Who are you? You are a spiritual being, having a human experience. You are an expression of God, on earth. You are Divine in your essence, in your core, and you are never separate from God. As Jesus said, the Father and I are one. That means you have access to infinite Divine wisdom, guidance, love, and strength. You have a higher self or inner being, a God connection, that knows exactly what you need and draws you to Him.
Practicing the Law of Attraction simply means consciously and deliberately using our thoughts and feelings to bring more abundance into our lives, in agreement with God's will for our lives. It may be love, health, strength, prosperity or anything else, but it all comes from God. It all originated in Him, and is brought into form through our thinking. It already has been provided for us as part of Creation. What we hold in our hearts and minds, appears in our reality. We are never more spiritual, never more in touch with God, than when we agree with the Divine about our future. His very will, is for us to have hope and brighter future.
Law of Attraction is about Wishing for it and working for it as well. There is a misconception that one does not need to do anything. But the Law of Attraction makes things easier and faster.
Yet the KEY to that is never leaving God out of the equation, thinking we are smarter and wiser than God, but connecting that to the will of God, who is the Giver of wisdom and all things. It all comes from God. It all originated in Him, and is brought into form through our thinking. It already has been provided for us as part of Creation. What we hold in our hearts and minds, appears in our reality. We are never more spiritual, never more in touch with God, than when we agree with the Divine about our future. His very will, is for us to have hope and brighter future.
@SW-User I dont believe they are so close, in the least... God made the Universe. However, praying to the Universe by itself, without God, is actually idol worship, as God said, "Thou shalt have no other gods, before Me." The Universe in and of itself, has no power to either hear nor answer our prayers. It is a noun....God's creation.
@SW-User You may recognize many biblical principles:
Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Romans 4:17 …He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed, the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were.
There are elements of truth to the Law of Attraction. My concern is the motivation behind it. We do need to be clear on what it is we want in life, be specific when we pray, and we need to ask God to fulfill it. The major difference in the Law of Attraction and the message of the Bible is that when you ask for something, you should ask God directly in the context of a personal relationship, as opposed to a cosmic “Universe” force that is somewhere out there. When we ask, we need to believe that He hears us and will answer our prayer one way or another. We do need to be cautious not to visualize something to the point that we are meditating on the item itself that we are asking for. This could easily cross over into idolatry. Remember it is God who is the giver and the source of all good gifts.
James 1:16-17 Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
Even though there are elements of truth in the claim of The Secret, they are very clear that they are not talking about asking the God of the Bible. They view God as a positive energy or force and not as a personal relationship. If one practices the Law of Attraction, they must be sure not to remove the source of true life and renewed thinking. The very people who took these biblical principles out of context and developed this humanistic teaching are in danger of being blind to the greater truth. They might be tapping into God’s principles but they are not tapping into God’s love and power.
Are you in the habit of deleting those answers from people you disagree with? We are all here to learn and grow...to discuss.
The only reason I mentioned you liken yourself as some type of god, was because you say you can control our destiny. Only God can do that. Further, the power of healing comes from God, not of ourselves, lest we should boast. The power of healing is just one of the spiritual gifts given by the Holy Spirit, as HE sees fit. He is the One who chooses our gifts FOR us.
Each and every born-again believer has been given by the indwelling of the Spirit of God, gifts of the Spirit (Acts 2:38). In Acts chapter 8 and in 1 Corinthians chapters 12-14 we see external gifts of the Holy Spirit. They were not gifts that they have been developed by human capacities, therefore the believer has absolutely no right to brag on these gifts. The Holy Spirit chooses what gift He'll give us. If we exalt in our gifts, we are taking credit for something that we have not earned ourselves. It is like taking credit for a gift you receive on your birthday. It is just that; a gift that was not yours but given to your freely and it is given apart from any inherent capabilities that you have within you. To take personal credit, would be like changing the old hymn from "How Great Thou Art" to "How Great I Am."
The Holy Spirit gives these gifts as He sees best and not what we think they are for.
@LadyGrace You said your post was deleted and if so, it won't vanish but will be marked as [This Message was Deleted By the Owner] or something like that without any written messages shown. It's similar to Whatsapp if you use it.
In our journey with the Lord, our answers to these questions about self, will change. They will become less about us and more about Christ.
If we read John the Baptist’s statement and other passages in the Bible, we might conclude that God has problems with the human ego. Jesus said we should deny ourselves (Luke 9:23), and Paul talked about being crucified with Christ (Gal. 2:20). It seems that self is what stands in the way of God’s glory. We have all prayed at times, “Lord, get me out of the way, so You can be seen!” We instinctively know if our eyes are on self, we can’t see God. If ego consumes our lives, we cannot reflect the glory of our Creator.
@Jester1987 Yet His ways never clash with His Word. Only with man's false perception of the Word. He tells us not to lean on our own understanding, but by everything written in the Word of God.
@SW-User Law of Attraction is about Wishing for it and working for it as well. There is a misconception that one does not need to do anything. But the Law of Attraction makes things easier and faster.
@Jester1987 Yes. I am familiar with The Law of Attraction.