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Do you use any social media to discuss spiritual topics?

There are some things I want to talk about, but I don’t want you guys to think I’m insane. I also would like to discuss more in depth on these topics instead of just being stuck at arguing if my beliefs are true/right.

I did use this one website, it was great until it got shut down 💀 it’s all I had.

If you know one that isn’t aimed at just “light workers” and full of hippies, even better.

yeah but they're all private btw if you're a Satanist you should really look up Mitch Horowitz, along with being a Satanist he has written books abt various religions and was on Nat Geo, like its pretty cool he responds to Qs etc
Ceinwyn · 26-30, F
Id like to. But admitting I’m a pagan in a place like this attracts scorn and bile from Abrahamics, mockery from atheists and questions about orgies from the lonely but horny crowd.
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
I don't typically talk about it but I only recently started reading into satanism mainly out of curiosity. I got a Sigil of Lucifer tattooed on my rib on drunk night when I was fucking around so I became curious. Well I was always curious but now I feel like I wanna know more 😂

Now some of my family thinks I worship Satan or something 😂 honestly I don't believe in religion.. I believe in myself. But as far as I can tell that's the basis for what satanism is & it really intrigues me
We're on an organic spaceship floating in infinity. Nothing you think could really be all that insane xD
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
You can talk to me , I don't judge or care what people believe.
@JimboSaturn I do enjoy feedback. It’s more along the lines of my theories and ideas. I have always found an interest in demonology since my friend asked me to go to church with her as a kid. I was raised Jewish, and then I went to a Christian summer camp with her and got baptized 💀 in my teens I discovered Satanism, but it was just LaVey. Until I discovered Michael Aquino and the Temple of Set, who are the theistic satanists. I do believe in good demons, and I am fascinated by darkworkers because I believe they are misunderstood. I think it’s because I came across Tiamat, and her children Ugallu and Kusarikku- who are arguable good demons.

JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@666Maggotz Interesting. I'm not theistic, but I do believe the "good" and "evil" are but different sides of the same coin like darkness and light, both are dependent on each other for their existence and both have their purpose.
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
Not usually

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