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have you ever tired to open your pineal gland? [Spirituality & Religion]

have you ever tried to open your pineal gland?
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Prayer is the way to understand yourself and the spiritual world. It brings far greater knowledge of the spiritual world and what you need physically and spiritually, as you are directly in touch with the God of this universe and He speaks to your mind and spirit, and guides you. He knows all. There is no greater wisdom than His. Your spirit joined with His, brings spiritual knowledge, peace, harmony, and joy. When you open up the pineal gland through meditation, also known as the third eye, you open yourself up to a portal of demonic spirits and the dangers connected with that:

*Tormenting spirits,
*tormenting nightmares and loss of sleep,
*it steals your soul,
*feeling of being possessed by a demonic entity,
*Kundalini spirit access,
*the gain access to many demonic spirits,
*hearing of tormenting voices in your head and outside your head,
*see things you don’t want to see,
*nervousness and anxiety attacks,
*suicide attempts and much more manifestations.

If you didn’t know, the demonic entities using the human (also known as a vehicle).

This new age "symbol of enlightenment", the third eye, is known as the psychic eye. Supposedly, it gives you the ability to see what might be, to see potential, but what you don't know, is that this psychic ability is connected to the occult.

You need to be aware of the third eye awakening dangers.

Should a Person Open Up Their Third Eye?

The answer is no. After a person opens their third eye, things often get bizarre and horrific, which is why many are getting demons that can torment them.

What God’s Word Has To Say

Leviticus 19:31 says, “Do not rely on mediums and psychics, for you will be defiled by them. I, the Lord, am your God.” Consulting spirits is foolish. (2 Chronicles 33:6).
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Long dental pick might get it through the nose but don't sneeze
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
I don’t mess with it since it’s enclosed up in my brain.
english · 56-60, M
looking at the map below by our friendly mether, looks like it could be more trouble than its worth.😕😋
lenetra · 36-40, F
its a portal to the spiritual world
@lenetra Yes, but it's a portal into the demonic world. That's what Jesus warned about.
Dshhh · M
only in the spiritual not try surgery
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
How do you do that? I'm open for experimentation lmao.

have you ever tried to open your pineal gland?
sourstomach · 36-40
Message me back ❤️
MethDozer · M
[image/video deleted]

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