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"Pastime Paradise"/"Gangsta’s Paradise"/”Amish Paradise"

I remember Weird Al saying with some regret that the only artist who had been annoyed with his parody was Coolio…
who supposedly said Al ripped him off…
Funny, since he "borrowed heavily" from Stevie Wonder…
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
I know too much about Weird Al, lol.

So Al always seeks permission for his parodies, and he got it from Coolio's manager, which Coolio himself did not provide. Coolio was upset because he felt the parody undercut the seriousness of his song and didn't appreciate such a dark subject being taken lightly.

But like, it was also massively overblown because he was literally the only person to go on record being annoyed about a parody. He got over it and he and Al are cool now.

Fun fact, the only artist who was kinda legendary for -repeatedly- refusing to allow a parody was Prince.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@uncalled4 Right because McCartney is vegetarian. LAME.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@CountScrofula That was my understanding, yes.
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ReneeT · 61-69, M
Stevie Wonder has created some very classic music that has stood the test of time.
ReneeT · 61-69, M
@bijouxbroussard I can imagine that most of the music that has been popular over the last 20 years will not be around in another 20.
@ReneeT Same here. For every artist whose music is being "sampled" 50-70 years later, there are so many others who were only popular back then. And I strongly suspect those doing the sampling of original music will have their 15 minutes and then vanish, as well.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@bijouxbroussard I think "sampling" - mixing random quotes and synthetic rhythm tracks to create purely-ephemeral material - is cheating, by people unable to create anything original for themselves, and usually ignores credits and royalties to the original composers and performers.

Covers, though, are a different matter and provided it respects the work is the best way to keep music alive long after its first appearance - even centuries after its composers' lives.

Kept alive in unexpected ways sometimes. Many of us will have heard various orchestral or brass-band arrangements of Beatles or Kinks melodies, but I switched on my radio one day just inside a "classical" string quartet piece. After a few bars, I thought the tune sounded like Led Zeppelin's Stairway To Heaven, and that, "Oh, so that's where Page & Co. found the melody!" Then the cadenza started. Eh? That does not sound like Haydn or Mozart, nor even a Romantic-era piece! It was indeed Led Zeppelin's Stairway To Heaven, the presenter afterwards telling us the chamber-music quartet (sorry, I forget its name) having recorded a note-by-note transcription to violins, guitar solo and all, as a 70th Birthday present to Jimmy Page!

Yet I think it's always been the case that only some music survives. For all that is still known from Mediaeval to present time there must be a lot that has gone for ever. A lot of that perhaps did deserve to sink without trace, but with it must have been much still worth playing.

Very occasionally something pops up as a fading manuscript found in some attic or museum, and enjoys a new life! Or a composer who never made the Big Time in his her own era, becomes recognised by later generations.
Stevie wonder music will stay forever .. beautiful music … Even Amish can’t ruin it .. 😂😂
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
I love Yankovic.

The mash up between the Beverly Hillbillies and Dire Straits was also a classic.

caPnAhab · 26-30, M
That's sort of ironic, isn't it?

To me, the original might as well be Weird Al's, that's just a lot of his parodies are to me.

But it's good to discover there was one even before Coolio. I like Stevie Wonder
Gangsta’s Paradise never gets old.
bookerdana · M
But it was McCartney who wouldn't let the songs be produced
FunnyBuddy · 51-55, M
LOL, you just can't be Weird Al when it comes to song parodies! :)
Burnley123 · 41-45, M

This is a great parody vid
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
I have to get you a copy of the Stevie stuff I had transferred over at Sony Music in 2007 right before it closed. Early versions of a few tracks from Songs In The Key of Life, few tracks I think unreleased anywhere(but I'm not a Stevie W expert).

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