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Anyone experienced Spirits [Spirituality & Religion]

Has anyone experienced sprits in thier homes and not the spirits you drink!!!

If you have can they be powerful?
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LadyGrace · 70-79
The spirit world is very real. We can see evidence of demonic spirits in this world, so we know it is real. However, there is also evidence of the influence of the Holy Spirit in this world, when one calls on Jesus, and their life is completely transformed for the good. Both are very strong influences. Messing with the demonic world is very dangerous. Nothing to take lightly, or mess with.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
My roomate swears the house is haunted but I have lived here for 243 years and never seen a ghost.
Yes I've experienced a little bit of spirits. They can be dangerous.
Pfuzylogic · M
In my Victorian home.
I posted about it on EP.
CallMeTex · 46-50, M
I have been to isolated places that are / were sacred to Native Americans when I felt their presence in a spiritual way. The only people I ever told about these experiences were my family. Native Americans have a very spiritual relationship with their environment. It’s truly amazing.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Yes. I cast them out. They were a real problem for Dear Wife.
They are not real. They are figments of the imagination, psychotic delusions, or drug induced hallucinations.
I used to hallucinate demons in my house at night.
Biffed · 31-35, M
Mephistopheles kicks it with me every now and then😶

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