Carissimi · F
Before you marry him, you need a good honest, open, discussion about what brought this about, and how it’s likely to affect your lives as a couple, and as individuals.
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LadyGrace · 70-79
I think you best get that straightened out before any wedding! Don't go into it like that. It seems very important to you, so if you both cannot discuss that, that tells me communication is a big problem. Not good. Without communication, honesty and trust, there is no relationship.

Hmm - was the guy lying the entire time about his faith? Or did he have some personal "epiphany" that made him change his mind?
If he was lying, that's clearly a problem and it's not so much about the religion, but more about his dishonesty. It's then on the woman to decide if she wants that to be the beginning of their marriage (or to postpone etc.).
If however he truly feels like his faith has been shook to the core for whatever reason and he's sincere about this change, well... that's just something they'll have to work out. If they love each other, they'll make it work.
If he was lying, that's clearly a problem and it's not so much about the religion, but more about his dishonesty. It's then on the woman to decide if she wants that to be the beginning of their marriage (or to postpone etc.).
If however he truly feels like his faith has been shook to the core for whatever reason and he's sincere about this change, well... that's just something they'll have to work out. If they love each other, they'll make it work.
Girlygirl099 · 26-30, F
@SW-User right?! One has to wonder when and how this massive epiphany happened a week before their wedding but I guess everyone is free to believe what they want!
TexChik · F
Post pone it
If he went through a major life change like a religious conversion without telling her anything about it along the way, that's a real problem!
Adstar · 56-60, M
Well as a Christian i would take the advice of my LORD and no become yoked with an unbeliever.. So the marriage would be over..
hunkalove · 61-69, M
I wouldn't go anywhere near anyone who is religious. No matter what religion.
Girlygirl099 · 26-30, F
@hunkalove religion complicates a lot of things, that’s forsure.