LadyGrace · 70-79
Forgiveness has nothing to do with “signs”.
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
It was for a while because instead of forgiving the person who was doing harm to be I had a burning rage inside of me I wanted revenge but eventually I forgave and I’m glad I did. I forgive everyone now for everything.
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
Oh yea and just because I forgive the person who harmed me doesn’t mean I’m going to allow them to keep treating me that way. It just means I forgave them and they still need to own up to their actions.
Raldy · 31-35, F
@HannibalMontanimal I see o: even if that person is owning it? Would u still give it a chance?
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
@Raldy Yea but they have to make a change too. They can’t just keep treating me badly it doesn’t work like that

Yes I seem to not forgive (totally) just try not to think about that person. But forgiving is different. I'm a leo

I can forgive easily but i'm picky about what I forgive and what I don't
Raldy · 31-35, F
@SW-User hm, what if the person already said sorry many times and given everything?
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TimSummers · M