked rule over mankind. A new era and time of unprecedented peace by God's hand and not by human accomplishments will come about.
ArcAngel · 61-69, M

I disagree, read this:

I would like to share some thoughts about an amazing Pastor I discovered online a few
months ago...

He is truly annointed; the Lord and the Holy Spirit are performing miracles through him.
Here are a few examples:


A woman with bone cancer that was so severe that every bone in her body was broken and wasting
away; the doctor said it was over! Pastor Dean layed hands on her and in the name of Jesus healed
her instantly and when she went back to the doctor there wasn't a trace of bone cancer.


After Pastor Dean had prayed and fasted for 21 days, he came across a man with a broken wrist
and Pastor Dean absolutely knew that he could grip that man's hand as tight as he could and it
would be healed and the man felt no pain.


A woman was on her death bed and she could hardly walk and while Pastor Dean was praying for her,
he heard the Lord say to him to cast 2 demons out of her; cast our the spirit of addiction and the spirit
of death and he bound those demons and commanded them to come out of her and he heard the Lord
say tell her to rise up healed. The Lord said tell her I said to rise up healed and Pastor Dean told the
woman that the Lord said to rise up healed in Jesus's name and she was laying on the seat and popped
up like a jack in the box.

And this was a woman who could hardly stand and Pastor Dean asked her if she could stand, and she
stood right up, and Pastor Dean asked her if she could walk with him and she walked with him to the back of the room and then she just took off and left him. She was dying from years of drug and alcohol
addiction. A little later on she said even my skin has cleared up and I am a completely different person.


Pastor Dean had taken a lot of vaccines before going to Africa in 2002, and he came back with
Auto Immune Psoriatic Arthriris; they prescribed for him Viox and Celebrex and the Holy Spirit
said DO NOT TAKE THESE and a year later they were pulled off the market because they were causing strokes and heart attacks. In fact Viox was one of the biggest Pharmaceudical disasters in
history and payed billions over that one.


Two years before covid Pastor Dean was given a word of prophesy that there would be a chemical
attack coming and two years later we had covid. And two days before 911 hit, Pastor Dean was simply
preaching about the many blessings that God has bestowed upon us and in the middle of his sermon
the Holy Spirit spoke through him and said that a terroristic attack would be immanent and two days
later we had 911.


There was a stranger out on the street and the Lord showed him everything about that person and when he told that person who he just met everything the Lord showed him, the man began to weep tears
down his face because he knew it was a supernatural event; a word of knowledge, a word of wisdom.


He can tell what kind of spirit is around a person.

It's like he is seeing a movie about a person; he was shown about one man that that man was going
around raping women.


He prayed for a young man who was having a problem with his bowels and after he prayed, he felt
the demon leave the man and the man was fully healed.


In Israel he needed to get home on a $1000 flight from Teliveve to Atlanta and the airlines were having all kinds of problems including people getting killed and he prayed in tongues for a few minutes and
the Holy Spirit told him to go to the travel agent right now at 10:00 am instead of what he was told to
go at 4:00 pm and the tickets were available at that same moment. Other people were stuck there for 2 to 3 weeks.


He got into a cab with an Arab cab driver and the cab driver was giving him a hard time and
pretending that he couldn't speak english and wasn't taking him to where he needed to go and
Pastor Dean started speaking in tongues and didn't know what he was saying, but the cab driver took him exactly where he needed to go and did not try to over charge him.


Another incident with his oldest daughter Kaitlen in 2012 she graduates from Southern Union
and she is dating a guy who went to Auburn. His name was Joe and Joe came to thanksgiving
that year and all Pastor Dean had to do was to meet him one time and Pastor Dean knew all about
Joe. So Kaitlen at age 19 comes to Pastor Dean and tells him that she is moving to Chicago to live with
Joe not to marry him, but to live with him in sin and the Holy Spirit comes all over Pastor Dean and
he tells Kaitlen I have something to tell you. This is from the Lord; number 1 he doesn't love you,
number 2 he doesn't want to have children and number 3 he is a closet homosexual.

She was so angry with him that she cussed him using the F word. She rebelled and moved to Chicago
with Joe and they were there for about 2 or 3 years. She found out that everything the Lord said
happened; he didn't love her and refused to marry her and he didn't want to have children and then
she finally caught him in his homosexual activities. Now did she call dad and say dad, you heard
from the Lord Jesus and let me come home from the pig pen. She tells his middle daughter Bethanny
the whole story and says don't tell dad, because dad will say that he hears from God and God warned
me. She still will not talk to her Father Pastor Dean.

The last time he texted her, they had a little tiff; he reminded her that she was still angry about that
and that was the Lord supernaturally speaking through him to her and telling her everything that was
going to happen to protect her from all of that hurt and pain that was to come into her life and all
of that darkness that was to come into her life too. Still to this day, she will not discuss it.


Another time he prayed and fasted for 21 days and after that he walked right up to a deaf women
and prayed for her and KNEW her hearing was coming back and it did. He also prayed for a crippled
woman in Montgomery who was crippled for 2 years in a wheelchair, and the Lord told him to lay
hands on her and to tell her that I said, not Pastor Dean saying, but the Lord said tell her I said to rise
up and walk and she stood up and her knees were completely healed instanly.

This Pastor has been studying the Scriptures for over 30 years and he still says he is learning
new things all the time. In his sermons not only does he cover all the Scriptures and breaks down
certain important words into their Hebrew and Greek definitions, but his scientific, archialogical, and
mathematical research is thorough and impecable.

He is also an expert on end time prophesy and much more. In all 64 years I can honestly say that
I have never met anyone else like him and his video sermons are the only ones that I watch now.
I thank YHWH for guiding me to him.

Here is how you can find him; I strongly recommend that you do:








May YHWH, Christ
and the Holy Spirit
Bless you,

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