What is the secret of Vedic Temples? [Spirituality & Religion]
The Vedic scientists installed the energy first in the earth element in stone idols or moorties. Secondly, they did this with water or tirthas. Every temple has a tank or river. Thirdly, they installed it in fire or agni in the form of at least one lamp that is always lit. Next, they worked with air by filling it with the vibrations of Sanskrit mantras so that it vibrates with energy. Finally it was installed into ether or space. The temple architectures are created with a dome structure to hold energy like a battery would. If a bolt of lightning could be stored in a battery, we could supply electricity for any large city for more than one year.
These temples are created to hold enormous energy so that when Enlightened Masters come, they install their enlightened, universal energy into these structures. Our Masters have designed beautiful batteries in the form of temples that can hold this energy and radiate it to help millions of people for thousands of years. It is because of the concentrated energy in the central dome structure, the garbha mandir, that our prayers are realized.
That all sounds mystic and enticing, however, in the Old Testament, Jesus warned the Israelites not to have any idols before Him. Nor to bow down or worship them. There are many paths to choose from, but Jesus said only through Him, can we get to Heaven and that one cannot work or do good deeds in order to have eternal life. He said it is only by grace, through faith that we can have salvation and go to heaven.
Sorrow over sin is certainly valuable and necessary, but that alone will not save us from sin. We may repent of our sins, also valuable and necessary, and determined to never sin again, but salvation is not the result of good intentions. The road to hell, as the saying goes, is paved with good intentions. We may fill our lives with good works, but even one sin makes us a sinner in practice, and we are already sinners by nature.
No matter how well intentioned or “good“ we may be, the fact is, that we simply do not have the power or the goodness to overcome the sin nature we have inherited from Adam. We need something more powerful and this is where God’s grace comes in. The grace of God is his undeserved favor towards us. It is his grace that saves us from sin. We are “justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus”. That is in Romans 3:24. Being justified, we are vindicated and in God’s eyes, we are sinless.