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The power of Yoga. .. [Spirituality & Religion]

V Nanammal, the 98-year-old yoga expert from the southern state of Tamil Nadu, believes that, in its true form, yoga isn’t about rigorous activity or getting all sweaty and breathless; it’s about peace and relaxation, and this is what she’s been practicing every day for nearly a century.

Despite her age, Nanammal can effortlessly curl into any yoga asana you name, an ability that’s earned her accolades and awards. To this day, she’s never stepped into a hospital and seems healthier than most millennials, for all their dieting and exercise. She’s now become a celebrity in the yoga, and wellness world and videos of her performing complicated aasanas have gone viral, attracting millions of views.

When it comes to yoga, Nanammal and her family, which includes her children, grandchildren, and even great-grand children, follow the traditions passed on from generation to generation. At the Ozone Yoga centre in Coimbatore, which they established in 1972, they teach their traditional style of yoga, which focuses on pranayama (breath control).

But you won’t find any Lululemon yoga pants or specialised yoga mats here. Nanammal only wears traditional clothing and practices on a simple carpet. Her lifestlye is similarly minimalist: simple meals of porridge made with millets for breakfast, greens and rice for lunch, and milk and fruits for dinner. She also asks her students to avoid meat, cigarettes, and alcohol.

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strictshorts · 61-69, M
She is quite correct, the asana part of Yoga, only gets a very brief mention in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. The original purpose of which is to enable you to be still in comfort for meditation. The avoidance bit with cigarettes , alcohol etc is based on the concept of Ahimsa or non violence to yourself and those around you.
strictshorts · 61-69, M

In reply to the comments above, here are the YAMAS as set out by Patanjali.

Ahimsa-Non Violence (As practiced by Ghandi amongst others)
Satya Truthfulness
Asteya (Non Stealing)
Brahmacharya or continence
Aparigraha (Non-possessiveness)

These are the yamas or First Limb of Yoga and I guess if these are Satan's ways-Then I am a Satanist as I try to follow all of these precepts. Note the commonality with the Ten Commandments.
TrueSelf · 46-50, M
@strictshorts Thank you.If you are interested in Yoga, you can follow Blissful Athlete on YouTube.
He is the real deal because he is humble and he always mention his Guru during his tutorials.
strictshorts · 61-69, M
@TrueSelf Hi Thanks, will investigate, I am very much interested in Yoga since I am a qualified teacher (FRYOG). Incidentally just been on a Yoga retreat in a location run by Franciscan nuns.
LadyGrace · 70-79
It's nothing more than Satan's tactics to try to draw people away from God, and lead others to find peace and joy in anyone other than through God, that the Holy Spirit gives. Yoga is not lasting peace and joy. Only temporary. Peace and joy lasts, through Jesus. In God's eyes, this runs along the same lines as mystics and Ouija boards.
LadyGrace · 70-79
I see you erased my message. You know what you're doing here is wrong.
Ishtar · 22-25, F
This is what true yoga looks like.
KidAzazel · 26-30
I aspire to be like this 🙌
Even just reading this post and looking at the photos is relaxing.
TrueSelf · 46-50, M
@EugenieLaBorgia I found her story to be inspiring.So I shared this here , hoping it will inspire others .
why you gotta compare her to millennials. compare her to gen x, or gen z.

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