Worshipping Dinosaurs? Are You Kidding Me?
In the book of Romans, we read how those who reject God as Creator worship the creation instead.
And exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.
Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen. (Romans 1:23–25)
Really, those verses sum up the religion of evolution that is imposed upon generations of kids in public schools, through libraries and media, and so on. Yes, naturalistic evolution is a religion. It’s man’s belief system to attempt to explain the universe and life without God.
Part of this religion is the belief that dinosaurs lived millions of years before man and evolved into birds. Because some of the dinosaurs were quite large and because they all seem to be extinct, there’s been an aura of mystery created around these creatures. Evolutionists have seen dinosaurs as synonymous in many ways with atheistic evolution.
When we first opened the Creation Museum with an exhibit featuring dinosaurs explained from a biblical worldview, many evolutionists had an emotional eruption! It was as if they believed they owned dinosaurs and that Christians weren’t allowed to talk about them! They didn’t want kids to learn how the biblical worldview explained these creatures and how there was no mystery about them.
Now, because evolutionists believe dinosaurs evolved into birds, one could say that a “holy grail” of dinosaurs is to find feathered ones! And lo and behold, evolutionists started claiming they had found such evidence. Eventually, evolutionists even began claiming birds are dinosaurs.
But have evolutionists found feathered dinosaurs? Our scientists at Answers in Genesis would answer with a definite no. Our Dr. Gabriela Haynes (PhD in paleontology) and her research staff have written various articles about this topic on the Answers in Genesis website and have published papers in our peer-reviewed Answers Research Journal.
Dr. Haynes and paleoartist Joel Leineweber have also begun producing a video series dealing with the topic of “feathered dinosaurs.” This series will show how evolutionists redefine terms (like what a feather is) and make all sorts of assumptions in their desperate attempt to prove dinosaurs had feathers.
But what do we find? The fossils discovered are either birds with feathers or dinosaurs with no feathers. There are no dinosaurs with feathers, despite evolutionists’ insistent claims that they’ve found such.
Yes, atheistic evolutionists worship the creation, and as part of that worship, they worship dinosaurs. To them, the “feathered dinosaur” is one of the sacred objects of their creation worship.
by Ken Ham on April 13, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog
Let's face it, this world needs Jesus bad!
And exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.
Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen. (Romans 1:23–25)
Really, those verses sum up the religion of evolution that is imposed upon generations of kids in public schools, through libraries and media, and so on. Yes, naturalistic evolution is a religion. It’s man’s belief system to attempt to explain the universe and life without God.
Part of this religion is the belief that dinosaurs lived millions of years before man and evolved into birds. Because some of the dinosaurs were quite large and because they all seem to be extinct, there’s been an aura of mystery created around these creatures. Evolutionists have seen dinosaurs as synonymous in many ways with atheistic evolution.
When we first opened the Creation Museum with an exhibit featuring dinosaurs explained from a biblical worldview, many evolutionists had an emotional eruption! It was as if they believed they owned dinosaurs and that Christians weren’t allowed to talk about them! They didn’t want kids to learn how the biblical worldview explained these creatures and how there was no mystery about them.
Now, because evolutionists believe dinosaurs evolved into birds, one could say that a “holy grail” of dinosaurs is to find feathered ones! And lo and behold, evolutionists started claiming they had found such evidence. Eventually, evolutionists even began claiming birds are dinosaurs.
But have evolutionists found feathered dinosaurs? Our scientists at Answers in Genesis would answer with a definite no. Our Dr. Gabriela Haynes (PhD in paleontology) and her research staff have written various articles about this topic on the Answers in Genesis website and have published papers in our peer-reviewed Answers Research Journal.
Dr. Haynes and paleoartist Joel Leineweber have also begun producing a video series dealing with the topic of “feathered dinosaurs.” This series will show how evolutionists redefine terms (like what a feather is) and make all sorts of assumptions in their desperate attempt to prove dinosaurs had feathers.
But what do we find? The fossils discovered are either birds with feathers or dinosaurs with no feathers. There are no dinosaurs with feathers, despite evolutionists’ insistent claims that they’ve found such.
Yes, atheistic evolutionists worship the creation, and as part of that worship, they worship dinosaurs. To them, the “feathered dinosaur” is one of the sacred objects of their creation worship.
by Ken Ham on April 13, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog
Let's face it, this world needs Jesus bad!