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Why is there not so much comedy in Germany? [Spirituality & Religion]


The late and GREAT Robin Williams has the answer to this question.
pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
The real crime of the holocaust is not well understood by many people. Who knows what Einstein was murdered then or what the off spring would have accomplished for all time going forward? Generations that will never be born or fulfill their mission statement to the world. What was stolen from the world in terms of accomplishment or intellectual capacity to change the world for the good was what was stolen by the murder of six million Jews. What am I talking about? There are but 14 million Jews in the world today 0.2% of the worlds population almost meaningless in numbers but not in terms of accomplishments. 35% of this centuries non-peace Nobel prizes have been awarded to Jews and this is a measure of real accomplishment towards the betterment of mankind across all major fields of endeavour. That number of awards for such a tiny group is insanely out of proportion to population. Another measure- there are currently eight US supreme court justices - three of them are Jews and the ninth nomination is also a Jew - if confirmed Jews would comprise 44% of the seats despite being less than 5% of the US population. Why are Jewish minds so over represented on the highest court in the land? What is it that drives the Jewish mind to contribute so ridiculously and outrageously disproportionately to their numbers? I know the answers to these questions. The Jew is charged with being a light unto the nations - to bring light unto darkness - to illuminate to create to teach to improve and to heal the world - that is the mission statement and it is not hollow - it is fulfilled each and every day. I know this sounds boastful - it is not meant to be so - these are simple empirical evidence of examples that are out there. Read the life story of Larry Ellison of Oracle Software, Michael Bloomberg, Michael Dell and many other self made men - and how they changed the world by delivering results. When one speaks of genius they think of Einstein but Einstein was but one of many - and who knows what was stolen from the world then and for all time by this unspeakable crime - that is the true measure of the extent of that crime. That is why we never forget.
pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
Comedy is taking a situation and smacking it out with an exaggeration that is outrageous. When I heard that he was reported to have said this - I said "no way" but he said it all right and darn it all if it is not the funniest thing imaginable just because it was such an outrageous thing to say.

Actually I look at Germany very differently. Firstly I am Jewish and yes we lost many family members to the murder of the Nazi's on both sides of my family. Also my family had all their money and property stolen from them by the Nazis because before it was the largest organized mass murder of an identifiable group it was the biggest theft of property from an identifiable group.

How do I look at this very differently? - The simple fact is that next to the USA, Israel has no bigger or stronger friend in the world than Germany. No doubt about it and the facts bear it out. Germany has basically gifted six Dolphin Submarines to Israel which together form the second strike capacity of the nation - the unsubstantiated rumour is that each is nuclear cruise missile equipped. Those submarines give concrete meaning to the phrase "never again" and they were suppled to the Jewish People and nation by Germany to ensure that no one ever thinks about killing a large number of Jews anywhere in the world ever again. If they tried - they would pay a terrible price for it and they darn well know it too - that is why there has not been a major war against Israel since 1973. The deterrent effects are quite substantial.

Oh - and one of my cars, my favourite actually, is a pristine low milage Mercedes Sedan - I use it among other things to drive my children to synagogue and to private Jewish schools so they get an education. What was - we don't ever forget or forgive - but what is - we must also recognize and appreciate. Germany today is NOT Germany of yesterday and the sins of the Fathers - are not the sins of the children. You heard a Jew say it - and I can do so where a Non-Jew might not do so quite as easily or without blow back for it. Would my Grandfather have driven this Benz? I don't think so - but I do. The world has changed and we have to change with the world.
gladewalker · 61-69, M
I love your response and am honored to converse with you. It amazes me the diversity of ideas and life experiences on this site, and it is amazing what you can learn when you connect with someone such as yourself with so many interesting ones. I learned a lot during my brief visit to your country in 2008 and found the countryside to be very similar to Oregon where I live and the people to be inviting and kind. BTW, my family drove nothing but Mercedes for years but we sold the little '68 280SL convertible after my mom died. My brother inherited her '02 C240 which he still drives daily.
pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
I have a very low milage 93 W124 - a 300E with the DOHC 3.2L engine - It is the most durable car Mercedes ever produced the first one to hit 1 million miles was a cab in Portugal and it was purchased back by MB and put in their museum - if you Google W124 you will see a picture of that car in the wikipedia page - since that time many others of the series have hit this milestone - but mine won't get there in my life time - I don't drive it enough and love the like new condition of my car. I imported my car from WA state - it has never seen road salt.
gladewalker · 61-69, M
So funny! There will never be a replacement for the late great Robin Williams.
gladewalker · 61-69, M
Yes! It was incredible how he could get us to laugh at ourselves, even those things we don't like to talk about. Especially for the Germans carrying the collective guilt of their forefathers. I visited in 2008 and was glad to see them finally flying their own flag proudly again, if only for the games.
pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
Agreed - It has been a very rough few years loosing George Carlin and then Robin Williams - the world is not nearly as happy or funny a place without their incredible insight to it.
Idk but my uncles went to Russia and they said the food there tasted like cardboard
pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
Watch the youtube video - it is one of the most outrageously funny bits I have ever seen.

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