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That is why I am waiting until it's safer. [I Have to Say Something]

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Northwest · M
Here's the actual data:

The screen shot you have in this post, comes from this site:

And they actually use a single slide from the link I provided here. It is quoted incorrectly. The Defense web site is not only inaccurate, it's also misleading in a very dangerous way.

Look at page 36 specifically:

▪ Among 1.3 million LTCF residents (2M x 65%) vaccinated over the 29-
day risk period (December 21-January 18)
– Expect 11,440 deaths among LTCF residents (= 286,000*4%)
following vaccination
▪ By comparison, VAERS received 129 reports of deaths following COVID19 vaccination in LTCF residents through January 18, 2021
▪ Mortality in LTCF residents is high and substantial numbers of deaths in
this population will occur following vaccination as temporally associated coincidental events

So much misinformation in this thread, this comment for instance:


I would think people would be better off not taking it unless they had covid and were trying to cure it.

You CANNOT cure Covid by taking the vaccine. The vaccine is not a remedy, it is a vaccine. If you're infected, it's too late to take the vaccine.

It is likely that people will suffer some minor symptoms following shot 1. This is normal, but these are minor symptoms typically. Read the report. They also last only for a few hours. Similar to what some people may experience following a Flu vaccine shot.

The second shot is going to produce a light fever and some aches. This lasts for a few hours only. It means that the vaccine is working.

Here's what might happen if someone gets the actual virus and gets infected:

- Hospitalization, leading to possible death.
- Severe illness, hallucinations.
- One or multiple organ failures.
- Possible amputations.
- Long term, a year so far, severe symptoms.
- Potential brain damage.

For the lucky few, it's 2-3 weeks of extreme misery, with hallucinations, and severe cough, pneumonia.

Obviously people should be making their decisions, but these decisions should be based on facts, not misinformation.
Smart23 · 51-55, F
@Northwest I know several people that have had serious side effects from the COVID vaccines and side effects from the COVID vaccines have lasted over 5 months so far and they still have side effects all because of the mRNAs COVID vaccines.
Northwest · M
@Smart23 Scroll up the thread, to your Oct 18 comment. You already said that.
Smart23 · 51-55, F
@Northwest I know over 14 people that have gotten serious side effects from the mRNAs COVID vaccines and side effects lasted over 8 months. A couple of them still have side effects. So yes it is common for some people to have long term side effects from the mRNAs COVID vaccines.
R5000 · 41-45, M
And over 3000 are dying per day in the US that are not vaccinated. Not good logic not to take it
@Smart23 That's possible. It may well be that your doctor does not recommend you personally taking the vaccine if you have underlying conditions, and for that I'm sorry.

However, for the population at large, the chances of dying from an adverse reaction to the vaccine are 1 in several hundred thousand. Would you take those odds on a horse? No.
Smart23 · 51-55, F
@SW-User Wrong hundreds of thousands of people have had serious side effects from the COVID vaccines.
Remember allergic reactions and side effects are different.
Several family members and friends had serious side effects from the COVID vaccines.
Yes my doctor said that side effects are more common than people think.
@Smart23 Well, I could show you independently compiled statistics from my country (UK) showing that:

Just under 53 million people have received at least one vaccine dose.

There were just under 27,000 cases of either moderate or serious side effects.

And less than 300 people have died within 24 hours of taking the vaccine (although this number is likely to be an overestimation).

However, I get the feeling you are not one to believe statistics unless they support your particular beliefs, so we'll leave this conversation here :)
Tython · 31-35, M
This doesn't say the vaccines were the cause.
Smart23 · 51-55, F
@Tython yes,it does vaccine adverse effects means from the vaccine.
Tython · 31-35, M
@Smart23 That's the name of the source of the information.
Poppies · 61-69, F
@Smart23 @Tython I think an adverse event is anything that a patient reports. I don't think that it has to be vetted in order to be counted.
Punches · 46-50, F
I figured they would try to hide any adverse effects of the vaccine.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
However, we also know, from the trials and early experience with COVID-19 vaccine administration, that the vaccines have high rates of temporary and unpleasant—but not dangerous—side effects. The vaccines cause sore arms at high rates, and they can cause swelling, mild fevers, fatigue, and aches.
Which is the same as getting infected by covid.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@Punches if you work around people then you are going to get infected eventually.
Punches · 46-50, F
@MartinTheFirst If it happens it happens.
Smart23 · 51-55, F
@MartinTheFirst I know several people that have had serious side effects from the COVID vaccines and they still have side effects from their second mRNAs COVID vaccines that they had over 5 months ago.
acpguy · C
Our neighbor died after the second dose of the vaccine and he was old and out of shape, he did not have Chinese flu but did have a bad case of fat ass. I doubt if the liberals will list his death from Chinese flu vaccine however.
acpguy · C
Try looking up and see how many died from the Spanish flu, HIV, normal flu. The ding dong liberals have been claiming deaths that were from natural causes and if you study the age and health of those dying you would find that they were ready to die from old age, health related issues like diabetes and fat ass over eating obese lazy asses.
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
This might also be why you’re a moron
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Smart23 · 51-55, F
@JoeyFoxx I only report the facts. I just you don't like the facts.
This message was deleted by the author of the main post.

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