@DerSilberneKonig1 When I've posted it didn't occur to me how much easier it is for me to type than someone on a cellphone. At least, I would think it would be easier. I don't like to use my cellphone on the internet. Too small and annoying. So, I couldn't post prolifically if I used one.
@AkioTsukino Yeah thats how i feel, i mainly use my phone for sending pictures i dont have on my pc, one of the thumbs is the size of like 6 keys on my phone, so its a massive pain in the ass to type sometimes. But on pc its just way quicker to do everything else.
@AkioTsukino For what it stands for of course. (You might need to watch South Park to understand this, it may be a bit on the highbrow side for you though).
@GeniUs South Park is the best television show of all time anywhere. Even better than classic British TV. Old reruns of it and House M.D. is the ONLY thing I occasionally watch on TV.