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JustSimplyMe · 26-30, M
@LvChris Ah, Jehovah's Witnesses. They came to my door a while back, they seem to be really nice folk. I'm just not all the way convinced that they're really that excited and happy to go door-to-door preaching the "good news" to a whole bunch of people with different personalities and beliefs. I do respect they're determination, though. :P

midnightsun · 26-30, M
Heaven doesn't exist
Carazaa · F
@midnightsun I think it does. Well, you will answer to Jesus for your sins.
midnightsun · 26-30, M
@Carazaa I'm not Christian
Carazaa · F
@midnightsun OK ,your choice! I care about you though even if you are an atheist!
Carazaa · F
Actually God says that few are those who find it there.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
Nobody there but the Mormons 🤷‍♂️
Carla · 61-69, F
@QuixoticSoul satan visits...
TidyYeti · 41-45, M
Won't be a problem everyone is/will be in hell anyway
DaughterOfTheDust · 22-25, F
Hell would probably be overpopulated too. If I get sent there I’ll ask to at least have a small area to myself. @TidyYeti
TidyYeti · 41-45, M
@DaughterOfTheDust I'd imagine been Hell and all they won't care too much for your comfortable little place just outside. Coz ya know, it's Hell
DaughterOfTheDust · 22-25, F
True lol they’ll probably try to burn my house down or something. @TidyYeti
Its a never-ending field so theres space for everyone
xSharp · 31-35, M
@Dewms to accommodate the never ending production of "immortal" souls, if something lasts forever then what must there be more of them made? how many are required anyway?
Hoosierxdaddy62 · 61-69, M
Only your soul goes to heaven. He has prepared many rooms so there is a place in His Father's house.
Hoosierxdaddy62 · 61-69, M
Metaphorically speaking. Your spirit becomes your spiritual body. I don't recall off the top of my head but the two corporeal bodies fully taken into heaven were Jesus and Mary.
BiblicalWarrior · 51-55, M
@Hoosierxdaddy62 Not Mary.
Carazaa · F
@Hoosierxdaddy62 Mary was only blessed because she had Jesus but we are not to worship or pray to her, because she is a person just like you and me a sinner.
Deadcutie · 18-21, F
No I don’t because I don’t believe people go to heaven or hell at this point, they are all waiting bored in their graves until god resurrects them at some future point in about a thousand years
Don't forget that we have Hell and purgatory, too - so odds are that we won't all be in heaven all the time.
DaughterOfTheDust · 22-25, F
Well, hell and purgatory should be pretty crowded too. Trillions and trillions of people have died since the beginning of human life. @HootyTheNightOwl
BiblicalWarrior · 51-55, M
@HootyTheNightOwl Purgatory is an invention of the RC church.
@BiblicalWarrior Interesting how you get all up in arms and fly in with a remark about the Roman Catholic church - especially considering that they aren't the only denomination who may believe in purgatory.

Some Anglicans, Lutherans and Jews also believe in the possibility of purgatory, too.
Ian123 · 61-69, M
i have always thought this, but Heaven is a spirit realm and I would guess things work differently 😇 A house outside the gates sounds good, you can chat to St Peter
DaughterOfTheDust · 22-25, F
Sounds good to me lol @Ian123
Casheyane · F
Ah, but that's the tricky part. because it is said that while the descendants are many, only a few will be saved. Romans 9:27 I think.
TexChik · F
Infinity knows no crowding
TexChik · F
@DaughterOfTheDust trillions of souls? All could fit easily in the distance between the earth and the moon
DaughterOfTheDust · 22-25, F
Well yeah, true. Souls are immaterial so they won’t take up actual space. @TexChik
TexChik · F
@DaughterOfTheDust 😁🤷🏻‍♀️
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
Dante wrote of multiple levels of heaven. So maybe more spaced out than imagined.
Lilnonames · F
Not all are in heaven some are in purgatory while others are in hell
Carazaa · F
@Lilnonamesthere is no purgatory!
Lilnonames · F
@Carazaa your in it now
Carazaa · F
🌷 Maybe you are right 🌷

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