I Like to Sing Along With Songs I LikeI get very strange looks in the car when I unleash my singing Was good at singing as a kid but never managed to get back into it after I grew up, so now the car and shower are about the only times I do.
I Like to Sing Along With Songs I Like Tom Petty - The Apartment Song, my singalong song of the day (1)
I Like to Sing Along With Songs I LikeWhen I'm home alone, I like to play songs from my Pandora app on my phone and just sing along. Lately I've been paying attention to my pitch. I feel like I'm getting better!
I Love to Sing and Write SongsI have actually posted this once on EP. This song is delicated to my online best friend(okay it's crush)...Today I listened to it again and I feel shy...just wow how brave was I. (1)