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Is this a good idea? [Spirituality & Religion]

I go to church every Sunday. I don't necessarily believe everything that is in the Bible. I go to set a good example for my kids so that they can get the info and make their own decision whether theybwant to keep going or not when they get older. Does anyone else do this? Am Inteaching them to be hypocrites?
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Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
Wow!! This is a great question. Great and right up my ally and fits perfect in my wheelhouse.
Firstly I am an atheist. Also I think kids are just little people that are lacking life experience.
I don't personally take my kids to church but not for any belief system I have. It just doesn't fit into my time with them after the divorce.
I read through the comments on this thread and I don't think I found one helpful one.

The Bible in my view, at least the old testament, is a great book of knowledge. Stories with very wise and great moral punch lines. Now there is some crap in there too. Like for instance the way to treat an indentured servant in the " Eye for an eye " story. Most people misunderstand that to mean to " do unto others as they have done unto you ". But this isn't it. In short it is a guide to compensate, essentially, a wronged employee of sorts. Nothing to do with getting even with someone.
Oh, also, I only believe that the old testament is worth reading. Just personal preference after reading the old and part of the new testament.

I guess I got a little long winded and doff topic but I think you exposing your kids to church and their ways is a good thing. With kids it is all about safely exposing them to life. If they choose to align themselves with the church more power to them.
Don't even listen to the people talking about pedophiles in the church system. Schools are full of them to. Anywhere there are kids there are pervs waiting to take advantage of them but that is a whole different topic.
LadyGrace · 70-79
Why do you ask us, instead of God? How do you think God would answer your question? He said in His Word, "Forsake not the little children to come unto Me, for such is the kingdom of heaven." As you already probably know, it is also very important to set a good example for them in the home and out, in word and deed. Not just in church.
Cierzo · M
I don't see hypocrisy for a couple of reasons:

1- You say you do not believe everything in the Bible, but you do not reject it either. You may go to church as a way to get more in touch with it.

2- You are giving your kids the chance to see what the church is. They will decide later if they go on leave it
When I was a kid, parents made me go to church. I did not like it. I lived away from religion for many years, but at some point, during a personal crisis, I realised the church was there, and attending again was a great help in those difficult moments.
novembermoon · 51-55
@Cierzo agree totally with this. I always like this verse in Hebrews for that reason too - that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

I believe there is a time and season for everything that happens. And it is always in His perfect timing. We may not understand everything in the Bible. I used to question everything. But after a while, I begin to see that knowledge and faith are two different things. It is the condition of our hearts. But then again, the same sun melts the butter but hardens the clay. Different ones will perhaps find their own path.
With my kid, I like that he goes to church. At least he has a support network. His mom may not always be around.
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
People attend church for many reasons, it's not hypocrisy. Just think in a few years time your kids might accept Jesus as their Saviour and experience the amazing love, peace and joy in their lives that His followers experience.
Then well worth it!!
Consider it time spent together
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Jaydo1ph · 46-50, M
I'm not letting the church raise my kids. I'm basically using them as an outside source to corroborate my statements that he should tell the truth, respect other people and their property, all things in moderation, stand up for whats right, etc...
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Jaydo1ph · 46-50, M
That has nothing to donwith the church.. Those are seriously sick individuals.
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Jaydo1ph · 46-50, M
@SW-User I do get the idea.. VERY valid point. Thank you
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HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
What do YOU think 🤔
there is a quote i can’t recall by who right now; children remember who you were, not what you have taught them.

if you are not fully living by the ways of your religion, children will see through it. it’s nice you want to open their world to a broader perspective, but it won’t guarantee they will follow it. and no, you are not teaching them to be hypocrites.
ImKelsey · 26-30, F
This almost qualifies as hypocrisy: spreading what you don't really believe. Perhaps they already have enough sheep.

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