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"Shiny, Happy People"

I don’t usually like covers if I enjoyed the original song. This original by REM would be a great theme song (imho) for SW.

But through "TCM Remembers" I find the most incredible songs and I fell in love with their use of the cover by Reuben And the Dark & AG for the 2021 Memorial:

By mood and tempo it doesn’t even seem like the same song, yet I love them both.
bookerdana · M
Kate Pierson!!!!! 🥴 Oh,my,my.

I can't understand how this resembles the vibe here 🤷‍♂️ Maybe I've grown cynical....TCM needed something more somber For their yearly passings. I'm a huge REM fan but with the sle excepton of this track,Out of time is one of my less favorite albums by Stipe & Co
Piper · 61-69, F
I really like them both, too. I enjoyed seeing and hearing both again, today.
eyeno · M

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