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Why Moses' Version of the Flood is the Most Reliable Ancient Account [Spirituality & Religion]

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Carazaa · F Best Comment

Answers in GenesisInstitute for Creation ResearchCreation Ministries InternationalCreation TodayWhat's The Evidence

Fossils Confirm the Biblical Creation & the Genesis Flood
Fossil Fish Eating Fish

Most fossils formed because of:
Rapidly burial (to preserve it).
Burial in mud or other sediment (for mineral replacement).
Fossil Rapid Burial
The worldwide flood rapidly buried millions of plants and animals, creating the right conditions for fossils to form. Typically when an animal dies, it decomposes or is scattered by scavengers over time. However, the fossils found in sedimentary layers were buried instantly. Fossils such as fish eating or giving birth appear to have been frozen in time without warning. Fossilized jellyfish must have been rapidly buried because their soft bodies float and decay within hours of death. The top mile of the Earth's surface is covered with sedimentary layers full of fossils that could not have formed by a slow and gradual process.

Jellyfish FossilJellyfish fossil from Wisconsin.Diplomystus Dentatus with Knightia in its MouthFossil Diplomystus dentatus with Knightia fish in its mouth.Ichthyosaur Giving BirthFossil Ichthyosaur that was buried while giving birth.
Geologic Column
Textbook Sedimentary Layers Geologic ColumnGeologic layers showing sorted fossils. Image: Answers in Genesis
The worldwide flood would have buried plants and animals based on their habitat and sorted them based on density and mobility. The reason clams and trilobites are at the bottom is because they live at the bottom. The reason humans and birds are on the top is because they live on the top and are mobile enough to seek higher ground. Many times the evolutionary “ancestor” is found in higher strata. The “fossil record” in reality does not “record” any information on the age of a fossil, but it is evidence that there was a large amount of water.

Mountain Top Sea Fossils
Himalayan Fossil Ammonite from Langza Spiti ValleyHimalayan fossil ammonite from Spiti Valley. Image: Seemant Saxena
Genesis 7:20 says that during the flood, all the mountains were covered with water. Clams, ammonites, and other marine fossils are found in almost all sedimentary layers, including on top of the Himalayas, Andes, Rockies, and most other mountain ranges. At the end of the flood, crust movement folded the mountains, pushing the fossil layers up to 2 miles above sea level. The catastrophic flood is the reason why the majority of marine fossil layers are found on the continents, and not in the ocean basins.

Fossil Stasis
Fossils Stasis - Bat, Crayfish, Turtle, Dragonfly, Coelacanth, Horseshoe CrabBats, crayfish, turtles, dragonflies, coelacanth, horseshoe crabs and many other fossils have been found showing no signs of evolution.
Almost all fossils, including those in the lowest layers, appear abruptly and fully formed, showing no sign of evolution. These fossils have no transitional forms, and many of them have survived almost unchanged until today. This evidence is consistent with the Bible's account of special creation and does not support the idea that one animal changes to another over long periods of time.

Polystrate Fossils
Polystrate fossil tree. Top has been petrified, bottom has been turned to coal.Polystrate fossil tree. Top has been petrified, bottom has been turned to coal.Trees sinking into sediment forming polystrate fossils.Trees sinking into sediment forming polystrate fossils.
Many places around the world contain polystrate tree fossils that extend through multiple layers. These layers must have formed rapidly because it is not possible for trees to remain vertical for thousands of years while layers form around them. After the eruption at Mt. Saint Helens blew down large forests, scientists observed floating logs that become water-saturated and sink in the vertical position. Large deposits of polystrate tree fossils without branches or roots are evidence that floating trees were rapidly deposited in a large flood.

External Links:

Images from and

Fossils Confirm the Bibles Historical Account of a Literal Creation and the Genesis Flood
Each of the icons below represent a publication that has been developed by people from the county fair group.

Was Adam a Real Person?AmberCarbon-14 Dating Confirms Earth is YoungCat KindWhat Happened to the Dinosaurs?Flood FossilsThe Butterfly is God's DesignEvolution is not ScienceShark Teeth FossilsWorldwide Flood - Noah's ArkYoung UniverseEvolutions Population Problem

Another great article of PROOF of a world Wide flood!

Earth Age
Age Of Dinosaurs
Scientific Evidence for a Worldwide Flood

Scientific Evidence for a Worldwide Flood
Scientific Evidence for a worldwide flood
Posted on April 27, 2020By MikePosted in Earth Age, Religion
Although the thought of a worldwide flood that wiped out almost all plant and animal life on earth and then buried it in the rocks may seem incredible, that is exactly what Genesis and Psalms say happened,1 what Jesus and the apostles believed 2 and what the geological evidence supports. The Bible also talks about the “deeps” being broken up, and the earth divided or “spread out.” 3 This likely refers to the oceanic ridges being broken up and where the continents appear to have been split apart: perhaps in a short period of time.

Such a flood is also described in literature or legend in over 200 different civilizations from around the world; however, in this short paper we will focus only on the geological evidence that points to such an event and what it means for us today.

Worldwide Flood or Miracle?
The fact that many of the same types of fossils are found all over the world, in the same order, suggests that the whole world was once under water. We say this because water is required to deposit sedimentary rocks, and because rapid burial is required to preserve fossils, and because some of the layers are the size of Nevada, and because there is virtually no evidence of time (or erosion) between the layers, but rather they appear to have been laid down like pancakes: one on top of the other. And since many layers also contain marine fossils, they must have been the result of an intercontinental or worldwide flood.

Consider a quote by Curt Teichert published in a Bulletin of the Geological Society of America.

“Such a hypothesis would require… a highly unlikely pattern of… migrations, where swarms of species of Manticoceras are followed, everywhere at the same distance and the same time interval, by swarms of species of Cheiloceras, the two waves preserving their separate identities on a staggered mass migration around the world… without evolutionary changes and without ever becoming mixed…”

“It would be easy to repeat this investigation for almost every critical zone fossil… throughout the geological column for hundreds, perhaps thousands of… cases… In the words of Jeletsky… we would have to ‘invoke a miracle’… to assume anything but worldwide contemporaneous deposition for each of the 55 ammonite zones of the Jurassic. Not all … occur everywhere, but wherever two or more are found in superposition they occur in the same order.

Two Vastly Different Views:
Let’s not kid ourselves. What this is all about is whether or not the Old Testament book of Genesis (along with the rest of the Old Testament, and the New Testament) is an accurate account of what happened around 4600 years ago with regard to a worldwide flood and about 6000 years ago with regard to Creation itself. Is the Bible accurate and true or is it just a book of allegorical stories?

Was the great majority of the world’s sedimentary strata laid down by a single Worldwide Deluge in a short amount of time, or is the evolutionary scenario of slow change, acting over eons of TIME and the associated Geological Time Chart (with its millions and millions of years) a more accurate account of Earth history and how we came to be?

This is also about God’s future judgment of mankind and the return of Jesus to rule over the Earth — that God and He created — and to which He compared to the Days of Noah and the Flood. See Luke 17:20-27, 19:11-27; John 5:22-23, 12:32, and Rev. 22:12.

Let’s Look at the Evidence:
The following are 18 Evidences of either massive flooding and erosion, extremely rapid layering of strata, or direct evidence of a Worldwide Flood. Such evidences are found in numerous places on virtually every Continent.

Polystrate Fossils:
Upright Fossil Tree crossing multiple layers of rock strata One of the strongest pieces of evidence for a worldwide flood is the existence of what Rupke termed “polystrate fossils.” Such fossils are found all over the world: especially in and around coal seams. They are often in the form of fossil trees that were buried upright and which often cross multiple layers of strata such as sandstone, shale, limestone and even coal beds. 1,2,3,4 They range in size from small rootlets to trees over 80 feet long. Sometimes they are oblique (or at an angle to) the surrounding strata, but more often they are perpendicular with (or standing ‘upright’ in) it. For example, at Joggins, Nova Scotia, polystrate tree (and root) fossils are found at various intervals throughout roughly 2,500 feet of strata. Many of the trees are from 10-20 feet long, 5,6 and at least one was 40 feet long. 5,6,7

Very few of these upright fossil trees have attached roots, and only about 1 in 50 8 have both roots and rootlets attached. Such trees, and their missing roots are discussed in detail in an article on ‘Fossil Forests‘.9 Likewise many, if not most, of the large, fragmented, and broken-off Stigmaria roots (of these trees) are also missing their rootlets. In fact, that’s how the word “stigmaria” (roots) got its name: i.e. because of the scar marks left behind from the broken off (and now missing) rootlets. 9

Many of these roots and rootlets are also buried individually. 9 Thus virtually proving that neither the trees themselves, nor their rootlets were buried in the place where they grew, or “in situ,” but were uprooted and re-buried where they are now found.

Similar circumstances occur elsewhere in Nova Scotia and other Canadian provinces, as well as the United States, South America, Europe, China, Russia, and Australia. Buried tree stumps are also found on Axel Heiberg 10,11 Island in Northern Canada and wherever coal seams are found.

And although there is much data on buried trees in the geological literature, much of it is from books that are over 100 years old. One of the first articles on this subject was by Rupke, and in it he comments that:

“Personally, I am of the opinion that … polystrate fossils constitute a crucial phenomenon both to the actuality and the mechanism of cataclysmic deposition. Curiously a paper on polystrate fossils appears to be a ‘black swan’ in geological literature. Antecedent to this synopsis a systematic discussion of the relevant phenomena was never published. However, geologists must have been informed about these fossils. In view of this it seems unintelligible that uniformitarianism has kept its dominant position.” 12

With regard to Rupke’s observation, I suspect the reason why such is still the case has more to do with a pervasive bias against any and all evidence for a Creator to whom we may one day have to give account than to the ever-mounting evidence against the theory of evolution and the millions and millions of years that such a belief needs to make it seem true.

See also Organic levels of the Yellowstone Petrified Forest 13 and The Yellowstone Petrified Forests 14.

The Fossils Themselves:
Fossils don’t form on lake bottoms today, nor are they found forming on the bottom of the sea. 15 Instead, they normally only form when a plant or animal is buried soon after it dies. 16 Therefore, the fossils themselves are evidence of a catastrophe such as a flood or volcanic eruption that took place in the past. Rapid Petrification of Wood

Clastic Dikes:
Clastic Dike: Pre-hardened rock forced up through overlying strata According to Austin, a clastic dike is:

“a cross cutting body of sedimentary material which has been intruded into a foreign rock mass.” 17

“These dikes…(may) penetrate horizontal sedimentary strata (or) they may occur… in igneous and metamorphic rocks. The process of formation of a clastic dike is analogous to wet sand oozing up between ones toes, but on a much larger scale.” 17

Clastic dikes present a problem to the “mythions of years” mindset of evolution in that massive “older” sediments are found intruding up into overlying younger strata. This must have occurred while the “older” sediments were still in a plastic state. This is clearly brought out in a book on this subject by Dr. John Morris on this same subject: i.e. on the Age of the Earth.

What took these “older” sediments so long to become hard?
One would think that a million years would be more than enough time to turn massive sand laden sediments into sandstone, yet we have an example of sediments which are said to be 80 million years older than those above them, and yet they still had not become hard, but were in a wet and plastic state when an earth movement caused them to be forced up into the (supposedly much) younger sediments. Such things not only present serious problems for the evolutionary method of “dating”, but also tell us that something is wrong with the millions of years mindset of evolutionary theory itself, and thus cause strong suspicion that we are not being told the truth by the mass media, nor the “Scientific” community of believers in evolution. 17,18,19

Mt. St. Helens:
Three separate eruptions at Mount St. Helens produced sedimentary-type layers hundreds of feet thick. One of these was a hurricane velocity deposit that produced thousands of thin laminations up to 25 feet thick. The third eruption was a lava flow, which turned into a hot mud-flow as it crossed the Toutle River. This hot mud flow not only diverted the river, but carved a 17 mile long series of canyons (up to 140 feet deep) in a matter of hours. They call it the Little Grand Canyon of the Toutle River.” 20,21,22 And to this very day, neither the mass media, nor any popular “science” publications have told the public what happened. 23 See also Mt. St. Helens: Evidence in Support of Catastrophe.

Palouse Canyon:
In Eastern Washington State there is a canyon that was eroded through solid basalt by Lake Missoula floods in 1-2 days. This canyon is 300 to 500 feet deep. 24,25,26,27,28

An Australian Beach:
At Greenmount Beach on the Gold Coast of Queensland, an interesting thing occurred:

“clear laminations, or layering, in the sand–formed by the separation of normal silica-sand grains and smaller, denser mineral sand-grains such as rutile which are dark in color.. The layering was present along the whole sand mass exposed.” 29

“This was produced as a result of a beach restoration project (which involved) the dredging of sand from (a) sand bar (on) the Tweed River and carrying it by ship several kilometres north to the southern Gold Coast beaches, where it was pumped ashore as a water/sand slurry through a large pipe to the beach.” 29

See also Talking About Geology / Varves. 30

Spontaneous Sorting of Layers:
Laboratory experiments have shown that spontaneous sorting and layering occurs with a sand, mud and clay slurry. When the mixture slows down, the sand, mud and clay will spontaneously precipitate (or settle out) and form individual layers. Dr. Guy Berthault has performed a number of experiments which demonstrate this. 31,32,33 See following links for more info and visual documentation: Evolution: Fact or Belief?, Experiments in Stratification, and Sedimentation Experiments.

Turbidity Currents:
A turbidity current is an underwater mud flow, the discovery of which caused somewhat of a revolution in geology. As a result, many sedimentary strata layers throughout the world have been reevaluated and found to be turbidites. 34,35,36,37,38,39,40

For example, regarding turbidites and the impact they are having on modern Geology, Kurt Howard 41 said the following in his paper on this topic:

My physical geology professor said, “Regarding uniformitarianism, you can take it with a grain of salt.” After reviewing geology texts on the subject of turbidites, I am following the … professor’s advice. To paraphrase his words, I am taking uniformitarianism with a grain of sand, for the philosophy of uniformitarianism states that sedimentary layers form over many millions of years, while … recent research has shown that turbidites form within a few hours. {1}

In 1972 Burgert identified several lower basal Tapeats units as turbidites in Grand Canyon’s Cheops Bay. Dr. Ariel Roth a geologist at Loma Linda University’s Geoscience Institute, suggested that 30% of all sedimentary rocks in Grand Canyon are turbidites. Some geologists suggest that 50% of the world’s sedimentary rocks might be turbidites.

Modern geologists discarded the terms flysch sediments and geosyncline because rapidly formed megathick flysch is incompatible with uniformitarianism and long ages. However, in the last few years, the number of geologists abandoning the classical uniformitarian discipline and adopting the new catastrophism is almost a shock to … creationists. Geologists are finally beginning to grudgingly agree with … creationists about the nature of the stratigraphic record, which is a record of major catastrophic events and not the slow year-by-year buildup suggested by uniformitarianism. Flysch deposits might be the sedimentary results of a global flood. The idea of geosynclines is unpopular because most geologists believe in plate tectonics. Emphasis Added

Extensive Strata and Pancake Layering:
As we observe sedimentary strata throughout the world we see almost everywhere flat-lying (or “pancake”) layered strata. Many of these layers are so extensive that they cover several states. For example, the Tapeats Sandstone covers over half of the United States, and drawings from Dana’s Manual of Geology depict over 90 percent of the United States and Mexico, and half of Canada under water. We also know that the Grand Canyon was once under the ocean because of the marine fossils that have been found there.

Drawing depicting over 90 percent of US under waterEvolutionists believe that such layers were deposited slowly over millions and millions of years. Some claim that much of the strata is simply “river” deposits or river deltas. 42,43 Creationists and a growing number of geologists see problems with such interpretations. 44,45 First because there is virtually no evidence of erosion between the layers, and second, because the sheer size and extent of the layers tells us that they could not have been formed by rivers, nor river deltas. That’s because many of the “layers” are quite thick and cover literally thousands of square miles.

This, coupled with the presence of marine fossils that are buried in many of the layers, tells us that they were deposited by ocean currents by a flood or floods like nothing we have seen in moderns times.

We can say for certain that it was the ocean (as opposed to a lake) because of the marine fossils that are buried in much of this strata. For example, in the Grand Canyon area itself, old Earth geologists have said that the Ocean swept over the whole area on six different occasions. Young Earth geologists say it was probably only once.

A Whale of a Fossil:
Or should we say “a fossil of a whale? It’s true, but what is most interesting about it is how it was buried.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Answers in GenesisInstitute for Creation ResearchCreation Ministries InternationalCreation TodayWhat's The Evidence

Amen, sister, amen!!
Carazaa · F
@GodSpeed63 AMEN! Truth!
Carazaa · F
@GodSpeed63 Thank you for the Best Answer! 🤗
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Thank you for the Best Answer!

Thank you for sharing it. 🤗
Bushranger · 70-79, M
@Carazaa You are aware, I take it, that answers in genesis refuses to publish or even consider anything that disagrees with their belief in biblical infallibility? Not really a reliable or valid source.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
You are aware, I take it, that Answers in Genesis refuses to publish or even consider anything that disagrees with their belief in biblical infallibility?

Answers in Genesis do consider the disagreements to the biblical infallibility. They just show the disagreements as false and unreliable to the advancement of science.
Bushranger · 70-79, M
@GodSpeed63 Check their statement of faith. What they do is misrepresent, misquote and mislead.

I'll give you a challenge, find one allegedly scientific article on their website that can't be shown to do at least one of the above.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
What they do is misrepresent, misquote and mislead.

Prove it.
Bushranger · 70-79, M
@GodSpeed63 In other words, you can't find one of their articles that doesn't do at least one of those things. You're the one that believes those sites, so you can show evidence that I am wrong.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
In other words, you can't find one of their articles that doesn't do at least one of those things. You're the one that believes those sites, so you can show evidence that I am wrong.

You have no proof then? I didn't think so.
Bushranger · 70-79, M
@GodSpeed63 You're right, I don't have proof, but I certainly have evidence. But why should I give you a straight response when you continually fail to give straight answers.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
You're right, I don't have proof

If you can't prove what you say is true, then it's wise to not say it.
Bushranger · 70-79, M
@GodSpeed63 OK, let's see if I can help you through this. Proof is a mathematical concept, maths is the only area where one can have absolute proof of anything.

To give you an idea, think about trying to either prove or disprove the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence. You will find that neither side is able to be proved conclusively. Now, I can say I have no evidence of it, so it's reasonable to say that, in my opinion, it doesn't exist.

In the same way, I can say that AIG misleads, etcetera, but that doesn't prove that they haven't published some articles that haven't done so, or will publish such articles in the future. Absolute proof cannot be given. But evidence of such activity can.

So instead of asking people to prove or disprove a point, ask them for the evidence.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
So instead of asking people to prove or disprove a point, ask them for the evidence.

Alright, where's your evidence that Answers in Genesis is misrepresenting, misquoting and misleading their readers? Please do not refer to the article itself being that I've read it and find no deceit in it.
Bushranger · 70-79, M
But why should I give you a straight response when you continually fail to give straight answers.

You obviously conveniently forgot this post.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
But why should I give you a straight response when you continually fail to give straight answers.

You obviously conveniently forgot this post.

Not at all. Do you not know that telling the truth is a straight answer in itself?
Bushranger · 70-79, M
@GodSpeed63 You just keep telling yourself that, buddy.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
You just keep telling yourself that, buddy.

Do you have a problem with someone sharing the truth with you?
Bushranger · 70-79, M
@GodSpeed63 That's the thing, I don't have a problem with the truth.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
That's the thing, I don't have a problem with the truth.

Then why do you keep arguing with those who want to share it with you?
Bushranger · 70-79, M
@GodSpeed63 You asked that question seriously? LOL.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
You asked that question seriously?

Are you going to answer it or are going to shy away from it?
Bushranger · 70-79, M
@GodSpeed63 Other than treating it with the contempt it deserves, I should respond to it in the same manner as you respond to questions. But remember, your "truth" ignores reality, so why should I even consider it.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Other than treating it with the contempt it deserves


your "truth" ignores reality, so why should I even consider it.

Remember, it's not my truth, it's Yahweh's truth and He is reality being that He's its Author.
Bushranger · 70-79, M
@GodSpeed63 Yes, it's your truth, not shared by everyone. And certainly out of touch with reality. But notice, I answered your question. Shame you can't do that.