LadyGrace · 70-79
Prayer is talking to God. However, one can speak to God throughout the day or evening and fellowship with Him, in the spirit. He’s always there to hear, but that does no good if we’re not willing to listen to His guidance. It’s not a one way street.
ms20182878 · 61-69, M
@LadyGrace YES... so true!

when I talked to God I knew he'd understand
He said, "Stick by my side and I'll be your guiding hand
But don't ask me what I think of you
I might not give the answer that you want me to"
Oh well
He said, "Stick by my side and I'll be your guiding hand
But don't ask me what I think of you
I might not give the answer that you want me to"
Oh well
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@theramengirl I've 20 variously dusty or needing string changes.
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@SW-User Guess we better get to it then, huh? 😊

@theramengirl I need to do some set up work on some of mine.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Of course I can.
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
Yes, and He will speak to you in all sorts of ways
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@TheWildEcho How so? How do you know God is a he?
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@theramengirl He will speak through the Bible, through nature, through acts of kindness by friends and strangers, through the church. I know He is a he through His word
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@TheWildEcho Thank you, I understand this very much.
BrattyMel · 31-35, F
Every morning 😂😂
BrattyMel · 31-35, F
I talk to someone who actually exists. Sooo...usually good morning is what she says @theramengirl
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@BrattyMel That's sweet. I like good mornings too.
BrattyMel · 31-35, F
Same @theramengirl
ms20182878 · 61-69, M
Yes... the "still, small voice" of the Holy Spirit.
StepDad2 · 36-40, M
Yup but it’s normally a one-sided conversation.
StepDad2 · 36-40, M
@theramengirl Yup but it’s still satisfying.
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@StepDad2 That's good to hear!
StepDad2 · 36-40, M
@theramengirl I’m sure He is happy as well. 👍🏼
Angelboy2455 · 18-21, M
Yes you can talk to God it anytime he will listen
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@Angelboy2455 How do you know God is a he?
Angelboy2455 · 18-21, M
Because I know this is going to sound weird but I died from anaphylactic shock I can hear everybody talkin but my body was above me and I could see them working on me I saw a bright light and I Heard a Voice same Child come to me and I seen God I don't care if you believe me or not it happened
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@Angelboy2455 What I think doesn't really matter. If that happened to you then it happened. can you differentiate between a female child and a male child's voice?
Rambler · 61-69, M
Yes. Might not like the answer though.
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@Rambler What does God say?
Rambler · 61-69, M
I don’t know yet, too much static on the line. :)
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@Rambler Ah
okaybut · 56-60, M
Yes...indirectly...God is nature for me.
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@okaybut I have considered this before as well. Still do sometimes.
okaybut · 56-60, M
@theramengirl Google Pantheism... it helped me replace the void I felt after I lost Catholicism.
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@okaybut Sure, I'll check that out. Thank you very much.
Nope. I can talk at them though. Just not hear anything.
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
I talk to God every night
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@HoraceGreenley What does God say?
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
@theramengirl You're Cool
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@HoraceGreenley lol
No. But I like my imaginary friends....
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@Swann lol me too
LadyGrace · 70-79
A bit of caution here. When one pledges submission to a cause, movement, or defines themselves by any one of the –isms, look out. Whether it be Nazism, activism, narcissism, socialism, or sadism. Beware of any religious practice/church of -ism followers. It is the -ism people, that often attempt to control, and when unsuccessful are quick to damn and persecute a non -ism believer.
Ainny · 41-45, F
Yes. Every day
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@Ainny What does God say?
Pfuzylogic · M
I pray to him every meal.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
You can pretty talk to whomever but if you speak to somebody and they blank you, well that's just rude.
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@GeniUs lol
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theramengirl · 31-35, C
@dunpender How do you know that God is a he?
Northwest · M
Anyone can talk to a God. Gods. If anyone thinks God talks back, then they should probably consider therapy.
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@Northwest How do you know they would want to share that experience with the world? No comment.
Northwest · M
@theramengirl "No Comment"? What do you think you just did, or better yet, what do you think this forum is, if not for comments.
theramengirl · 31-35, C
It's not something you have to do if you do not want to.
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theramengirl · 31-35, C
@dunpender Then wouldn't asexual be similar to looking at God through human terms? How do you know God isn't human?
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theramengirl · 31-35, C
@dunpender How do you know God is a supreme being? Why do you think God has no need to reproduce?
mokhtar · 26-30, M
Yes That God exists IAM Muslim
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GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
What would you rather have Him do, become a dictator? Then you'd complain about Him ordering us around and telling us what to do. Make up your mind.
It is not logical that an all-knowing god decided to create everything, fully aware that we'd bring eternal sin into the world.
What would you rather have Him do, become a dictator? Then you'd complain about Him ordering us around and telling us what to do. Make up your mind.
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GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
@Emosaur Let me know when you've made up your mind what you want God to do, let us have free will or become a dictator.