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How should someone who's been Saved by the Light of Christ feel about Hindus? [Spirituality & Religion]

Despite what some people might think, being Christian doesn't mean that we believe Muslims and Jews go to Hell. Their hearts are in the right place, they've just decided to take an unnecessary detour but most of them will arrive at the intended destination (Heaven) eventually. But what about the Hindus?
@Faith13praise. There are 1900 plus verses in the four Gospels that contain Jesus’ words. Surprisingly, only about 60 of those verses, or just three percent of them, are either directly or indirectly referring to Hell.

On the other hand, there are more than three times as many verses in the Gospels in which Jesus references Heaven, eternal life, or his coming kingdom: 192 verses in all, or almost 10%.
So, the evidence shows that Jesus didn’t speak about Hell more than Heaven. In truth, he talked about Heaven three times more than He did about Hell!

The other 87% of the time, He spoke about life, relationships with God and with people, and how to navigate this life in victory. Jesus wasn’t obsessed with people knowing about Hell. His goal was for them to know His Father. It isn’t the fear of Hell that saves you, it is knowing Jesus that saves you.

His message was about living life in harmony with God, and loving people, which is what Jesus majored on. When he spoke to the people of his time, he never used scare tactics, because there is no fear in perfect love and that's what Jesus personified. It is a devil's lie, that Jesus came to throw people into hell and condemn them. But in the book of John in the Bible, it says that Jesus does not even condemn people. Their SINS do, and that's very important to note. Jesus said, "I did NOT come into this world to CONDEMN the world, BUT TO SAVE IT."
Carazaa · F
Only born again Christians go to heaven.

Matthew 7:22

"Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. 21Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. 24Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock"
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Carazaa · F
@littlepuppywantanewlife But only those who love Jesus will go to heaven. Jesus, God in the flesh, is very clear, so this is why I am here to witness.
@Carazaa ok. Don't forget me when you are in heaven having fun in clouds. 🥺
Hindus are not aliens. Hinduism is the worlds oldest religion and scriptures and holy books written thousands of years ago are still followed. There is alot more. And yes we also go to heaven.
@littlepuppywantanewlife But not the largest.

Christianity 2.382 billion 31.11%

Islam 1.907 billion 24.9%

Secular/Nonreligious 1.193 billion 15.58%

Hinduism 1.251 billion 15.16%

With all due respect, the god you have that looks like an elephant, and in fact, none of the gods you worship, look like a living God. No one makes god. He made US, and has always existed, and God calls all statues, idols, and He FORBIDS man to worship ANY IDOL, just as He did when Moses came down from the mountain from talking to God, and He gave Moses the Ten commandments for the people, because He saw they were so evil, and when God saw those people had taken off their jewelry and made out of it, golden idols to worship, he was furious! After ALL he saved them from, and even their very lives, they turned against him and started worshiping a god made with human hands that cannot see, hear, or speak. And God's living spirit cannot live/dwell in a man-made object. An empty vessel. And one of those ten commandments was "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me." And that was not a statement made in arrogance. He is the Creator and he made man. And he is saying to the people, "I alone am God. I can speak to you, I can see you, I can hear you, and I alone, am your Savior and Rescuer, who can save you from hell." Those ten commandments were not suggestions. They were law. He was saying to us today, we don't need 90 million gods. That almighty God, creator of heaven and earth, is the only God this world needs. He said that in John 3:16 and 17. And He is also the only one who knows how to save this world, he said so himself. One can believe and receive His Holy Spirit... Or doubt and do without. I believe it is stupid for mankind to believe man over God. Who better to trust, than One who has been and lived in the spiritual world, and knows what it's all about and what it takes to be saved. Man is foolish to think he knows better and that he's wiser than Yeshua. God will not be mocked. He said so, himself.
JohannaJoyLinn · 26-30, F
I believe it's not about christianity or being Muslim or on what form a person calls his God, the bottom line is his good deeds, a person is naturally good as well as evil, it depends on which track he would take, he might have different ways and beliefs in life but still he can be good and share positivity around him. And that's what matters most.
@JohannaJoyLinn Jesus sets the standard, not man, and he said man will never get to heaven by his own good deeds. Jesus would know.


If we could earn God's grace, it would no longer be grace.

MasterofNone · 26-30, M
Islam, Christianity and Judaism are part of the same line of Abrahamic religions with certain differences.
On the other hand, Santana Dharma (Hinduism), Taoism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, etc. are a separate line of religions of which the ancient people probably had no idea of.
Are you referring to people of Islam, Christianity as ancient?
MasterofNone · 26-30, M
@ABCDEF7 Well I meant ancient Christians. Not that they were the only ancient ones around.
@MasterofNone Yes, let us do compare Islam with Christianity.


God - Only one god – called Allah

Only one God – a triune being called God or Yahweh

Jesus - A prophet who was virgin-born, but NOT the Son of God or Savior of the world.


Jesus was NOT crucified. Someone was substituted for Jesus, and He hid until He could meet with the disciples. A FACT of history, that is necessary for the atonement of sin and the salvation of believers. BUT GUESS WHAT JESUS SAYS TO THAT. HE SAID, "WHOSOEVER DENIES ME BEFORE MEN, I SHALL DENY THEM, BEFORE MY FATHER IN HEAVEN." MATTHEW 10:33

Jesus’ Resurrection

Since Muslims do not believe in the Crucifixion, there is no need to believe in the Resurrection. A fact of history that signifies God’s victory over sin and death!

Islam on the Trinity:

A blasphemy signifying belief in three gods. [That statement is the biggest blasphemy of ALL, and against the Holy Spirit... The Unpardonable Sin!].

In Islam, the Trinity is mistakenly thought to be God, Jesus, and Mary. Our heavenly father said there are three that bear witness in heaven, God the Father, God the Son, who is Jesus, and the HOLY SPIRIT. God is no liar.

Sin: Sin is disobedience to the established law. Sin does not grieve Allah.

God help them. Sin is REBELLION against God. Sin GRIEVES God AND the Holy Spirit, because it keeps mankind eternally separated from God the Father, until a person invites Jesus into his or her life as their personal Savior, asking Jesus to forgive them, which He does, and they become a child of God, fit for heaven. Just try to drag your sins into heaven. You'll never make it past the gates of heaven, guaranteed by God.
Islam: Man - Man is created by Allah and is sinless.

That is a devil's lie. Will we really believe man, over Almighty God?!! Man is sinful by nature! He FELL into sin. God's Word says so.

Islam way of Salvation -

Salvation is achieved by submitting to the will of Allah.

Another devil's lie. Salvation is never, never based on man's performance. It is based on the work of Jesus Christ, when he died on the cross to atone for our sins with His SINLESS blood. It is HE, who did the "work of salvation".... not man and not religion.

Islam: There is no assurance of salvation.


Islam: – Salvation is granted by Allah’s mercy alone.
Salvation is a FREE gift to you, by GRACE...(UN-EARNED favor from God) by faith in the atonement of Jesus Christ on the Cross, and again.... provided through God’s grace! Grace IS mercy.

Bible - Muslims accept the Bible (especially the Pentateuch, Psalms, and Gospels) insofar as it agrees with the Qur’an.

The Bible is NOTHING like the Quran. The inspired Word of God, by the HOLY SPIRIT, to HOLY MEN OF OLD, not just anyone, is complete.

Qur’an (Koran) - A later revelation that supersedes and corrects errors in the Bible. This actually makes me sick to my stomach.

Jesus REJECTS the Quran as His Holy Word, and is NOT accepted by God as divine revelation. In other words, God did not write, approve, nor inspire the quran. It contradicts everything in God's Word, and we don't need two books. That's why Father God only approves His own Word. He knows it is, pure, without sin, and approved by God the Father himself, and regarded as Holy by Him. No other book in the world.

Muhammad - (MERE MAN, FLAWED, AND WITH SIN, AS ALL MEN IN THIS WORLD) The last in the line of prophets and, therefore, the final authority in spiritual matters.


Angels - These divine messengers, as described in God's Word, are created by God and are NOT to be worshipped! Satan is NOT an "angel of Light" but PURELY of darkness.

Angels are defined in the Bible as heavenly servants of God, who act as His messengers.

Last Days and Muslim's ideas of them:

There will be bodily resurrection and final judgment with final destination. All Muslims go to heaven, though some must be purged of their sins first.
*What an OXYMORON!!* THEIR OWN MAN-MADE RULES. ALL MUSLIMS GO TO HEAVEN, BUT ONLY THEM. NOT THE REST OF THE WORLD. Right! And if their people don't agree with this, or ANYONE, guess what. Their own Quran says to kill the INFIDELS who do not follow their laws. THEIR laws, not GOD'S. What a "loving and PEACEFUL religion" they are. 🤔 Jesus warned about false teachers, "Who come as "Wolves" in sheep's clothing! Jesus said not to fall for their deceitful lies. They will lead you astray, down a path, other than the straight and narrow path to Jesus and eternal life in heaven. Since when, did God the Father give mankind the permission to set the standard for salvation? He didn't!!

Yet, ALL infidels (ANYONE OTHER THAN MUSLIMS, THAT IS) are destined for hell. (🤦‍♀️ What a rude awakening they will have.)

If you don't want to miss heaven, then you must follow Jesus, the one who loves you like no other, and came SPECIFICALLY to save you from THE CURSE AND CONDEMNATION THAT SIN PUT ON YOU. Don't risk it. Do not gamble with your own soul. Eternity is, of course, forever, and you want to make sure you get there. God's perfect guidance tells us how, so no one will miss it. There will be bodily resurrection in the last days. Final judgment and eternal destination (heaven or hell) will be decided, based on acceptance of Jesus as Savior and His removal of the sin which separates each person from God. Jesus turns no one away.

There is a way that SEEMS right unto man, as he listens to his own limited, flawed reasoning, instead of God's, but Jesus tried to tell us for our own ETERNAL GOOD, the end thereof...a different spiritual path, brings both physical and spiritual death.
No matter who the person is, or what faith, Jesus said not all lead to the right path. So the “eventually” theory won’t work, because that suggests one can earn their way to heaven, and that’s what Jesus said we cannot do.
biliousbluebarnacles · 22-25, M
@LadyGrace What about all the indulgences and various things that the Church over the years claimed to be absolutely necessary for salvation? Is that not also earning one's way in?
Could you be more specific? God said we cannot get to heaven by any effort or works of our own doing, like trying to earn God’s favor, or trying to live a good life. Going to church with the idea, that will get you to heaven or working in the church in order to earn one’s way to heaven, will not get one to heaven. @biliousbluebarnacles
biliousbluebarnacles · 22-25, M
In the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church levied various church taxes against the laity claiming it would get them into heaven. Also around this time various Popes, most notoriously Sergius III, were buying their way into the papacy with money and influence and using their positions upon St. Peter's Throne to drink, gamble, and enjoy the company of ladies of the night.
Azrael ·
Lol maybe don't think about people in religious terms, people are more than their religions and faith. If someone from one religion chooses to be a violent person, that's on them, if someone chooses to be virtuous, again, that's on them. Not the whole religion and everyone that follows it. Unless they choose to follow a inherently immoral religion; but then again morality is subjective lol

What i'm trying to say is- try not to generalize a whole community of people based on their religion ^-^
biliousbluebarnacles · 22-25, M
@Azrael The problem with that is that the Catholics in particular, bless their weird communion wafers, believe that everyone who isn't a Christian in general and a Catholic in particular is going to go to hell despite how they live their day-to-day lives. In my opinion this is near the top of the "stupid things to believe" list, along with anti-vaxxing and anybody who says that foreign languages are bad, but sadly there are way more of them than there are of me.
Azrael ·
@biliousbluebarnacles Good point. And that's exactly what I'm telling her not to do lol she can still think for herself, form her own opinions and rise above her indoctrinated mindset 👀
biliousbluebarnacles · 22-25, M
Let's hope she can.
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Faith13praise · 51-55, M
@dunpender Christ talks more of hell then heaven and is very clear it exists
biliousbluebarnacles · 22-25, M
Shouldn't the fact that they are good and virtuous be enough?
Hinduism is part of Sanatam Dharma, probably the most influential than the others such as Jainism, Toaism, Buddhism etc. Where Christianity, Islam and Judaism are Abrahamic religion.. Two totally separate lines where Hinduism is the oldest of all. The concept of going to Heaven is completely different in Hinduism than what Abrahamic religions preach.
Humans made religions. Just believe your light of wisdom.
@LadyGrace Hindus goes to heaven too.
@SW-User No religion in the world, sets the standard by which we must be saved. There is no religion in God's eyes. We are all one people, sir, under the God Almighty. I know that some people do not believe in Jesus as savior. They only believe that he was a good man and a good prophet, but God told us in his Word that God the Father is the one who sets the standard on how to get to heaven. And it was God the Father, who not only appointed Jesus as the Savior of the world, he approved him as the only Savior in the world. We know that man is not smarter than God, nor wiser. If I'm going to get to heaven (and I know that God has saved me, so I'll be going to heaven, because I did what he said, not what man claims, in his limited reasoning.)

Jesus said, that "No man can come to my Father, except he come by Me." No other god has offered a way to get to heaven. It is never about religion. It is our sins that keep us separated from God, until we ask Jesus to forgive us. That is the standard God the Father set. How can we ignore one who has come from heaven to make sure we don't have to guess, but we will know how to get to heaven, then 500 people witnessed Jesus resurrect into heaven again and went to his Father. Man cannot even get past the Moon, let alone get to heaven. Please tell me how he'll get there. He cannot fly.
@littlepuppywantanewlife Yes, of course they do... Those who have accepted Jesus' standard for salvation. Jesus made that standard because he is smarter and wiser than us and who are we to challenge god? He said it, he meant it, and he will abide by it and he made that standard for everyone in the whole world, not just one particular religion. God is not for religion. Religion did not die on the cross and save people from their sins. Jesus did. That is why it's called a personal relationship. Man cannot raise himself from the dead to get into heaven. There is no way. He does not have that power but Jesus does and he told us in his word. Notice in John 3:16 that Jesus said whosoever. That means anyone in the world, who believes in Jesus, shall not perish, but have everlasting life with him in heaven. For Jesus did not come to condemn the world, but through him, we might be saved. And he said might be saved, because many will reject him. And unless our sins are not forgiven by Jesus who is the mediator between God and man, then they cannot drag their sins into heaven with them. They will not be allowed in. But no one has to miss heaven because all it takes is to repent before Jesus, ask him to forgive us, and he shall forgive us, wash away our sins, and right then we inherit, as his child, a place in heaven. There's no earning it and no worrying about it. But if people want to say "No...I don't want your salvation or any part of you", that's their choice, not God's. And therefore, God will honor their decision. It is never God the Father or Jesus that sends people to hell. That has always been the devil's biggest lie and people want to believe it. There's not one soul on this Earth that has to miss heaven. There is no excuse. Got salvation is free and if a man or woman chooses to criticize, laugh at, curse, and make fun of God's plan, that is their choice, not God's. He is not willing that ANY parish, and he died to prove that. His blood covered our sins. THE SECOND WE SAY "I DO WANT YOU JESUS", AND WE ASK HIM TO FORGIVE US OF THE SINS THAT SEPARATE US FROM GOD, AND CONTINUE TO CONDEMN US, UNTIL JESUS FORGIVES THEM, Jesus forgives, washes out sins away, and we are now cleansed by the righteousness of not ourselves, but of Christ's blood that atoned for our sins from HIS work on the cross. We did absolutely nothing to earn it and Jesus said we cannot do anything to earn it. It takes a pure, SINLESS blood sacrifice to atone for ours sins, and NOTHING else will do. God the Father said so. So we will either listen to God, or we will listen to man's futile and flawed reasoning. But God the Father made it very clear, that we don't have to GUESS about how to get to heaven, because Jesus came all the way to heaven to tell us how, so there'd be NO MISTAKE about it and then after he died, he rose from the dead and at least 500 people saw him ascend into heaven and go to His Father because His mission had been accomplished. He did that to prove to us that death cannot keep us, nor harm us, if we will trust in Him. And man cannot raise himself from the dead! But the power of Jesus and his blood sure can, and he proved it! And God the Father Almighty said when our sins are forgiven and we are fit for heaven once more, then it is finished! We are God's children, from that moment on, until we meet Him face to face. And God said forget about reincarnation. There is no such thing. And God is no liar. Man must not chance his own soul to what other men tell him. Jesus said beware of those false teachers. He said there is NO CONDEMNATION to those who love the Lord Jesus, and live according to His Word. But don't mistake that verse. It never means if we work to please God, that we will be saved. Our works only count AFTER we have been saved, and in the Lord's family. ONCE JESUS SAVES US THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS EARNING OUR WAY TO HEAVEN ARE GUESSING ABOUT IT. WE ARE SECURE IN THE ARMS OF JESUS FOREVER. THAT DOES NOT MEAN WE HAVE A LICENSE TO SIN. IF WE LOVE THE LORD, WE WILL NOT WANT TO DELIBERATELY SIN. AND WE SHALL LOSE REWARDS IN HEAVEN IF WE SIN AGAINST GOD AND DO NOT REPENT, BUT THE BIBLE IS MORE THAN CLEAR AND SAYING THAT WE SHALL NOT LOSE OUR SALVATION. ONLY REWARDS AND THAT COUNTS ONLY FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE SAVED.
Miram · 31-35, F
Do you have any knowledge of Hinduism whatsoever?

Most Christians, Muslims and Jews don't while they caste their judgments.

How to feel? Most probably you should feel that you're ignorant about it.

The more I study the related religions, in their ancient forms, the more I admire the philosophies and spirituality that branch out from their core tenets.
Has Bible or Quran have any mention about Hindu religion?
@LadyGrace Thanks for the information. I know bit about Quran as I have read that once. And I understand they both are not same although both are Abrahamic religions.
@ABCDEF7 Yes they are, however, I do not want to be connected nor associated with their beliefs, as I just personally believe, from reading parts of the Quran, that's not who I am in Christ and He said do not fellowship with teachers whose words and beliefs do not match up with His words. He said walk away, so you are not perceived to live or teach, as they do, and be labeled a "false teacher". It will turn others away from God. Not that any of us are better than they are, it's just that a double-minded person is unstable in all their ways, the bible says. It's how you are perceived as a believer. It doesnt take much for someone to tarnish your reputation. Especially a Christian. They're just wanting to find fault. 😂

@LadyGrace [youtube=]
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xixgun · M
Why should they think anything about them?
Who knows.. i don't know how Christian think about us

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