I want to encourage you to see past sin.
A lot of us get so caught up in making sure we don't sin that we forget to just be with God.
When you only run from sin, there is no guarantee you will be running toward God.
But when you run toward God, you will always be running away from Sin.
So don't worry about what you wear, but remember to honor the promise to honor your Husband and your marriage.
Don't worry if you should or shouldn't be paying attention to the world and its brokeness, but remember that God has overcome the world and its brokeness.
Don't worry about buying food when you have food at home, remember God provides for you in all things.
Jesus died for it all, sister.
Jesus decided, "you know, I'm tired of looking at your sin. I'm going to look past it so I can just focus on our relationship. I'm going to Die and take your sin with me so that it doesn't have to be between you and I.
Jesus loved us that much, and I think we can learn a lot from that.
Mark 7:15
Nothing that goes into a person from the outside can make him unclean. It's what comes out of a person that makes him unclean.
Proverbs 4:23
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
A lot of us get so caught up in making sure we don't sin that we forget to just be with God.
When you only run from sin, there is no guarantee you will be running toward God.
But when you run toward God, you will always be running away from Sin.
So don't worry about what you wear, but remember to honor the promise to honor your Husband and your marriage.
Don't worry if you should or shouldn't be paying attention to the world and its brokeness, but remember that God has overcome the world and its brokeness.
Don't worry about buying food when you have food at home, remember God provides for you in all things.
Jesus died for it all, sister.
Jesus decided, "you know, I'm tired of looking at your sin. I'm going to look past it so I can just focus on our relationship. I'm going to Die and take your sin with me so that it doesn't have to be between you and I.
Jesus loved us that much, and I think we can learn a lot from that.
Mark 7:15
Nothing that goes into a person from the outside can make him unclean. It's what comes out of a person that makes him unclean.
Proverbs 4:23
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
If fully commiting is what concerns you about your Faith then pray about it. You can be certain that God will make an opportunity for you.
SWisGoingWoke · M
There are many opinions, but I think it comes down to this one issue...
When you become a Christian, you claim that you love God with all your heart. You are supposed to profess God as your Lord and Master. In other words, what he says is what you do.
Becoming lukewarm is when God says "Tell the world about me" and the lukewarm Christian says "Nah, I don't think so."
When you become a Christian, you claim that you love God with all your heart. You are supposed to profess God as your Lord and Master. In other words, what he says is what you do.
Becoming lukewarm is when God says "Tell the world about me" and the lukewarm Christian says "Nah, I don't think so."
ladycae · 100+, F
satan has a way of playing with our minds, telling us we are wrong, telling us we are not committed. but the answer to one question. are you? when you gave your life to Christ were you sincere? are you reading and studying the scriptures? are you talking to God about what bothers you? if the answer to these questions is yes then this is just being mind screwed. if they are a no or maybe then you have to look at that. we all do things like buying too much food. we are not perfect and God knows that because he made us this way. ask for forgiveness and then move on. agonizing over it just allows Satan to put more doubt in your mind,
triangless · 31-35, F
@ladycae you are right, I was reading too much and let fear control me. That is not the right way.
ladycae · 100+, F
@trianglessfear s never of God if it lingers or is unwarranted/ fear is a good emotion because it alerts us to possible trouble, but if there is no trouble or it hangs around uneeded and uninvited then it is usually just mind tricks. if we honestly access things god will tell us if we are on the wrong path.The longer you are a Christian, the more you know God and the more you study the word the better you will be at recognizing these for what they are. plus it frustrates the devil and i like frustrating him. lol
purplepen · 51-55, F
A lukewarm Christian is one who doesn't care about God or other people. Their love has grown cold. There is a passage in Revelation about the Laodicean church that describes them. If you even care whether you are lukewarm or not, you're probably not.
ZenKitzune · F
Religion is a personal thing, do it your way and remember that nobody really knows the reasons behind the world and everything in it so don't let them tell you what you should be or how.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
People who write what other people are supposed to do or be like are probably worth ignoring.
just be you !
just be you !