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Just so we're clear like in the scientific community there's a point where essentially the wholle community is convinced of something

and they stop debating an issue and it's considered settled science.

Well for me and when it comes to Feminist what's going on is that I've decided ultimately not to contest the notion that Toxic masculinity is real and just concede the point.

This isn't up for debate from my vantage point, that toxic masculinity is real is settled science. If you disagree you're not really disagreing, you're just denying the power of the evidence that's already been displayed and continues to be in abundance.

So you're in denial, not really "Skeptical."

So me and women feminist are now left only with a debate about how widespread systematic and howw destructive toxic masculinity has really been and my contention is that it's litterally killing men.

Which is why men can be feminist too, because the old debate was that what women have to deal with is not part of our daily existence and so we'll forget we will never fight as heavily as women will but..

The truth is women's liberation is human liberation because women are people too.

And you can't set one set free without ultimately setting the other one even if by accident.

A Feminist world is also one in which our emotions are not policed and not expected to be either angry and horny where people like me are rewarded for being poets instead of punished and laughed at

believe me when I say this though from my vantage point it's imperative that we build that because the alternative is death.

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