puck61 Best Comment
We are the eyes with which the universe can see itself, and we are here to learn and grow before we are uploaded into the matrix of reality and all that is.

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That's a fascinating perspective. I used to think we exist in a memory of our lives. Like what we think of as now already happened and we never catch up to the actual moment we are existing in.
Sounds strange I know.
Sounds strange I know.
GOLAM · 36-40, M
whenever i get time i try to crack it ..still looking for the answer..the answer is much completed then relativity of einstein theory ..have no clue where to start the math

Good luck with that and enjoy the fact that you have the capacity to think and question these things
must be one of the oldest questions in history!
sogdianrock · 61-69, M
To create that exact question loop. Everything else arises from that including the answer(s).
Best wishes
To create that exact question loop. Everything else arises from that including the answer(s).
Best wishes
sogdianrock · 61-69, M
Why do we exist is why we do exist. Humans are curious and this thought loop directs curiosity to the ultimate question and sets in motion a quest in which humans are defined by their curiosity, their determination and intelligence to describe and understand reality. This doing becomes and end through the doing in another loop. Our existence has meaning and substance in this quest.
Best wishes
Why do we exist is why we do exist. Humans are curious and this thought loop directs curiosity to the ultimate question and sets in motion a quest in which humans are defined by their curiosity, their determination and intelligence to describe and understand reality. This doing becomes and end through the doing in another loop. Our existence has meaning and substance in this quest.
Best wishes
GOLAM · 36-40, M
i think human intelligent is a by product of survival. similar to octopus ..dolphin
sogdianrock · 61-69, M
Both beautiful creatures. I love octopii.
Maybe so. I think your question lies outside survival - in any immediate sense anyway. Maybe originally so.
Best wishes
Both beautiful creatures. I love octopii.
Maybe so. I think your question lies outside survival - in any immediate sense anyway. Maybe originally so.
Best wishes
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GOLAM · 36-40, M
@NaughtyNick what is the point of making it most? does it matter.. i onloy recieve pain and pleasure as warning

We were created to worship God.
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goagainsttheflow · 31-35, F
I don't know because we seem to fuck everything up, lol.
GOLAM · 36-40, M
@goagainsttheflow ha ha