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Is ramadan the official suicide attack period? [Spirituality & Religion]

Are muslims required to commit suicide attacks during ramadan? Do they get more virgins for terrorist attacks than in any other period of the year?
Starz93 · F
Ramadan is a fasting month, and for your information and for me to enlighten you, suicide is wrong in Islam and terrorism too. Hmm one fasts from morning prayer until dawn prayer, it's a month of giving - supporting the less fortunate and donating to charity. Muslims fasting for 30 days, each day there's a period when fasting starts and ending time, it's a sacred act of worship which cleanses the soul of previous sins, purifies the body and detoxifies too.

Have a blessed night.
Goralski · 56-60, M
[image/video deleted]
as a muslim, there are no virgins plus suicide is overrated
no, the opposite in fact.
it is for them a time of re-dedication self reflection, and commitment.
the fasting is only in the day time, at night its a feast and
YOU are welcome to join in it, I have,

Most of the fanatics, that are blowing shit up , are a minority, the equivalent of "snake handler" Christians.
Muslims are not "required" to commit suicide attacks,
that is only for the militants. MOST moslems are not in favor of all this,
but "being Nice" does not make for news.
I am of course taking your questions at face value, not as a rhetorical position.
fredmohar · 41-45, M
@Pherick They have taken over a huge part of the world. They were pushed back from Europe but they have not given up on it.
Pherick · 41-45, M
@fredmohar How could they have been pushed back from Europe if there were 1.5 Billion Muslim extremists? I mean I feel like I would have read about that?

The truth, of course, is that a very small percentage of Muslims are extremists. Just like any other religion who has read their texts and decided to twist them into a radical set of teachings.
fredmohar · 41-45, M
@Pherick That time there were fewer muslims. They were pushed back from Spain and from East Europe by arms.
Sarah123 · F
hmm.. not eating for one month or exploding myself... tough choice
@Sarah123 its only in the day time.
they feast after sunset. soo not so hard
Sarah123 · F
@SatyrService so if you spend your ramadan in summer in the antarktis you are fine
it rarely coincides with arctic or antarctic summer.
some ,even gain weight,,with the all the nightly feasting
Nope its a peace month as I read in books before
Northwest · M
I'm sorry, I did not mean to single you out. Seems there are plenty of idiots on this thread.
Graylight · 51-55, F
I dont know; how many days out of the year do we get for blind, ignorant prejudice?
Northwest · M
You're really an idiot.
Goralski · 56-60, M
Wouldn't you get pissed off by not eating
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
You really are a piece of shit you know that?

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