Believe and have confidence in a God who saves, not in a devil who condemns. [Spirituality & Religion]
God is on your side.
Genesis 1, verse 1: "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth."
He was the Creator, the God of nature and all of life so beautiful, having, indeed, a close relationship with man, as being the greatest of His creations. His crowning glory. However, mans "choices" were NOT so great.
God didn't create us to be robots. He gave us feelings and a free will. That is....choice...and a conscience to know right from wrong. What better way to know a man's heart than by his actions?
God NEVER condemned us. SIN brings us condemnation. Not God. It was man, who decided to leave God, thinking He was smarter and wiser, and didn't need his Father in heaven. So man sinned, and his sins sadly separated him from God. Therefore, he was banned from the beautiful Garden of Eden, lest he might eat from the Tree of Life and live forever in his sins, and thus forever, remain separated from his Maker. would He find his way back to God, when there was no way to fellowship or talk with God, to know how to be forgiven?
Angels have always had free will, too. The most beautiful of them, being Lucifer. However, jealousy got the best of him. He decided he wanted to take over heaven and be head honcho. So he persuaded other angels that this would be best, so 1/3 of the angels believed his lies, and set out to war against God and His angels.
Needless to say, no one is more powerful than God, so Lucifer and his followers lost the battle, and were then kicked out of heaven. Without a heavenly home, they wander the earth, seeking to convince us God is the bad guy, and to follow him (renamed Satan, by God) the word itself, meaning an "adversary," and is so used in ( 1 Samuel 29:4; 2 Samuel 19:22; 1 Kings 6:4; 1 Kings 11:14 1 Kings 11:23 1 Kings 11:25; Numbers 22:22 Numbers 22:33; Psalms 109:6) ADVERSARY, because he has made it his mission to hurt God by convincing people that God is the evil one, and to follow Satan instead. He knows if he wins your confidence and soul, that's one more person, he can drag to hell with him. THAT'S his revenge on God, for kicking him and his evil ways, out of heaven. He knows that every soul he can steal from God, this hurts God's heart more than anything in this universe.
However, God had a plan. If man had no way to God....GOD would come to man, in the person of Jesus Christ, for the express purpose of saving mankind from an eternity in hell. This is not a God of hate, but a God of love for His creation. More love than you'll ever fathom, nor understand. In the Spirit world, sin brings death. Further, God our Father in heaven, is so Holy, he cannot even look upon sin. If sin were to enter heaven, it wouldn't BE heaven. However, Jesus, God's son, volunteered to pay for our sins on the cross with His blood that washes away every sin; that through His forgiveness of our sins upon asking, IMMEDIATELY restores our fellowship with God our Father, and we become part of His family once again, and inherit eternal life in heaven.
He not only said he loves us. He proved it.