LadyGrace · 70-79
The old is just as relevant and important as the new. They are in complete harmony with each other. The old is an introduction for knowing who God is. People who claim he is nothing but a violent God, does not understand the Word, nor the character of God. His very being, is that of love. He is love personified, We cannot pick and choose what we decide is true or not, when it comes to the Bible. God did not hand us down a flawed account. That would make him a liar and God is no liar. If we cannot take the whole Bible as the Word of God, we may as well throw the whole thing out. People criticize, what they do not understand. You also have to ask yourself, does this person even know God? How can one speak for God, if he does not know him? That’s why it is important to read and study God‘s Word, so we’d know exactly what to believe. He did not leave us to guess.
Well, if you are a christian then you have to take both testaments into account, since according to Matthew 5:17 Jesus said "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
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LadyGrace · 70-79
@Stroika Hope so is something you’re a little “iffy“ about. You’re just not sure. Know so, is having no doubt that this is a person you can put your trust in and they will not let you down. Obviously, Jesus died hundreds of years ago, so we cannot see him.
After he died, it became a matter of our spirit knowing God’s Spirit, that’s why it takes Faith now to know Him, since you can’t see Him. You can’t see gravity, yet you know it’s there because you see the effects of it. If a person will just open their eyes, they will begin to see Jesus in everything about nature.
That wasn’t the end of the story. Over 500 witnesses saw him resurrect from the dead, yet people make any excuse they can find, to disprove that as well. They’re not really interested in finding God in the first place. The fact is, they don’t want to believe. They ask me why I don’t prove it. That’s not why I am here. That is the job of the Holy Spirit, not mine. For that, you have to open your heart and mind and truly want to know him and find him. Seek and you shall find.
After he died, it became a matter of our spirit knowing God’s Spirit, that’s why it takes Faith now to know Him, since you can’t see Him. You can’t see gravity, yet you know it’s there because you see the effects of it. If a person will just open their eyes, they will begin to see Jesus in everything about nature.
That wasn’t the end of the story. Over 500 witnesses saw him resurrect from the dead, yet people make any excuse they can find, to disprove that as well. They’re not really interested in finding God in the first place. The fact is, they don’t want to believe. They ask me why I don’t prove it. That’s not why I am here. That is the job of the Holy Spirit, not mine. For that, you have to open your heart and mind and truly want to know him and find him. Seek and you shall find.
If accuracy cannot be ascribed to something Supernatural then how you do you know that the words written in the Bible are accurate translations of the supernatural?
LadyGrace · 70-79
@Stroika As far as providing proof. We can’t see Him. Of course, God does not expect “blind” faith from us, as many claim. He tells us that faith comes by hearing, and hearing, by the Word of God. [Romans 10:17] Do you believe you have the assurance of waking up tomorrow. Are you prepared? That’s what counts, above all.
Wraithorn · 51-55, M
While you are pondering the Bible I recommend going to this site of translated sacred texts and have a look at the Apocryphal books. The books that were removed from or never included in the Bible. It's quite interesting. In one of the books you can read about Awan, Adam and Eve's third child who was a girl.
triangless · 31-35, F
@Wraithorn thank you for sharing! I will read it
Wraithorn · 51-55, M
@triangless It's a pleasure. There is a lot of interesting reading and free books on that site.
ladycae · 100+, F
give it some time. you are a new Christian, stick to the new testament. once you have that well studied read the old. you will see that God had a different mission then and dealt with the people in a different way. Jesus came to end all that. the old testament is the story of the Jewish people, the new is the story of Jesus and all the rest of us.
fazer1k · 56-60, M
Not really. They are contradictory and appear to be talking about gods with very different standards.
triangless · 31-35, F
@fazer1k that's what I sometimes think :/
They couldn't fit better, once you are familiar with both.
purplepen · 51-55, F
Old Testament times were very barbaric. God's laws for humanity reflected those times.
What do you mean by compatible?

The old testament is morally repulsive