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Explain this. [Spirituality & Religion]

To all atheists: Assume for a moment, hypothetically, that I am completely new to this whole atheism versus theism debate, and explain to me, using science alone, why humans, off all things in the universe, are the only beings who mark out and follow a seven-day weekly cycle.
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BlueVeins · 22-25
That kind of sounds more like a sociological phenomenon than a scientific one.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
I think the assumption of intelligence among humans is a little anthropocentric. Cooperating in raising children, sex, division of labor and food sharing are all seen in other animals. Hibernating and nests are the same way between humans and animals. Some elements of human speech.. loud and varied sounds, rhythm and tone, dialog are also seen in the animal kingdom. We also have the same instincts such as fight or flight response, protecting our young and the bad behaviors such as murder or r-pe.

Anyways all animals have some level of intelligence, including parasites but we evolved with more grey matter. Grey matter basically contains the brain's neurons. This grey matter includes muscle control, sensory perceptions like seeing, hearing, memory, emotions, speech, self control and decision making.

The human neocortex is larger than any animal and is what affords us our unique mental attributes. Its structure is similar to primates than other regions of the brain because of our shared common ancestor.

The rest of it is complex, there's multiple reasons why species evolve differently like adaptions.
That's more of sociological/cultural thing that developed during the Sumerian/Babylonian times. It's based on the moon's phases as a full moon cycle lasts around 30 days. And 7 days is roughly the amount of time it takes for each phase of the moon. Makes sense to use the moon as a way to track time if you a consistent pattern like that. The Jews likely wrote the book that refers to the seven day week during their exile to Babylon and adopted the Babylonian calendar cycle into writing their religious text, so it's very likely not because of some god saying it took seven days to make the world, that we have a seven-day week, but instead of using the moon's phases as a way to track days.
NodandaWink · 51-55, M
How many other species have you surveyed to determine they don't?
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@NodandaWink True that, I remember reading about dogs on Russian subways. Apparently they learned to use the subway and get off at their favorite restaurants, they know what streets they're on and what time they open lol.
Do the aliens get to use an eight day week?
Sadwithasmile · 22-25, M
As a Catholic I’m disgusted. Atheists have the right to believe what ever they like. Don’t you dare tell the children of god who to believe in because he loves them exactly the same as he loves you. Many of them have been hurt by priests, couldn’t take god’s challenges and were born to atheist families.

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