Belief Follows Truth: God Wins In The End, There's No Doubt About It.
The Truth: God wins in spite of all the doubts the skeptics may have. Unfortunately for them, their doubts have been reckoned with and still they refuse to acknowledge that they were wrong.
They seem to think that they are winners in these debates on here but in reality, they're the losers. In reality, they can't push lies of men to win out over the Truth God. It can't be done. It's an impossible task.
The sad thing about all this is that these skeptic losers do not have to remain losers. If they will wake up to reality and realize that Yahweh is real and His Word is True, since they can't prove otherwise, they'd be winners. By this time, you'd think the little light in their heads would come on, but, nope, it remains dark to this day. Just keep praying for them, guys, for with God, all things are possible.