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Those Who Seek Freedom Need Wonder No More [Spirituality & Religion]

Within these words lies a path to Eden's door.
Heed that which The Father has learned: Salvation through heavenly work is earned.
Cleansed by the flames of our violent end, Those purified will rise again.

Trust. Follow. Obey
for I am your father
you are my children
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LadyGrace · 70-79
Salvation is never earned. Jesus made that clear in His Word. For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9
You are a false teacher.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@FatherJOSEPH oh wow. Far from what the New Covenant is. Sorry. You are not God. God has no sin. Man does. He cannot even save himself, except through Jesus. False doctrines you're spreading. Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me. John 14:6
What part of that do you not understand?
FatherJOSEPH · 36-40, M
It's pathetic how blind you truly are. Stop trying to speak for God. You know nothing of him and just quote a book that man made to control the weak minded like yourself
LadyGrace · 70-79
@FatherJOSEPH So you say.
Tonka · M
FJ, never stop teaching the holy words of the divine to the locals of SW.

I almost wish I fell into the category to be classified as one of your children. However that's not the case at all.
Tonka · M
@FatherJOSEPH Thank you I appreciate that. And likewise.. Please remember most people can not conversate on your level you must bring your wisdom to their level of understanding.
FatherJOSEPH · 36-40, M
@Tonka Don't worry, soon everything will fit into place and everyone will see it. You are one of the rare wise ones and I have enjoyed our conversation.
Tonka · M
@FatherJOSEPH I know it will all work it's way. Thank you for being open to what I needed to share. I to enjoyed our conversation. Hopefully we can again. Thank you FJ🙏
Sorcha · 31-35, F
Oooh, where is this from? Or did you write it yourself?
Sorcha · 31-35, F
@unknownpoetx Oh, I'm not. I'm not XD
unknownpoetx · 36-40, M
@Sorcha GOOD!!!! or you won't enter Eden!
FatherJOSEPH · 36-40, M
I determine who enters Eden's door, no one else. Those who doubt, will in time see what is true
have you been playing infinite?
FatherJOSEPH · 36-40, M
@SW-User what is that?
Another self-anointed one. Do people still fall for this shit? How much you want tho bet this guy's M.O. is $$$ and sex.
FatherJOSEPH · 36-40, M
You have my intentions wrong on here. I am not foolish enough to try and gain a following with using the internet. That comes from seeing me in person. This now is just getting my message out in the world. Sarcastic and cynical people are on this site yes, but the signs to the end will soon show it self and when it does, my message will be remembered and they will believe.
@FatherJOSEPH True prophets do not get defensive. Besides, you only have one "friend" on SW. Not much of a ministry, if you ask me. Besides, if you were so cock-sure of your "message," why would you be wasting your time debating a guy like me who is goading you into looking like the fool you are? Why aren't you saving souls.

But really dude, which is it? Money or pussy that you seek? If that latter, you should have taken your act to Burning Man.
FatherJOSEPH · 36-40, M
how am I getting defensive? I am merely correcting you to my intentions. I don't consider talking to you as a waste of time. I am open to those who seek answers.
I seek neither money or sex.

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