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How I know The Bible is true and Jesus is God's Son!

Here is the proof

1. God saved me one day when I was 7 years old. The proof that God is at work in peoples lives is that many don't grow up in Christian homes, but God saves them and totally changes their lives for the better because he has compassion for them.

God explains in the Bible that He is a spirit, and does not talk to us but is everywhere and he comes into our hearts if we repent and follow Jesus. Then he communicates with us in our soul. It is not a feeling we have but an understanding. We see truth. We see that God is Holy, and we are sinful. Why doesn't God speak with some people? Because they haven't repented. But Jesus, God Almighty, came and spoke many parables and people wrote them down. God speaks in a spiritual way today and he knows our hearts, and our thoughts. He discloses himself to those whom he wants to disclose himself, and not to others.

When we are born again the Holy Spirit comes into our hearts, and we are changed forever, we want to do Gods will more than anything, and we live for him. We love God and love all people. Jesus says you shall know them by their fruit! A true Christian is known by their love, because God is love.
I was born again at 7 years old. I was not allowed to go to the church across the street and I was not to give my allowance away. I wanted to make God happy and give to the gospel, so it could go out to the whole world. I am glad that I do now because I have been financially blessed after I started giving 10%. I own my house, paid off my car, have savings, and give more each year, and I make more each year. I was very poor before I tithed and even lived in a shelter a day when my x husband hurt me. I had nothing, and now life is good. God helps us when we love him.

Many who proclaim to be Christians, including pastors, are not born again but they go to church to socialize, or because their families want them to, or they want to appear "good", or they want to start a church to get rich. Be careful that you give to the gospel going out into the world. Many think that all Christians are indoctrinator and all the same. This is not true. I am not political except I expect people to be treated fairly and that we have a caring government, I am not a far right conservative. I believe in gun laws and the autonomy of our own bodies. It cracks me up to watch these atheist shows and sceptic shows where all they do is bash Christians and stereotype us. I also love science and I am very logical and would never put my trust in the Bible as Gods word unless it is proven.

2. Another proof is that the specific prophesies in the Bible have all come true, and so we know God inspired The Bible. The most significant is the one where God begged the Jews 3000 years ago to not worship "gods of stone, wood, and gold that don't hear or see". And that he would scatter them all over the world if they did, and he warned that the people in those countries would not treat them nice. He said they "would be hated and some would be killed" This happened as we know in many countries. They have been persecuted by evil people like Hitler.

3. Another prophesy in the Bible that proves the Bible is true is God said that he would bring them back to their own land in the end times. Ezekiel 37:21 21and say to them, 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says: I will take the Israelites out of the nations where they have gone. I will gather them from all around and bring them back into their own land. This happened in 1948. We know therefor that we are in the last days. Jesus told us in Matthew 24, Mark, Daniel, James 2:15-16
and The Book of Revelation,

more prophesies...Jesus told us there would be signs all over the world right before he returns in the clouds to judge the living and the dead. What are the signs to look for? He said the signs in the last generation would be "Increased knowledge, people increasing travel, iniquity abounding, cold hearts, great earthquakes, pestilences, terrors, false pastors, falling away from the faith, and scoffers mocking the Bible and Noah's flood saying "where is Jesus coming back?"

So do we see any of these things? Knowledge increased until 1945, then had doubled 1958, then doubled again 1960, then every 5 years, and now every 12 minutes. Only in our generation has this happened.
A hundred years ago people travelled by horse, and did not travel much, now we travel by cars and planes everywhere. Only in our generation has this happened.
Jesus IS coming in our generation.


In the Book of Daniel God says

"The words are sealed until the end 1290 days . Many will be" purified" but none of the wicked will understand. .
And blessed is he who waits and comes to the 1335 more days. Daniel 12:12

So what did God say would be disclosed near the end of time in Daniel 12:9-11? Lets figure it out! What do you think it means? And what is at the end?

In John 2:22 It says that anyone denying Christ is antichrist."

In Daniel 8 It says for 2300 days the sanctuary will be cleansed and trampled under foot.

The abomination that causes desolation spoken in the Book of Daniel 680 BC and again mentioned in the New Testament in Mark and Matthew and The book of Revelation,

"So Let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, when you see the abomination that makes desolate."

Islam denies Christ as Gods Son and built a dome of the Rock in Jerusalem in 688 AD.
According to encyclopedia Brittanica
It was built by the order of the Umayyad caliph Abd al-Malik (r. 685–705). According to Sibt ibn al-Jawzi (1185–1256), construction started in 685/86, while al-Suyuti (1445–1505) holds that [b]its commencement year was 688. A dedicatory inscription in Kufic script is preserved inside the dome.says

In Rev 11, It says the woman will flee to the wilderness 1260 days ( if we apply this to years) The Jews were scattered.

In 333 BC Alexander the great conquered the persian Empire. 333 AD Plus 2300 =1967 peace treaty

688 AD Dome of the Rock was built on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem

688 + 1290= 1978 A peace treaty (UNIFIL)

688 + 1260 = 1948 Israel became a nation

688 + 1335 Daniel 12:12 = 2023 AD

4 We know that the Bible is true because of Jesus words are true, his life, and miracles proved it. “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. If you had known Me, you would know My Father as well. From now on you do know Him and have seen Him.”…Many have died witnessing because he has proved it to them. Jesus said he was God and he proved it with his actions. "Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” Matt 28:18 Not only did he do amazing miracles and raised people from the Dead. but he rose infront of 500 people who testified about the miracles, who were all willing to die for their testimony because they knew what they saw. Not only did those people write about him but others witnessed who were not Christian like Josephus, and others who I wrote about in a post last year. And He told us that he would come back in the clouds for the whole world to see. He gave us signs when the last generation is "Great earthquakes" would increase in the end times right before he comes back, pestilences would be all over, iniquity would abound, cold hearts, mocking the Bible, false preachers, and falling away from the faith, increased knowledge, and the gospel preached to every tongue and people. These would be signs for us to get ready and know he is coming in the last generation. He says If you deny me, I will deny you in front of my Father when I come with the angels to judge the living and the dead.
Jesus said he would rise "after three days and three nights", and he did. There was Friday, Saturday and he rose on Sunday morning. Any part of a day is counted that specific day. Some Scriptures speak of Jesus' resurrection "after three days" (Mark 8:31; Matthew 27:63). Other verses say "in three days" (Matthew 26:61, 27:40, John 2:19 - 20, Mark 14:58, 15:29). Still others speak of "the third day" (Mark 9:31, 10:34, Matthew 16:21, 17:23, 20:19, 27:64, Luke 9:22, 18:33, 24:7, 21, 46, Acts 10:40, 1Corinthians 15:4).

5. We know the Bible is true because his promises are proven true today for those who test them out. When God says "The country whos God is the Lord will be blessed." The most successful countries have been protestant Christian and many for over 1000 years like Scandinavia. They have the happiest citizens in the world. They have most refugees fleeing to those countries because of equality, and justice, and they are richer than the catholic, Muslim, and Hindu, and Sikh countries. Before they were Christian they were pagan and sacrificed babies to Thor, stole, and plundered.

6. Most scientists come from strong Christian families as I proved with research a year ago, even more than any other field. The more we know the more we realize there must be a God. I have a Masters in Science, and a Masters in Arts. And Most Nobel prize winners come from Christian families. My Dad was asked to sit on the Nobel academy and his Grandpa was a pastor, although he had faith in God I think he wasn't born again until later in his life as he shared with me. God blesses children and their children of Godly parents.
Ingmar Bergman the most serious filmmaker, his father was a pastor. The only rock star with a Nobel prize is a Christian, Bob Dylan. Christianity is knowing truth. God tells us where we came from and where we are going in the Bible. We did not come from nothing. He made us. Those who follow truth become successful.

7. WE know that God made the world from looking at it. He says "the firmament declares his glory." The sunrise in the morning, the birds in the trees, the flowers in the field, and the newborn baby so beautiful, all proclaim his intelligence.

8. We know that the Bible is Gods word because when we trust him he helps us miraculously. This is something you only find out after you act on his promises in the Bible. Then he does miracles for you.
I'll share some miracles he did for me!


Have you had your prayers answered? If so please share!

I believe you have to be born again, and put God 1st in money and time.

"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, says the LORD Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it."

Miracle 1
To demonstrate how God has blessed me when I tithe: Here is a story for you. I was young and my husband left me and moved in with a girl down the street. I was young with two small kids and I cried out to God what can I do to be blessed.
And he showed me the verse in Malachi to tithe, so I gave 10% of my $400 I was making a month at the time. My rent was $550 so I did it on faith because I was going to be super short on rent.
Then a day or so before my rent was due, a lady knocked on my door and said. "I have a gift for you, $22.000 because you gave me a few rides last year to a nursing home." She said "My friend died and he gave me his money in his will, but I don't need it, because I am a millionaire." I could pay my rent. Praise God.

Miracle 2
Another answered prayer was when I was late for work when I was young and drove very fast 80 miles an hour on a very rainy day onto a 5 lane freeway packed of cars and had to slam on my brakes because the traffic came to a stop. I couldn't get into the next lane because there was a big truck there so I went spinning around 3 times and yelled "Please don't make me hit anyone God" and my car stopped miraculously exactly parallel less than an inch from the cement divider. The whole freeway stopped for me. I still can't figure how my car didn't hit anyone

Miracle 3 Another miracle was when I worked an hour from my home and wanted to find a job in my profession closer to home. I called my previous supervisor where I had done an internship to ask if he knew anyone hiring! I quit a year before working part time for him because I needed s full time job and none was available. He told me his friend was hiring and called him. His friend called me and said he wanted to interview me because I came with the highest recommendations. I interviewed and he offered me the job. I declined it because I couldn’t pay my bills on the salary he offered. He needed Spanish fluent speakers. But because he had no employees at the time and a lot of work he was willing to hire me even though I wasn’t fluent. But the county couldn’t increase the starting salary so I continued working in my other job for another 2 months. What my boss said when I called back was just miraculous. I called him after a few months to ask if the job was still avsilable. He said yes and no one had called all those months at all so the job was still available and I accepted it. The day after I accepted the job my boss told me that he had so many Spanish speakers call and then he had a full office staff for the company! God held that job for me! I was amazed!

Miracle 4
Another miracle is when I was working for a company and the boss had a problem with me. He had asked me to do something I thought was unethical and I refused, and he asked me to leave. I called a man who had asked me to work with his company on a contract basis a year ago, but he said absolutely, but he had to wait for a go ahead from the landlord to give me an office there. So I tithed on the money I had left that I got from severance pay from my last job and went home to just pray and wait and read my Bible. Well I waited and read for 10 hrs. a day for a few months, not applying anywhere else because God told me in my heart not to worry. So he finally called and I moved in to the new office and worked with this company. After a month I had $20 in my account and my rent was due. I told the secretary that I couldn't pay my rent at 5 pm probably, but she said its only 10 am, and the rent is not due until 5 pm so don't worry because we had all prayed at the staff meeting. So I went back in my office. At 3 pm a man called and said that he wanted an appointment. I gave him one at 4 pm, and he came. He gave me a few thousand dollars at 4:50 pm and I could pay my rent at 5pm. That year God increased my pay from $3000 to over $8000 a month. For some its not much but for me it was a lot!

Miracle 5
Another miracle is when I was in Grad school and was diagnosed with leukemia. I quit school and went back home to just pray, rest, and eat better. I never saw a doctor for a year I just prayed and rested and ate better! I went back a year later and the doctor said that I was healthy!

Miracle 6
Another miracle was when I prayed that my Mom would have peace when she died and then a white dove came to my window a minute later and landed on the grass; and then another one came to my window and flew over my house. She died in peace a couple of days later. I asked all my neighbors if they have ever seen white doves here in this town. They have lived here for 70 years and they said. No never. It was a sign from God he answered my prayer. I also prayed my sister would reach her before she died I knew God would keep her alive until she got there. My sister got to her side and held her hand and a minute later she died! The light shined through the window in her room when she took her last breath.

Miracle 7
When my father was in the hospital sick dying I prayed that he would be alive for me to visit him. I had to work 2 weeks before I could leave. Other family members were there until I got there but he was unconscious the whole time. I knew that God would keep him alive until I got there because God answers my prayers. When I walked in his hospital room he woke up for the first time in many weeks. I held his hand for many days and as we talked and prayed he cried and said that he believed in God. And then he died! God kept him alive so we could have that time together!

Miracle 8.
Another miracle is when this Corona virus happened. I didn't know if I would lose my job or go broke, so I trusted in the Lord and gave double tithing to show God Im trusting you. I made double ever since. It's amazing how God takes care of us.

Miracle 9.
Another miracle is when God says he takes care of our kids, he means it. I can't believe my daughter never got Corona virus when her husband has it, and they sleep together.He took the long test and it is valid.

There are so many things that happen in my life everyday and I will add more miracles to this post as I remember them and as I see how God takes care of me daily. It's a miracle after miracle.


“Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." Josh 1:7-8

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

[b]The LORD works out everything to its proper end- even the wicked for a day of disaster. Prov. 16:4

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GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M Best Comment
I grew up Catholic and was scared to death of God because I didn't know Him on a personal basis like I do now.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Thank you Godspeed for your witness. You are amazing!

Happy New Year, Carazaa. Thank you for sharing testimony with us. 💖
Carazaa · F
@GodSpeed63 Happy New Year to You!!
Carazaa · F
@GodSpeed63 AMEN🙏

Elessar · 26-30, M
Simple question - if God did so many miracles for you, why he did none for those many children who die of starvation, or diseases, even at the present day? They're not worthy his time/attention/whatever?
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Carazaa We're all spoiled, even myself, compared to people who die of hunger at 10.

And yep, the other sentence is accurate too, we're more than 7 billion people on this world.
Carazaa · F
@Elessar You attack me and critisize me on my post? Bad manners!
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Carazaa I'm attacking your point not yourself, and simple pointing out truth - compared to children who die of starvation the both of us are extremely lucky and privileged.
You put a lot of writing into this.

I need to represent The Flying Spaghetti Monster with such passion 😒

I think I’m just not eating enough carb 😞
Carazaa · F
@Temporallube Now Im hungry for spagetti! See ya🍲
@Carazaa yes 🙌🏽
Carazaa · F
@Temporallube 🙏 🤗!
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Adstar · 56-60, M
I came to the LORD by reading the Bible.. So glad the Holy Spirit was working on me during that time.. 😊

I am so happy that God is a loving God.. Quick to forgive and longsuffering towards me.. What an awesome LORD He is.. 😍
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@Adstar He certainly is!
Carazaa · F
@Adstar Yes God has been good to me too!
Butterflykisses24 · 51-55, F
I came to the Lord through dreams.Those dreams led me to the Bible.I did become born again eventually.
Carazaa · F
@Butterflykisses24 That is great! 🙂 Yes I remember the day I was saved!
Coletracer · M
Love is awesome, especially when it comes from God. He gave us Jesus, and that is the ultimate love.
Carazaa · F
@Coletracer Yes Love is awesome!❤️🙏
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Carazaa · F
@Sharon Yes, of course but that is of another spirit.
Sharon · F
It is impossible that it is not God's own word, impossible!
Simply saying that doesn't make it true. I could just as easily and with equal justificatin say "It is impossible that it is not The Flying Spaghetti Monster's own word, impossible!"

Given enough time, sooner or later some event will occur that a vague prophecy can be interpreted to fit. If it takes a a long while for that to happen, it doesn't prove the prophet had great foresight, just that the prophecised event is rare.

Yes, of course but that is of another spirit.
Exactly. That's my point. That claim is just as valid as yours.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@Carazaa It is impossible that it is not God's own word

Why is it impossible?

Is it because that would be inconvenient for you, and therefore cannot be allowed?
Sigil · 56-60, M
God begged the Jews 3000 years ago? Why would any omnipotent god find it necessary to beg anyone for anything...ever?
Carazaa · F
@Sigil This is my post to prove the Bible is Gods word. I hope you read, learn, repent, and follow Jesus.
Sigil · 56-60, M
@Carazaa Cool. Enjoy your Bible. I’m done.
Carazaa · F
@Sigil Have a nice night🙂
luvin2flirt · 61-69, M
You need to be an author because you writhing is so wonderful, maybe because God is behind it!
Carazaa · F
@luvin2flirt Thank you so much!🙏
saintsong · 41-45, F
Those are amazing miracles, God is so good. He really cares about you.
Carazaa · F
@saintsong Thank you!! I know it 🙂! He loves you too and so do I 💖💞
saintsong · 41-45, F
@Carazaa Awe 🤗🤗🤗 God bless!
Carazaa · F
@saintsong 🤗💞🙏
luvin2flirt · 61-69, M
You have had so many miracles in your life. I really from the bottom of my heart think you serve the Lord to the fullest. I have faith in myself but nothing compared to your faith. May God keep Blessing you all the days of your life.
Carazaa · F
@luvin2flirt I pray for your many blessings to come your way! God is very good to those who are kind!🤗
Teachocolate · 51-55, F
I believe it 100%.I have experienced instant healing when one night I was in extreme pain during covid time.i couldn’t sleep so I got up n kneeled n prayed saying God help me I am in pain..well,I got up n went to my bed and pain totally gone in a minute or two.
Pfuzylogic · M
I had something very similar happen with muscle pain. Joseph Prince had a healing moment on television and immediately my pain left after I asked!
Iwillwait · M
😍Thank you. ❤️
Carazaa · F
@Iwillwait 🌷Thank you!!!💖
Carazaa · F
Northwest · M
Long post. So, if I try to summarize, I would say that the moral of the story, is that if you pay God, good things will happen for you, and if you double the payment, better things will happen for you? Jim and Tammy Baker thank you, and one of them is doing it right now from heaven.
Carazaa · F
@Northwest If you want to summarize my post, a better summarization would be, we know there is a God because the Bible proves to be trustworthy and prophetic.
Northwest · M
If you want to summarize my post, a better summarization would be, we know there is a God because the Bible proves to be trustworthy and prophetic.

That wasn't really evident from your post. But you did prescribe how pay get God to help you. This, in fact, is a strategy that worked for thousands of years. The people of Pharaonic Egypt used it successfully. The Greeks did the same thing, and the Romans took it to a whole new level. In those days, the tricky part was to pick which God to give money to (of course, through the Temple Priests). The choice is now very narrow, you don't even have to think about it.
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
Great post! Thanks for sharing
Yes God is good!
Carazaa · F
@TheWildEcho We can trust him!
Carazaa · F
@TheWildEcho Thank you!
Teachocolate · 51-55, F
Thank you so much for sharing,I have learned so much.♥️
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Carazaa · F
@Invocations Thank you, 🙏💖
Carazaa · F
@Invocations Happy New Year to you!🙂
TexChik · F
Wow! 😊👍🏻😇
Carazaa · F
@TexChikThank you!🤗❤️🙏
SirEgoDeathTheFirst · 26-30, M
Oh wow! This is a really long post. If you wrote it I bet it took you a lot of time:)
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Pfuzylogic · M
Again it isn’t so complex to come to God.
Jesus said “You must be like a child.”
Matthew 18:3
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